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2007-03-11 09:51:44 · 8 answers · asked by impeachbushnoww 1 in Politics & Government Politics

8 answers

"As a member of the House Intelligence Committee, I am keenly aware that the proliferation of chemical and biological weapons is an issue of grave importance to all nations. Saddam Hussein has been engaged in the development of weapons of mass destruction technology which is a threat to countries in the region and he has made a mockery of the weapons inspection process."

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (Democrat, California)
Statement on US Led Military Strike Against Iraq
December 16, 1998

Saddam Hussein certainly has chemical and biological weapons. There's no question about that."

Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (Democrat, California)
During an interview on "Meet The Press"
November 17, 2002
"Every nation has to either be with us, or against us. Those who harbor terrorists, or who finance them, are going to pay a price."

Senator Hillary Clinton (Democrat, New York)
September 13, 2001

"In the next century, the community of nations may see more and more the very kind of threat Iraq poses now -- a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction ready to use them or provide them to terrorists, drug traffickers or organized criminals who travel the world among us unnoticed.

If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow by the knowledge that they can act with impunity, even in the face of a clear message from the United Nations Security Council and clear evidence of a weapons of mass destruction program."

President Clinton
Address to Joint Chiefs of Staff and Pentagon staff
February 17, 1998

"There's no question that Saddam Hussein is a threat to the United States and to our allies.

If Saddam persists in thumbing his nose at the inspectors, then we're clearly going to have to do something about it."

Howard Dean, Democratic Presidential Candidate
During an interview on "Face The Nation"
September 29, 2002

"We stopped the fighting [in 1991] on an agreement that Iraq would take steps to assure the world that it would not engage in further aggression and that it would destroy its weapons of mass destruction. It has refused to take those steps. That refusal constitutes a breach of the armistice which renders it void and justifies resumption of the armed conflict."

Senator Harry Reid (Democrat, Nevada)
Addressing the US Senate
October 9, 2002
Congressional Record, p. S10145
"It is the duty of any president, in the final analysis, to defend this nation and dispel the security threat. Saddam Hussein has brought military action upon himself by refusing for 12 years to comply with the mandates of the United Nations. The brave and capable men and women of our armed forces and those who are with us will quickly, I know, remove him once and for all as a threat to his neighbors, to the world, and to his own people, and I support their doing so."

Senator John Kerry (Democrat, Massachusetts)
Statement on eve of military strikes against Iraq
March 17, 2003
Senator John Edwards, when asked about "Axis of Evil" countries Iran, Iraq, and North Korea:

"I mean, we have three different countries that, while they all present serious problems for the United States -- they're dictatorships, they're involved in the development and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction -- you know, the most imminent, clear and present threat to our country is not the same from those three countries. I think Iraq is the most serious and imminent threat to our country."

Senator John Edwards (Democrat, North Carolina)
During an interview on CNN's "Late Edition"
February 24, 2002
"There is no doubt that Saddam Hussein's regime is a serious danger, that he is a tyrant, and that his pursuit of lethal weapons of mass destruction cannot be tolerated. He must be disarmed."

Senator Edward Kennedy (Democrat, Massachusetts)
Speech at Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
September 27, 2002
"Without question, we need to disarm Saddam Hussein. He is a brutal, murderous dictator, leading an oppressive regime. We all know the litany of his offenses. He presents a particularly grievous threat because he is so consistently prone to miscalculation. He miscalculated an eight-year war with Iran. He miscalculated the invasion of Kuwait. He miscalculated America's response to that act of naked aggression. He miscalculated the result of setting oil rigs on fire. He miscalculated the impact of sending scuds into Israel and trying to assassinate an American President. He miscalculated his own military strength. He miscalculated the Arab world's response to his misconduct. And now he is miscalculating America's response to his continued deceit and his consistent grasp for weapons of mass destruction. That is why the world, through the United Nations Security Council, has spoken with one voice, demanding that Iraq disclose its weapons programs and disarm.

So the threat of Saddam Hussein with weapons of mass destruction is real, but it is not new. It has been with us since the end of the Persian Gulf War.

In U.N. Security Council Resolution 1441, the United Nations has now affirmed that Saddam Hussein must disarm or face the most serious consequences. Let me make it clear that the burden is resoundingly on Saddam Hussein to live up to the ceasefire agreement he signed and make clear to the world how he disposed of weapons he previously admitted to possessing."

Senator John Kerry (Democrat, Massachusetts)
Speech at Georgetown University
January 23, 2003
"Iraq is a long way from Ohio, but what happens there matters a great deal here. For the risks that the leaders of a rogue state will use nuclear, chemical or biological weapons against us or our allies is the greatest security threat we face."

Madeleine Albright, President Clinton's Secretary of State
Town Hall Meeting on Iraq at Ohio State University
February 18, 1998

2007-03-11 10:13:42 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You know its not even necessarily that the WMD info was wrong. For all we know it is buried ina secret location or in another country like syria. Satelitte information revealed that the places the UN was going to inspect would have a high volume of traffic including large freight trucks leaving the facilities the day before weapons inspectors would tour the site. It is quite possible that these trucks housed WMD's that Saddam didnt want seized or destroyed. Given the mobility if his project, it is very possible they are in another location as we speak waiting to be used against either people in the region, the US, or Europe.

The local govt failed Lousiana, not Bush. You dont see Mississippi having problems evacuating or rebuilding do you?

2007-03-11 10:21:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Ahhh...and now the spin begins to get Hillary out of the corner she has painted herself into on the war.

Wait a minute, you can change your slogan from "Bush lied, people died" to "Bush is incompetent, Hillary's omnipotent."

It has a nice ring, don't you think!

2007-03-11 10:04:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The difference is Bush was involved in creating the bad info.

Read the transcripts of the CIA men that testified before the Senate.

Go big Red Go

2007-03-11 09:55:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Bush was going to invade Iraq regardless of the info he received, his mind was set to remove Sadaam Hussein and he did it and didnt give a **** who was against it..It was a personal vendeta between Hussein and GW Bush Sr. and Jr. finished it up..

2007-03-11 10:01:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

the generally accepted assumption is that the bush admin got intelligence on wmd's and altered them to increase the impact and threat of wmd's.

so, it's not really true that bush and cheney got the same intel that everyone else got.

bush and cheney got the real intel and changed it so that it would to the conclusions that they wanted so that they could go to war.

2007-03-11 09:55:13 · answer #6 · answered by nostradamus02012 7 · 1 1

If Bush got bad info...why is he the incompetent one????

2007-03-11 09:54:28 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

You are right about that.

2007-03-11 09:55:49 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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