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Why do we rehydrate them orally by giving them fluids.

2007-03-10 10:00:28 · 3 answers · asked by moses m 1 in Science & Mathematics Biology

3 answers

To inject saline into athletes for re hydration when needed repeatedly will cause an over-use of the veins like a drug pusher. If the injector is rushed or excited or otherwise not concentrating on his work, the chance of getting an air embolism increases. That's why we have moufs.

2007-03-10 10:25:11 · answer #1 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

If a doctor administers the IV then there is no problem. It just is usually faster with a gravity IV. But I've been severly dehydrated before and it took me 19 hours of being on an IV and drinking the medical equivilant of Gatorade/Powerade.

2007-03-10 18:21:59 · answer #2 · answered by Todaimhape110 :) 2 · 0 0

Re-hydration can be achieved by the use of One litre of water mixed with a handful of sugar and a pinch of salt.

or, use Gatorade.

Using an IV is kinda extreme, and risky!

2007-03-10 18:13:48 · answer #3 · answered by occluderx 4 · 0 0

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