Jesus, for the reasons previously mentioned and because of the great impact on the world.
Dr. Alvin J. Schmidt, a historian points out some of the great things that have happened because of Jesus' teaching.
"Numerous institutions were started by the followers of Jesus Christ. Hospitals, firstoriginated in the 4th century under Christian influence. Institutions for the blind, for the deaf, and for the mentally ill are some other institutions started by Christians. The Red Cross is still another major institution that came about as a result of Christian influence. The profession of nursing is another one."
When asked about the Negative influence of Christianity , he said
" What about the "negative influence" of Christianity? Although there have been certain individuals (often so-called Christian leaders in government), who have done harmful things in the name of Christianity, Christianity itself has not had any negative or harmful influence on the world. It is the failure to distinguish between the Christian and those urportedly representing Christianity that is often found in history books and lthus leaves many students with the wrong impression of what Christianity has really done, namely, advanced the level of civilization as no other religion has ever done. Geroge Sarton, a historian of science, once said, "The birth ofChristianity changed forever the face of the Western world." As far as I know, Sarton had no love for Christianity. He merely said what history revealed to him. Another historian, for instance, has said, "The birth of Jesus Christ was the turning point in the history of women." No, I am not
overstating the case for Christianity's positive influence on the world. It has been far understatedin history books, "
Dr. Schimdt also points out that there are some distinctly Christian ideals that most ascribe to, often times unknowingly.
" Some distinctly Christian ideas that numerous people (even its enemies) ascribe to are as follows: a) The value and dignity of human life. b) The freedom of speech and expression which Christianity bequeathed to much of the world. c) The abolition of slavery, for Christianity was the first to outlaw slavery. One need only ask: Where was slavery first outlawed, where Christianity had a lot presence or little or no presence? The answer lies in the former part of my question. d) The freedom and dignity of women is another example. Here too one might ask: Where do women have the greatest amount of freedom and dignity, where Christianity has had a
lot of presence or little or no presence? Again, the answer lies in the former part of the question. e) That charity is good and commendable; this too comes from Christianity, for the ancient world did not really practice charity, as I document in the book. W.E.H. Lecky, no friend of Christianity, once said: "The active, habitual, and detailed charity of private persons, which is such a conspicuous feature in all Christian societies, was scarcely known in antiquity." Still another historian, Gerhard Uhlhorn, has stated: "The idea of humanity was wanting in the old world." f) Yet another example of Christian influence that is accepted even by secularists is the fact that child labor laws are good and necessary, a phenomenon that arose in England with individuals such as Lord Shaftsbury, Anthony Ashley Cooper, and others. g) That no one is above the law. This concept first appeared in A.D. 390 when Bishop Ambrose told the Emperor that he had to repent for slaughtering 7,000 innocent people. In effect, he told him that even as emperor he was not above the law. Then in 1215 the signing of the Magna Carta, greatly shaped by its Christian formulators, is another example of no one, not even the king, is above the law."
These reasons , in additioned to the aformentioned, make Jesus a person who changed the world.
2007-03-13 17:48:44
answer #2
answered by Alexis P 1
The terrorists of 911, because of what they did lots of innocent people. They caused a lot of changes, around the world.
2007-03-10 20:47:22
answer #3
answered by ? 6
Jesus same reason as ferdinan... the Columbus for discovery of America...then the Pilgrims for coming here... then Abraham Lincoln for emancipation of the slaves, then Microsoft... the computer and stuff ..â¥
2007-03-10 20:46:31
answer #5
answered by just peachy 6
The Lord Jesus Christ, God's Son, when He came here to earth so that He could give His life for us on the cross, so that
whosoever believes on Him should not perish but have ever-lasting life....and then there would be the apostle Paul who was commissioned by Jesus to preach the gospel to the nations beyond Israel....
Without Jesus, there would be absolutely NO hope for ANY-ONE in this world, as we would ALL be totally condemned
to hell forever....because of Adam's sin in the garden of eden, but God, in His great and incomprehensible LOVE for us, did
not leave us to face such a fate without hope...
.He sent His dear Son, to save us from our sins.....except EACH and every
one of us has the RESPONSIBILITY to respond to God's gift by personally believing on and RECEIVING Jesus as our own
Lord and Savior before we leave this world forever. God will NOT force or choose for anyone. He gives each one of us free
will and that means personal responsibility for what we do and
what we DON'T do....and EVERYONE w i l l stand before God one day and give account....namely for what we "did" w/ Jesus and the TRUTH that we received....and this is that very
truth that you are now reading.....This is the gospel of the Lord
Jesus Christ....That God sent His Son to die in your place and
that it is ONLY through Him that you can be saved (acts 4;12)
and spend eternity with God in Heaven as His son or daughter
God does not "send" anyone to hell. people SEND them-selves by rejecting Jesus and the sacrifice that He made in their place on the cross.
Romans 10;9,10.....
If you are reading this and you do NOT yet know Jesus as your Savior and you would LIKE to....will you PLEASE call this
toll-free # in the USA...and tell the prayer counselor who ans-wers that you want to receive Jesus as Savior before you do ANYTHING else in your life....because this IS truly the most important thing that you will EVER do in your life and for all of eternity......
1-800-759-0700 -- cbn - 700 club.
2007-03-10 21:27:27
answer #6
answered by angelique1225 5
Jesus Christ he died for us on the cross of calvary and broke the curse that adam and eve put on us in the garden of eden we all all born into sin and Christ died and was ressurected and made it possible to go to heaven.
2007-03-10 20:45:20
answer #7
answered by illprayforyou 5