In being truly "you". Find what the greatest "love" is which lives in your heart. Love for what? For a task, for a person or whatever. Find hereby your purpose and then do "everything" to fulfill this purpose. See yourself as an artist, who is given this life to bring to expression what you want in your soul and spirit. So life is like a piece of clay given into your hands and you can transform this formless piece of clay into a masterpiece.
Become truly the virtuoso of your own life and destiny and live from inside out and not from outside in as this would make you to a stranger to yourself.
Good luck and have a full and happy life!
2007-03-10 12:22:05
answer #1
answered by I love you too! 6
To me,firstly, i would get a healthy body to get on my life. Life would be longer than you think when you take care of your own health. Watch your diet, get exercise everyday, whatever's on your mind, yoga or jogging to keep fit and healthy, no cigarette or alcohol. When you're healthy, you'd look well, well enough to put on your pretty clothes. Secondly, do something worth-while. If you're success in your studies, you got long way to go. But if you're a loser, think you got lots of things to think about what you wanna do for your whole life. Thirdly,after studies, get a carreer where it comes lots of money, help people who they need you, make the incapable happy, they still need you. If you want or already have a family, try as hard as you can to maintain intimate relationship with the members, get close to each other,always reach others on the phone no matter how far you go,it won't hurt. Try to have friends too. They sometimes entertain us and make us laugh. Try to have some holiday or vacation together, share thoughts and ideas for each others life, discuss what you can do for your life to live to the fullest. Travel far and see what's beyond you.There're always endless and new experiences waiting to explore, and you'll found out that everything you gain and experience in each place would change your view of your life, and that's make you realize how small you were before. And try to experience other races or people's life that you never had a chance to experience. You'll gain something more worthy and that's make yourself more grateful. Lastly, maybe you think that you'll make a busy life, but look closely,life is busy,it's depends on how you want to spend your whole life. Busy for nothing? Or busy for worthiness? When you get older,you won't regret until the day you die. This is my answer and suggestion to live to the fullest cause this are all what i would want to do for the rest of my life when i grown up.
2007-03-10 19:47:54
answer #2
answered by jane 2
By being able to say with full assurance I have wronged no man..
That doesn't mean you have not done something to offend some one that means you have obtained forgiveness from the one you have offended and mended the relationship and that the person you wrong no longer holds you accountable for the offense.You live and learn from such things and hopefully in the future you don't commit the same offense.
2007-03-14 12:29:38
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
Live in new york once, but not enough to make you hard, live in California once, but not enough to make you soft. Try an illegal drug. Do an extreme sport (bungee jumping) buy a motor cycle. sell it and start a family. divorce your wife and lose everything, become homeless. get your life back and buy a car, drive everywhere you want to go. Sell your car for a bus ticket to your divorced wife and fix things. Stay happy, never let any one bring you down. If your not happy call someone to make you happy.
2007-03-10 19:04:11
answer #4
answered by sunscour 4
Live up to your own potential (not what others have set for you) Live in the moment as you cant change the past and it does no good for worrying for the future
2007-03-10 19:50:28
answer #5
answered by katlvr125 7
Live up to your own expectations and no one else's. Make sure you have no regrets when you die. Life is to be experienced so experience it. Try new things without any moral or ethical obligations. Be adventurous.
2007-03-10 19:00:29
answer #6
answered by Smokey 2
the best way i can answer this question is to tell you to do what you want to do....dont let any body else tell you what you can and cant do when you want to it....Never worry bout what other ppl think. Be yourself in any way you choice... if you go through life worrying about what other ppl think about you and their opinions on YOUR life then its gonna be a long and bumpy road...So life it the way you wanna live it...
2007-03-10 18:55:35
answer #7
answered by Jack D 1
One person hit it on the head. "Be true to yourself". That is to say live your passion. In order to live your passion you must "know thyself". Listen to your heartbeat, for in it you will find the source of your dreams. Follow your dreams and you will find your passion. Find your passion and you will be fulfilled.
2007-03-10 20:37:15
answer #8
answered by charleyit 5
By being true to yourself.
Be what is calling out to you from within.
Writer, painter, musician whatever.
2007-03-10 20:26:07
answer #9
answered by drg5609 6
feed your mind and the body will follow
2007-03-11 03:10:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous