Well, technically yes, just because prejudice literally means judging without knowing, so yes, you do this. However (I am gonna get whomped by my brothers and sisters for this), you are a reasonable and thoughtful person, you are not rude, and you strike me as someone who would never discriminate, which is the problem that grows out of prejudice, so I would say there's not a problem here.
Personally, I think your arguments make little sense, as there is plenty of empirical evidence for homosexuality in animals, not to mention our planet is severely overpopulated with humans, and there is of course, nothing unnatural about two infertile people or a postmenopausal woman being in love. As for evidence of the concept that sex was made to be pleasurable in its own right with no "results," consider the clitoris, a female organ with absolutely no function whatsoever except to feel good.
However, you are a person of reason and very polite, and you can believe whatever you want.
Please ignore the people who will insult you. Someone as reasonable as you are can understand that they are coming from a place of being abused by people who don't like gayness, so they are a little bitter.
2007-03-11 01:54:04
answer #1
answered by Emily H 3
You did explain yourself tactfully, although your reasoning is faulty. Many mammals exhibit homosexual behavior, and human beings have also practiced it throughout history, in cultures that supported it. For that matter, even pedophilia has been accepted as well. Even in america, until recently, wedding a fourteen year old was legal. That might still be true in some states today, I am not sure.
Sometimes, a person cannot produce a child. By your statement, they should not be allowed to marry either.
Your not a bigot, or a gaybasher at all, you present your argument in a compassionate manner. I don't think you are prejudiced, either. What you do have though, is an opinion . And there is nothing wrong with just going with your gut and thinking homosexuality is wrong or unsettling.
2007-03-10 22:35:45
answer #2
answered by bumppo 5
It's okay. I'm gay and I don't think you're prejudice or anything. I think a lot of straight people don't understand why there are gay people to begin with. I'll tell you what I tell people. When I completely understand why I'm gay, I'll let you know the answers. However, it is obvious that we can't procreate, and we're ok with that. There are a lot of straight people that can procreate and choose not to, or can't bare children.
As far as nature, I can't even give you a good fact, because it is so unknown and everyone has different theories. The only fact that I do know is homosexuality has been in existance since the beginning of time, and I know it will continue on forever, or until something happens to this earth.
2007-03-10 22:27:52
answer #3
answered by Jay S 5
I don't think you are a gay-basher; however - that being said, what you say and believe is offensive. If you were to make the same statement and insert the word African American where you put homosexuality you would be accused of being a racist.
Try this instead. I think homosexuality is not a road I would go down; however, I don't care what others do. Simple and straight to the point.
2007-03-10 23:56:09
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Honestly, the question's been answered about a hundred times over, already. Thus, I'm going to give you a pointer. "Brownie Points" if you will.
First of all, I ALMOST thought you were another one of those bigots and skipped the question altogether. However, I did glance and actually liked what I saw. Though you don't agree with homosexuality, you stated your point to the best of your ability and didn't say "all homos are going to HELL". Bravo for that.
I don't think you're another one of those bigots, no. You have an opinion and you've stated it in a non-offensive, neutral manner. Good for you and good subject. Kudos to ya! *wink*
2007-03-10 22:52:24
answer #5
answered by Danielle 2
I can tell ur not homophobic. This is ur opinion. However ur reasoning is wrong. U claim its not natural, but animals have displayed gay tendencies. hell even i once caught my dog humping another male dog.
The thing is, it is very natural. And even more, it is a solution to overpopulation. So instead of people hating it, people should embrace it. It is another natural gift to this world. And love is always right and beautiful, no matter what sexes are involved.
2007-03-10 22:59:13
answer #6
answered by ? 5
at first, nowhere in the Bible does it point out Santa Claus. the story of Saint Nicolas got here nicely after the Bible grew to become into written. to respond to you question, ethical concept in keeping with faith is why some human beings have a concern with gays. I consider you, if 2 human beings of an analogous intercourse decide to marry and be jointly, I have not any concern with it because of the fact it does not result my existence in any respect. regrettably, there are countless non secular people who think of it particularly is cool to impose their morals on everybody else and that they do it in the direction of the government. occasion? California's Prop 8. and that i say this as a Christian who believes in the Separation of Church and State. I genuinely have my own morals in keeping with my concept in Christianity, yet i do no longer decide to impose them on all and sundry else, till it particularly is severe in retaining our society. i do no longer see how gay marriage will injury our society. there is not any info or info which means homosexuals have anymore of a detrimental result that the different team. relatively, person-friendly adulterers do extra injury to society. we would desire to continually outlaw adultery formerly we outlaw gay marriage.
2016-09-30 12:34:50
answer #7
answered by ? 4
You are prejudiced for thinking homosexuality is wrong. But it's probably more a result of your upbringing (e.g. strong, Christian/Catholic beliefs) than outright hatred for homosexuals. Personally, I believe that thinking that homosexuality is wrong is wrong in itself-- that all humans should have the right to love whomever they choose. Because, yeah, you're right in that God didn't make men and women with certain body parts so that men could date men and vice versa with women... but that's why we have in vitro fertilization. If God didn't condone homosexuality, then he would have prevented us from discovering in vitro right?
(that's just my logic on it anyway).
All in all, I think you are prejudiced, but not a "gaybasher"-- because, being a gaybasher kind of implies bashing a homosexual person. So long as you keep your opinions (that you are certainly entitled to have) to yourself, and not hurt or offend any homosexual person, then you're just prejudiced, but not a bigot.
2007-03-10 22:32:26
answer #8
answered by Zyxxin 3
You've been very tactful, therefore I shall be as well.
Hopefully you will stand by your statements and ONLY have sex when you specifically wish to procreate. That means if you have a pregnant wife, you will abstain until she gives birth. You may only resume sexual relations ONLY once she is prepared to become pregnant again.
And if after your seventh or eighth child you and your wife decide your family has become as manageable as it can become you MUST remain celibate for the remaining years of your life.
Sounds like a plan.
2007-03-10 23:25:31
answer #9
answered by castle h 6
homosexuality is common in the animal world, male zebras often mount other male zebras, its not a dominance thing, they are just doing because they're horny and they enjoy it!
also, animals have sex for enjoyment aswell as to procreate, dolphins have sex as they swim along when they are out of season, they no their not making babies they just enjoy it.
basically, the argument that homosexuality and non procreational sex are unnatural is invalid, especially as its fairly obvious that people cant choose their sexuality. think about it, could you be gay if you wanted to? no, you dont want to have sex with men, you were born straight. i reckon the same is true for gay people, they were born that way, they cant force themselves to change, they dont want to, and why should they? ie, they are NATURALLY gay, it would be UNNATURAL for them to pretend to be straight.
also, does that mean that the infertile straight couples shouldnt have sex because its unnatural?!
also, if something is unnatural, does that mean its bad, the internet is unnatural, so it modern medicine, so are a lot of good things. you said yourself, nothing bad comes of homosexuality, so why should people stop it?
2007-03-10 22:26:24
answer #10
answered by bojanglestothemax 6