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2007-03-10 18:53:10 · 3 answers · asked by ahh_900 1 in Science & Mathematics Chemistry

3 answers

It is actually gibberellin.

Gibberellic acid is a simple gibberellin, promoting growth and elongation of cells. It affects decomposition of plants and helps plants grow if used in small amounts, but eventually plants grow a tolerance for it. Gibberellic acid stimulates the cells of germinating seeds to produce mRNA molecules that code for hydrolytic enzymes.


2007-03-10 18:58:34 · answer #1 · answered by Tiger Tracks 6 · 0 0

Is it Gabreline or Gabardine or Gibberellin ?

Garbardine is a tightly woven diagonal twill with a matte finish. It comes in many weights and fibers and is considered to be multiseasonal. Gabardine dates back to the Spanish Middle Ages when gabardina, a wool fabric, was used for making protective capes.

If it is gibberellin it is a plant growth substance (see also auxin) that promotes stem growth and may also affect the breaking of dormancy in certain buds and seeds, and the induction of flowering. Application of gibberellin can stimulate the stems of dwarf plants to additional growth, delay the ageing process in leaves, and promote the production of seedless fruit (parthenocarpy).

2007-03-11 03:57:31 · answer #2 · answered by Brewmaster 4 · 0 0

a name ? im gessing...?

2007-03-11 03:56:22 · answer #3 · answered by N 4 · 0 1

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