Some companies will allow you to buy shares directly from them. Go on the company web site that you are interested in buying their stock and ask them if they have a stock purchase program.
2007-03-10 09:32:28
answer #1
answered by ARE BEE 2
Brokers are like any "middlemen". They add cost without necessarily adding value. One of the good things about Information technology is that it disintermediates - getting rid of the middlemen as much as possible. Share trading is undergoing the same revolution. You have a lot more choices now based on your knowledge and how you want to pay the fees for the additional value added by "brokers". It has not quite reached the stage where no "brokers" are needed at all i.e. the willing buyer and the willing seller just match up. Someone still needs to set up meeting places, time and title to goods to ensure clean transactions. That implies a cost no matter how small. You still have to pay. The diffeerence is micro payments. You pay less with volume transaction - the reasson for the mergers and acquisitons you now see with the world's bourses.
2016-03-28 23:20:38
answer #2
answered by ? 4
i work for a fortune 500 company and i can buy stock directly Through the company check if they have a website and look for something there like a investors relations spot or a contact for the sole purpose of stock purchases
2007-03-10 09:46:41
answer #3
answered by greenberret1960 2
make a contract to buy shares from someone who owns them a friend ect. you have to have a seat on the exchange that the company trades on to just go buy the stock
2007-03-10 09:22:01
answer #4
answered by ny23456 2
Call Investor Relations.
2007-03-10 18:39:24
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I use its great. you only have to pay like 4 dollars for a trade and you can buy in dollar amounts rather than stock amounts if you want. they even have options trading if you want.. go check it out1
2007-03-10 09:22:35
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Maybe try
2007-03-10 10:15:38
answer #7
answered by Anonymous