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i have a linksys rouder, will it change the ip when i re configure it?

2007-03-10 09:27:18 · 2 answers · asked by jclary569 2 in Computers & Internet Internet

i want my ip address to change, if it won't change when i reconfigure it how can i change it?

2007-03-10 09:28:34 · update #1

thanks i just did it i had to change the encryption and then i check it and it changed thanks for the help

2007-03-10 10:01:35 · update #2

2 answers

You talking the outside IP address or the inside IP address? The outside will be something set by your DSL provider... if you haven't paid for a fixed IP address this may change if you shut your router down for over the lease-time of the IP address... that may be 24 hours or longer.

The inside addresses will probably be 192.160.somthing and they are under your control... you can change them by changing the configuration.

If your router has a firewall, you can add a rule to drop everything from the specific IP address / range that is causing you grief.

2007-03-10 09:42:04 · answer #1 · answered by bambamitsdead 6 · 0 0

no the ip address you are using it is a difoult from your service provider.

2007-03-10 17:31:33 · answer #2 · answered by Nasrudin H 5 · 0 0

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