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11 answers

The difference between A FAIRY and A NYMPH are -

FAIRY - While the term fairy goes back only to the Middle Ages in Europe, analogues to these beings in varying forms appear in both written and oral literature, from the Sanskrit gandharva (semidivine celestial musicians) to the nymphs of Greek mythology and Homer, the jinni of Arabic mythology, and similar folk characters of the Samoans, of the Arctic peoples, and of other indigenous Americans. The common modern depiction of fairies in children's stories represents a bowdlerization of what was once a serious and even sinister folkloric tradition. The fairies of the past were feared as dangerous and powerful beings who were sometimes friendly to humans but could also be cruel or mischievous.

NYMPH - in Greek mythology, any of a large class of inferior female divinities. The nymphs were usually associated with fertile, growing things, such as trees, or with water. They were not immortal but were extremely long-lived and were on the whole kindly disposed toward men. They were distinguished according to the sphere of nature with which they were connected. The Oceanids, for example, were sea nymphs; the Nereids inhabited both saltwater and freshwater; the Naiads presided over springs, rivers, and lakes. The Oreads (oros, “mountain”) were nymphs of mountains and grottoes; the Napaeae (nape, “dell”) and the Alseids (alsos, “grove”) were nymphs of glens and groves; the Dryads or Hamadryads presided over forests and trees.

2007-03-11 18:12:09 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Nymphs are from Ancient Greek mythology. They are associated with specific objects: a tree, a river, a spring, etc. They think and live differently than humans but have been known to breed with humans and gods.Many people still believe in nymphs and there cousins the elementals.

On the surface, fairies may seem very similar, but actually they are quite different. Actual accounts of The Fair Folk are very different than the modern image of them from fantasy stories and movies.
There were many magical peoples that lived in the British Isles before being chased into hiding by the invasion of continental humans. The most well known were the Tuath de Dannon (now commonly known as elves). When they lost the war, most of them "sailed across the sea" or went underground.
First hand accounts describe them as being about the same stature as humans but able to disguise themselves with glamor to appear larger or smaller. Meetings with elves, fairies, and leprechauns were documented well into the beginning of the 20th century, but there are almost no accounts after WWII.

Some people have even suggested that "flying saucers" are actually fairy technology. They are the equivalent of flying fairy mounds.

2007-03-11 09:24:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Nymph or Fairy surely. the adaptation, btw, is that Nymphs are spirits of nature, guardians of timber, water sources like rivers and streams. There may well be mountain nymphs, tree nymphs, water nymphs... Fairies are greater like those magical creatures with wings, definite, and don't inevitably could be tied all the way down to a minimum of one specific function. exceedingly for a author, fairies may well be greater versatile. Nymphs, on the different hand, often incorporate a parent function and are not continuously magical.

2017-01-04 07:34:41 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

One of my favorite topics to discuss!

Let's go with first "The Nymph", What is a nymph. Nymph comes from the Greek mythology. Nymph's are any large class of female entities, either bound to a particular location or landform or joining of a god.Such as Dionysus,Hermes, or Pan. Or a goddess such as Artemus. Nymphs were the frequent target of lusty Satyrs. Nymphs lived in or around mountains, groves, springs and rivers and sometimes in valley's. There are three classifications or guide for Nymphs.
Land nymphs,water nymphs and wood nymphs.
What is a faerie?: Now faerie comes from the latin word meaning "fate",(fata) or (faerie) or (fairy). They are a "host" of supernatural beings or entities (spirits) who occupy limbo between earth and heaven (guiley). Faeries could either be "good or evil" creatures, and at various points in history, confused for witches or demons. Another definition..spirits that were bewitched or enchanted.
The difference between the two is simple..nymphs were of the female origin and faeries could be male or female in origin. Hope this has helped.

2007-03-11 10:18:18 · answer #4 · answered by shuggabhugga05 4 · 0 0

A fairy (also faery, faerie, or fae; collectively wee folk, good folk, people of peace and other euphemisms)[1] is a spirit or supernatural being that is found in the legends, folklore, and mythology of many cultures.
Fairies are generally described as human in appearance, though of variable size, and with magical powers. Their origins are less clear in the folklore, being variously the dead, or some form of angels, or a species completely independent of humans or angels.[3] Folklorists have suggested that their actual origin lies in a conquered race living in hiding,[4] or in religious beliefs that lost currency with the advent of Christianity.[5]

In Greek mythology, a nymph is any member of a large class of female nature entities, either bound to a particular location or landform or joining the retinue of a god, such as Dionysus, Hermes, or Pan, or a goddess, generally Artemis.[1] Nymphs were the frequent target of lusty satyrs.

Nymphs live in mountains and groves, by springs and rivers, and in valleys and cool grottoes. They are frequently associated with the superior divinities: the huntress Artemis; the prophetic Apollo; the reveller and god of wine, Dionysus; and rustic gods such as Pan and Hermes.

2007-03-11 09:27:07 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

They have quite a few things in common, but there are some major differences.

They're both semi-divine entities, with a lot more power than humans but not quite as much as gods. Nymphs usually have a god or two as parents, but they're not like the Olympians or Titans. They're mainly bound to a certain place, like a local goddess.

Fairies are somewhat above humans on the divinity scale, but they're not as magical as, say, an elemental or angel (depending on what tradition you're looking at.) They have long life spans, but they can be harmed or driven out of an area by human interference, so they're not invincible. Nymphs are pretty much immortal, but sometimes they get turned into trees or whirlpools or stuff like that, usually to escape sex-crazed gods or satyrs.

Nymphs are often associated with a particular deity, like Artemis and her band of nymphs who go out hunting and frolicking and possibly having girl-on-girl action. At least, that's what the guys hoped for. Some nymphs wound up with good-time Pan or Dionysus, both very lusty, earthy, you-make-me-feel-like -a-natural-woman kinda guys.

Fairies might have, like, the King of the Fairies (Oberon, if you believe A Midsummer Night's Dream, wife Titania), but they aren't usually associated with full gods or goddesses.

Fairies tend to have strong earth magic and are often very naughty, like snitching human babies or tricking people into staying in their mounds for a long time.

Nymphs generally shun human contact and rarely play tricks. Though they can call on their divine parents for help, they generally can't protect themselves very well, and if they have divine powers, they don't use them much on or around humans.

2007-03-11 10:42:01 · answer #6 · answered by SlowClap 6 · 0 0

Or to make it as simple as possible: a fairy is an imaginary being of human form, believed to be magical and a nymph is a mythological semidivine spirit regarded as maiden and associated with aspects of nature..

2007-03-11 10:27:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

fairies fly and nymphs stay on the ground most of the time. It is a very confusing concept if you ask me... nymphs enjoy their time running in between trees while fairies fly through the flowers. It also depends on the type of nymph and the type of fairy. its confusing.

2007-03-11 09:33:10 · answer #8 · answered by Wolfire 1 · 0 0

Faeries and nymphs are both magical elemental beings. Faeries belong to the element of Air. Nymphs are a type of Undine and belong to the element of Water.

Blessed Be )O(

2007-03-11 18:03:14 · answer #9 · answered by Stephen 6 · 0 0

As far as I know as they are portrayed in popular culture, a fairy is a humanoid creature of diminitive size that have wings similar to say..a dragonflies..or butterfly and are very friendly with humans. Nymphs are humanoid creatures of the same size of humans usually portrayed as beautiful woman that are found in natural settings and are extremely shy of human contact.

2007-03-11 18:01:27 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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