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I am due to be indueced next week and I was wondering what the contractions were like. I know that people say that when you are induced that the contractions come faster and stronger, but I would like to hear from some other people. I am nervous because this is my first baby and I hope everything goes well.

Good or Bad stories.. I just want the truth!
Thank You!

2007-03-11 11:42:01 · 15 answers · asked by ProudMommy_1 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

15 answers

I was induced with Pitocin with my son 10 years ago. The labor is harder & stronger than natural. I had to be induced as I was 9 days overdue by then.

I had to arrive at the hospital at 6 am & the doctor was so busy, he didn't get in to connect me to the Pitocin until 7:45am. He delivered 3 babies before he saw me & had to leave to deliver a 4th before I was connected (a nurse put the Pitocin in finally because he was taking longer with the other patient).

I was told I'd have to labor in the bed. I refused & dragged my IV pole along with me as I waddled down the hallway. Of course, I had to stop when a labor pain would hit. I was threatened with soft restaints because I'd unhook the fetal monitor before my walks. I demanded to see the hospital administrator as well as the RN supervisor. I told them both I was NOT about to labor in bed because I was being induced. So they asked me to please sign a paper that stated that I'd call for a nurse before going on a walk again. I happily signed & had an RN, LVN or CNA by my side every time. A few times, it was a hospital volunteer (aka candy striper) because all the available staff were busy. Those walks were shorter but I got out of that bed!

I also sat in the shower almost as often as I was up walking. The bathroom was large & connected 2 rooms. The shower was larger than normal; 2 obese people (about 300 lbs each) could fit & still have room! I was brought a special bath chair to sit on. It was actually an oversized portable potty & the hole in the middle helped with the labor pains, allowing gravity to do most of the work.

At one point, my contractions were so intense that the machine would read ERR. It wasn't picking up my contractions properly. I laugh now that I broke it! Just after lunch, my brother was in the room, watching the monitors & said "Hey Sis, you're having a contraction". I said "NO, really?!" & threw the tabletop fan at his head. He ducked in the nick of time, then made a speedy exit with my grandpa. They both wisely stayed out of my room after that. I was brought a new fan too.

Just after dinnertime, I was becoming quite exhausted. So I agreed to stay put in bed to finish my labor. I really didn't have the energy to argue at that point. An internal monitor was put on the baby at that point. For some reason, it had to be put in DURING a contraction. I screamed & cried while the doctor put it into place. I called him a sadistic bastard as he left. He blew me a kiss from the safety of the door.

Just before 10pm, I was ready to start pushing. Oxygen nasal cannula was put on me as I was having a hard time breathing. Almost 90 minutes passed & NO headway was made. I could feel the baby doing the yo-yo effect inside me & asked for the vacuum extractor. I was ignored. The doctor came in to examine me & immediately yelled at the nurse to get out. He demanded a new nurse for me & one came in immediately.

Drapes were put in place; my legs went into stirrups, the bottom of the bed dropped down & I was ready to push. My baby's shoulder was stuck & the doctor said he had to cut me. I felt 2 small stings from the shots & was later told I'd gotten 2 more that I never felt. Once the perrenium was cut, out came my baby.

I was trying to hear what was being said but 2 nurses were trying to get me to deliver the placenta. They ended up putting their hands on my belly to push it out as I had NO strength left to do it myself. The next thing I heard was "Respitory Team to LDR STAT. Respitory Team to LDR STAT." I thought some poor woman's baby wasn't breathing. Lo & behold they came into MY room.

I asked several times if I had a boy or girl. I was ignored. Finally, I heard that the Respitory team was taking my baby to the NICU. "I WANT TO SEE MY BABY NOW YOU *******!" The room went silent & one of the nurses brought over my baby all wrapped up. I kissed its forehead & it was whisked away. Another nurse put something into my IV to calm me & I went to sleep.

I woke up to the excruciating pain of my doctor stitching up my episiotomy. "Be glad my legs are still in the stirrups or I'd kick you a good one, doc!" I shouted at him more than once. I felt every single stitch, especially since I knew the shots had long worn off.

A nurse got me out of bed to pee. I arched a dubious eyebrow at her but shuffled to the bathroom anyways. I couldn't sit on the potty without more excruciating pain so she helped me into the shower. I guess I peed because she clapped her hands twice real fast & handed me a towel to dry off. She helped me into a wheelchair & we headed for the NICU.

It was in the NICU that I FINALLY learned I'd had a son. He weighed 9lbs, 2oz & was 21.5 in long. I looked at the scrawny newborn in the bed & thought he weighs 9lbs in his big old head! I wasn't allowed to hold him. I was dozing off trying to calm him down & the nurses wanted me to wait until I'd rested more. I got to hold him at 8:20am the following morning.

My son spent 3 days in the NICU for breathing problems & 24 hours in the regular nursery before coming home.

He's now 10, has no asthma or other breathing issues. No allergies either like I do, thank goodness.

2007-03-11 12:24:39 · answer #1 · answered by Belle 6 · 0 0

I agree with shrty 052, I have 5 kids and was induced with 4 of them, the one I had without induction was a breeze compared to the induction. I will try and explain why it is easier without induction. When you are induced your body goes straight into long hard contractions, in the begining your cervix is softening, pulling back and opening, this is called dilation and effacement, during a non induced labour your body does this with very mild contractions that often have no pain other than some lower back pain or crampy period like pain. this is also the first stage of labour, It is not always the case though , some women have very long and painful non induced labours too. I, however would never opt to have an inducement unless medically neccessary and neither would any other women I know that have been induced. My induced labours lasted between 6 and 10 hours and my one non induced labour was recorded as 42 minutes. I would also opt for an epidural with an induction. After saying all that you may have a really easy time and find it not too bad at all. We are all different and one womans experience may be totally different to another . good luck

2007-03-11 12:08:20 · answer #2 · answered by chrislong1966 3 · 0 0

Here's the truth on my behalf. I was induced with both of my babies, and I'm now pregnant with my 3rd, and labor induction will not be an option this time. Sure, it's convenient and it can make the labor go faster. It was very painful with my daugher (she's my firstborn). The needle they stuck in my hand was almost worse than some of the contractions. They give you Pitocin via an IV which is used to start the contraction process. I was also given an epidural two times, and neither one worked! I felt everything, and basically had no painkillers besides what they managed to slip through my IV at the last minute. I remember screaming most of my through, as I had not attended any birth classes (I was 19.) Labor Induction is basically forcing your body to go into labor, and I would not recommend it to anyone especially with the first as your cervix has never been stretched before. I hope everything goes well with you. Oh, it was much easier the second time as I tried the epidural again and it actually worked with my son. Congratulations on your new little blessing. God bless

2007-03-11 11:56:29 · answer #3 · answered by madisons_mommy520 2 · 0 0

Well u are pretty right...With my first pregnancy I was induced using pitocin..it was in pill form and them inserted it into my cervix to get it to dialate.. I remember feeling the contractions within 30 minutes and oh were they horrible,it is not the most pleasant thing at all. The contractions got worse and worse within the hours. They ended up breaking my water also which after that it was excruciating..i am not saying this to scare u but im telling u the truth so u can be prepared *anyone that tells u it doesnt hurt is not telling the truth* its normal to have this pain,means your body is doing what its supposed to,to help the baby out into this world. I got the epidural at 6 centimeters and wow i was laughing,talking,eating *just a little* and having a good ol time,epidural is the best,,go for it!!!Good luck and u can do it!!!

2007-03-11 12:31:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


With my first son I had a seziure so they had to induce me and honestly I dont remember anything =)..

With my third I was induced and my contractions came normally as the nurse said it didnt come fast like I wanted. Only draw back about being induced is the meds make you all loopey and you have to pee like every 5 min you get really dizzy...

With my fourth I was induced and WOW that went like this in at 5:00am iv and induce meds in at 5:30am and hard labor hard pains for 4 hrs and then BAHM in a total time of 15 min he was delivered and wrapped up in my arms, it was SOOO fast...

It will be ok some people take a while being induced my sil took her 12 hrs and then baby came so people are alot faster. It just depends on your baby and you. All I can recommend is gravity is your friend when induced walk, sit straight up , if you can use the birthing ball do so it will bring it on way faster.

Good Luck to ya..

2007-03-11 11:48:45 · answer #5 · answered by Alexis221 4 · 0 0

I was induced at 34 weeks with my daughter because of preeclampsia. I never really felt the contractions untill I was around 6cm.. Within 30mins of them checking me at 6cm. I was pushing and delivered my daughter within 5 minutes.. My whole experience was fast and not really all the painfull after the fact, but during that was a different story.. The contractions that I did get the plessures of feeling hurt so bad I cried with each one.. I had my daughter natural with an induction.. But every person is different. Some women can handle it with no problem.. Best of Luck and Congratulations...

2007-03-11 12:46:56 · answer #6 · answered by auntietawnie 4 · 0 0

Well it is true about the contractions being stronger but I was able to get my epidural early and it made things so much easier. I am going to admit to being a major whimp and the nurse was nice enough to check me and say I was 4 cm to get the epi sooner. Demerol only worked for about 30 mins on me. They come in about every 30 mins to 45 mins to make me push during my contractions to get the baby to come down. I went in the night before to be monitored and they woke me up at 5am to get me prepared, enema, walked around about 10 mins, back in bed start the IV and I would say that was about 6:30ish. The medicine started to take full effect on me about 10:30am and it was getting to the point I was very uncomfortable, so this is when the nurse gave me some Demerol and it worked til about 11am and then she checked me I was only at 2cm, but she stretched me to 3cm and told the anesthesiologist I was at 4 cm and got my epidural. After that I was telling anyone and everyone I got an epidural and they were all laughing at me.. cause it was just awesome how the pain went away. I delivered my son at 4:31 pm with the help of forceps.. but he came out fine and so did I. Good luck.

2007-03-11 12:01:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I would not be induced unless it's medically necessary....I was induced in 3 of my 4 pregnancies - and that one I wasn't was the best of my labors - even shorter than being induced.

Unfortunately due to pre-eclampsia I had to be induced twice - and due to the other meds I was in labor for about 24 hours with my FOURTH.

I've heard the cyto something they put in vaginally helps soften the cervix and stuff - I would make sure they use that also - as they didn't with any of mine and I wonder how that would have helped....

Good luck...

2007-03-11 11:47:51 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi,I probly won't b of much help.Cuz,mine was under special circumstances.W/my 1st child,I was in labor 4 about 2 wks.They pretty much gave me drugs 2 hold it off 4 all that time til the end.Cuz,he was a very early preemie..But,after holding off labor 4 2 wks,Dominque started going in2 stress.He was also breach.So,they gave me an epideral.Then,they induced me.About all I can tell u is that it went very quicke after that.I wish u & yur baby the best of luck & health.&,congrats!!!Just relax & don't worry.It'll all b ok!*

2007-03-11 11:56:18 · answer #9 · answered by Joyful 3 · 0 0

its faster.. i was induced with both of my kids, Labor is not fun..lol.. but its doable... your will be amazed how strong your body actually is. BTW... if i was you get and epidural!! They are awesome!!
I had one with both of my kids... I went in at 6am.. I got my epidural at 8am then I just slept through the whole thing.. i woke up about 3pm and twenty minutes later my baby girl was born.
With my second baby I was not as lucky. lol The epidural didn't work .. so I felt the whole thing! Plus he was a pretty big baby (almost 9lbs).

2007-03-11 11:45:06 · answer #10 · answered by ♥cutemamma♥ 6 · 0 0

A vulnerable Tansy Tea grew to become into used to set off labor by technique of midwives previous to the provision of widely used drugs. There are different herbs that still wee used to start contractions as long as they have been used sparingly. those are an analogous herbs hat have been used to set off spontaneous abortions, to boot in user-friendly terms for such purposes the dosage grew to become into severely better and better. Brightest advantages, Raji the eco-friendly Witch

2016-09-30 13:05:37 · answer #11 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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