You can do it either way. Some words like American, French, Diane, Alfredo and other proper names should be capitalized.
2007-03-10 12:50:05
answer #1
answered by Stuart 7
The most important features of a menu should be style and clear information. In a menu you're selling the experience of dining. The font, layout and presentation should reflect the type of food on offer.
If it's burgers and fries stick to a basic presentation. If it's fine cuisine in an elegant setting, presentation in the menu is paramount. Use a style of text which reflects the ethnic or cultural origins of the food. Make sure you spell the names of the dishes correctly. The implication being that if you can't spell them you probably can't cook them.
Finally, people come to a restaurant for a dining experience, not an English lesson. Beginning the names of dishes with capitals is probably unnecessary.
2007-03-10 21:07:33
answer #2
answered by miketwemlow 3
It's a matter of style choice. I always capitalize the heading (the name of the dish), then any description is written as a normal sentence.
2007-03-10 20:49:23
answer #3
answered by the beet 4
usually, they're listed under what type of food it if it's fish u categorize it under fish, etc
2007-03-10 20:49:23
answer #4
answered by :] 2