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why did people from Germany go along with this?

2007-03-11 08:22:00 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Arts & Humanities History

6 answers

An example of man's inhumanity to humanity. The depth of evil can be promulgated, even in the midst of "good" Germans, and indeed, even by their complicity. The era left a chip on the shoulder of every Jew born since then, similar to the chip American blacks carry over slavery.

2007-03-11 11:07:27 · answer #1 · answered by Its not me Its u 7 · 0 0

Of course you can analyze the legacy of the holocaust. That what the study of history is all about. We analyze history so we can benefit from the wisdom of the past, and avoid the mistakes (and atrocities) made by our predecessors. You have to remember that the Jewish people have a long tradition of being used as scapegoats in bad times. The main difference in this case, is that the atrocities were publicized in the newspapers, movies, and television. Germany was not alone in condoning racism, cultural genocide, and ultimately self destruction. Russia was doing the same thing (much more successfully) at the time under the leadership of Stalin, and the Jewish people in America were not exactly being treated like royalty either.

It's wise to remember that the Jewish people were not the only ones being persecuted. The Romany tribes, (Gypsies) the Roman Catholics, and anyone who was not a member of the Master Race, (White Anglo Saxon and Protestant) got the same treatment as the Jewish People. Don't fool yourself into thinking that this sort of thing doesn't happen anymore either. The Sunnis and Shiites, two tribes within the same religion (Islam) are wiping each other out in Iraq. There is also racial genocide going on every day in South Africa.

As for why the people of Germany went along with it, they were scared? They were lied to? They were told by people that they trusted that there was a specific threat to their well being and they chose to trust these people. There was a general ignorance as to what the Jewish people believed in, and ignorance breeds hate and distrust. The Jewish lifestyle led them into professions such as bankers, moneychangers, and moneylenders, and when times get hard you tend to hate the people who have money or you owe money to. The Jewish people have a strict diet (keeping Kosher) that often precluded them from "breaking bread" with other members of their community. They also believed in marrying within their own people which created some hard feelings. (either people felt that they thought they were better than everyone else, or got their feelings hurt when they felt an attraction for someone they could never have a relationship with) Again, the Jewish people do not have any kind of monopoly with these types of misconceptions, but a combination of these mis-perceptions have worked against them throughout history. I am also not trying to make excuses for anyone, just trying to list some of the factors that may have influenced a country that was suffering from a failed recovery from the First World War, interminable Economic Depression, and an extremely poor self image. They were looking for someone to blame and a failed house painter with a half Jewish background that he wasn't especially proud of, provided it for them.

2007-03-11 15:51:40 · answer #2 · answered by MUDD 7 · 1 0

The legacy of the Holocaust! What a great question. What a strange answer I have. I have been interested in the results for many years and have read about it and learned some facts that are generally not considered when looking at the history and results. America suffers some of the fallout also.
I was born in 1945 so for me the world started during WW2.
Hitler's holocaust is considered to have been primarily against Jews, this is an incorrect assumption. Hitler's holocaust was also directed against conservative Christians also. I was at a Holocaust memorial and read that the Holocaust was also directed at Christians and that Hitler killed 3.1 conservative Christians for every Jew that he slaughtered. The Church had turned against Hitler because of his anti-semitism so Hitler also attacked Christians and he turned against the church as well although because of the many Christians in Germany he did spare many Churches, especially the Roman Catholics, because of their schools and hospitals which he really needed, so he couldn't destroy them. Hitler killed many priests and protastant ministers. Because he so badly ravaged Europe's community of Jews and Christians he altered the demographics of the population. After the war the remaining majority of the population were mostly athiest and/or socialist. Europe was for the first time since the fall of the Roman Empire mostly non Christian. Nazi = Nazional Sozilism
Socialism is actually a religion although they won't admit it. They actually outnumbered Christian and Jews to the point where people of faith were unable to have input into the political process. Hitler rejected the Bible and believed in evolution. He felt Jews were unevolved and that Christians were also unsuited as a master race. His actions were not wrong, because evolution teaches the law of nature, the tooth and claw determine the master race. Islam also acts in a simular manner as they believe they are the master religion and destroying non believers is proper.and correct.
The conciept of the European Union is based on socialist principles. Morally homosexual activity is ok but to condem it, because the Bible does, is morally wrong and can get you time in jail. America has a political party based on the same socialist religion as Europe's. Our Judicary follows National Socialism as well. The seperation of Church and state is part of the former USSR Constitution and was made into law in America by activist judges following the religion of athiestic socialism. Public housing and free health care are also part of the Soviet Union Constitution. Our (US) Constitution recognises God (Article VII says ... in the year of our Lord...) but the socialist Judges won't allow any expression of religion as it offends their religious athiest mentality. The devaluation of life is also another result and part of athiest teaching from the concentration camps of Hitler to the abortion mills of America .
The list goes on forever but you can get the idea if the holocausts legacy to the world.

2007-03-11 16:57:29 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If by "analyze" you mean, come to understand the actions of the German government (and many of its citizens) during those times by identifying and describing events, analysis will take you only part of the way. You need to get into the minds of those who were actually "in" it, whether as perpetrators or victims. Try reading Bernard Schlink's The Reader.

2007-03-12 01:16:06 · answer #4 · answered by Berta 3 · 0 0

The 'people' didn't go along, they had no choice by threat of death. The legacy is that we never let something like this happen again.

2007-03-11 15:29:34 · answer #5 · answered by dtwladyhawk 6 · 1 0

the great depression got germany angry at the allied forces for making germany pay a lot.then hitler came and made them feel good by telling them that they're the best(the aryan race) then he said your nose had to be 1 inch wide, etc to be aryan,if you're not, you're dead.then he started persecuting gays,jews(even though hitlers jewish)e.t.c. thats what the holocuast is

2007-03-11 15:28:35 · answer #6 · answered by alexpodolinsky 2 · 1 0

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