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I am completley bored with the green movement (or rather the way it is portrayed). I am concerned by killers and rapists on the street, taxes increasing despite the population growing (where are the economies of scale?), councillors earning £100,000 +per year for doing very little, speed bumps and 20mph limits being introduced, but not enforced, making a mockery of speed limits and laws in general! I could go on. Am I alone?

2007-03-11 11:51:54 · 20 answers · asked by D 5 in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

No our leaders are not that stupid, they know damn well that CO2 emissions and human activities have nothing whatsoever to do with our weather.

Our weather is controlled by solar radiation from the sun.

But climate change is big business and gives them a chance to increse their power over us, while making a fast buck on the side.

Our politicians are thieves practising a criminal deception by imposing taxes and measure that they know will not affect climate change one iota.

Global warming is a lie.

2007-03-11 12:16:36 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

I do believe that the UK is almost at the red line, now the tory party has also made itself unelectable with Cameron jumping into the lets tax the airline more arena which is just another way of taxing us poor bloody citizens.
Tell me who to vote for as a life long tory I do not fancy Brown and his boys nor am I crass enough to do BNP as I do not really hate anyone who lives within our laws and appreciates our culture.
Every week now we are being heaped with more idea's on how to rip the people off a bit or a lot more and none of this cash makes our planet a better place, all this cash for global warming we are coughing up where is it going, how can you give a few quid to a cloud or bribe an iceburg not to melt.
We all know there is a problem but ideas can be developed that the world would go for that did not mean more tax.
Here is an easy one ban all traditional lightbulbs and then everyone will have to buy energy saving ones, did not old Tony say the other day if we all did this that it would equate to taking a couple of million cars off our roads.
That idea makes sence and won't cripple us, why can't a polititian think that one up?

2007-03-11 12:32:24 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Unfortunately, many people actually ARE that stupid. *EDIT* Except after writing this, I read the other answers and was greatly heartened that people are not being taken in so readily by the Global Warming Scam! :D

What effect will taxing the people of the UK have on global warming?

Well, when the UK's man-made emmisions are something like 2% of the global man made emmisions od CO2. And man made emmisions are something like 0.7% of the global CO2 emmisions (the vast oceans, volcanoes, rotting vegitations etc etc all create far more CO2 than man) and UK booked flights are something like 5% of the UK emmisions. then this tax might reduce air travel slightly.

This will have a completely insignificant effect on CO2 levels.

Of all the greenhouse gasses, CO2 is a poor greenhouse gas and only makes up a tiny percentage of our athmosphere anyway. Humanity is having a negligable effect on the amount of CO2 in the athmosphere and therefore the whole anthropogenic global warming idea is a big cash cow scam.

The IPCC report was not the work of 2500 of the worlds best scientists, in fact many of the scientists named in the report have taken legal action to remove their names because they say that their input has been manipulated, distorted or ignored when it did not fit the politically motivated solutions.

Why are some scientists so sure and claim with certainty that man-made global warming is real and is happening now?

What action did the UN take when scientists where vocally claiming that global warming MIGHT happen? Nothing!

Without scientific certainty, there will be no political certainty, and without that, there will be no funding, no action and the environmental activists will have NO POWER!

We have a wild coalition of the global corporate elite who wish to deny the developing world the technology and ability to compete in globalisation, and the anti-capitalist left hoping to put a brake on globalisation altogether.

I wonder what excuse they will come up with when the global temperatures start going down again in the next 10-20 years?

The fact is, there is NOTHING extraordinary about the current climate and taxing people more in the UK will not change the global climate AT ALL.

2007-03-11 21:58:26 · answer #3 · answered by kenhallonthenet 5 · 0 0

They are not stupid. Do you have an idea how many pay rises they have had in the last ten years. And Expenses too? How exactly is a tax going to reduce gases? The money is just for the whorehouses. Look at it like this - a plane carries 350 people to NY City say, and there is a green tax of X amount, (it is supposed to deter people from flying, right?) and lets assume that it does deter say 100 people. The Plane still flies to NY carrying 250 and belching the same amount of gas. You may quibble with the figures but it is essentially correct

2007-03-11 13:18:22 · answer #4 · answered by K. Marx iii 5 · 0 0

Nothing that we do, even the increased tax on air travel, is going to make any difference. Global warming is a natural occurrence and there is nothing we can do to stop it. Governments around the world are just looking for more ways to tax the people and make their lives difficult.

Most members of the House of Commons are qualified lawyers - what the hell do they know about science? All they know is how to tell lies convincingly. I'll give the politicians that. They are the world's best con artists.

While we're all yelling at each other about Global warming, major issues such as world poverty get shoved into the background or simply kicked into the long grass to be ignored and forgotten.

2007-03-11 21:16:13 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i lost complete faith in anything political a lot of years ago.
i believe it was during the time of a certain ms thatcher (spit).
there she was putting a cap on wage rises after she finished the miners. 5% was the figure if i remember rightly.
i am 100% sure that nurses fireman etc were graciously allowed a 1% pay rise.
the government then voted to give itself a 35% pay rise and drop the pensioners xmas bonus ( i think they failed to stop the bonus)
over the years since i keep reading of the cash they get for attending the 'house', most of them dont bother to go, they just jot it down and claim....politicians?
get the monster raving loony party in

2007-03-11 20:29:51 · answer #6 · answered by safcian 4 · 0 0

No it might not save the planet , but it's a good earner. The puplic are being Muged by the Govenment. Do they wear hoodies, and is Gorden Brown from Nottingham ?

2007-03-11 15:06:14 · answer #7 · answered by Stephen A 4 · 0 0

Yes and no... they are pandering to the Eco-Freaks... the tax is as worthless as the extra weeks of Daylight Savings Time will be. All smoke and mirrors... no substance.... But then the whole Global Climate Change nonsense is all Smoke & Mirrors so I suppose one needs smoke & mirror efforts to solve the problem.

2007-03-11 12:23:37 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If everyone focused less on the problems we have (or "problems" that really don't matter) and focused more on the solutions, we could live in a better world. The problem is that people are resistant to unifying. If we all worked toward a common goal, it could be done.

2007-03-11 11:57:19 · answer #9 · answered by Comy 2 · 0 0

Doubt it. I doubt much will go in to any green project. I doubt even 50% of the money the Government gets from Road Tax and taxes of petrol/fuel gets rechannelled back in to maintaining and improving our road system.

2007-03-11 11:59:50 · answer #10 · answered by Narky 5 · 0 0

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