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just to let you know its gonna be male and female attending

2007-03-10 08:41:25 · 7 answers · asked by ฿ęŊ 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

7 answers

Co-ed shower....how about the first hour be a poker game?? Buy In could be a package of diapers. The winner gets a nice prize (gift certificate or something along those lines). It would be fun, unexpected, and a great way to gift diapers to the new family.

After the poker game...the co-ed group could enjoy some food/snacks. Then the group could play some sentimental games (but not neccesarily silly ones...I put a link to a page with sentimental games below). Open some gifts.... Done deal.

If the guys don't want to do the shower games and gift opening they could go do something else at this point (like, maybe, assemble nursery furniture???)

It would be different and something that could possibly appeal to everyone. I do diaper cakes...having a poker themed one might be a fun item as a centerpiece!!

2007-03-11 08:45:55 · answer #1 · answered by diapercakesbybecca 6 · 0 0

i have a great game its called dont say baby but first you need safety pins and ribbons and everyone that comes throught the door at the baby shower when its starts you will pin a ribbon on their shirt and whoever says baby u take their pin and anyone at all can take the pin if they say the word baby and in the end whoever it left they get a gift just buy little bottles of lotion and body spray believe me its really fun im 19 and i loved the game but under any circumstances you cant say baby and the hosts cant play GOOD LUCK

2007-03-10 17:05:11 · answer #2 · answered by lilmama14n_28384 2 · 0 0

Something I heard of and always thought was darn ingenius is a shower for the man...It's made up for the man to invite friends to a poker party or football game or whatever...admission for each man attending is a pack of diapers...this way the father doesn't feel left out but they each get to have their own celebration...

2007-03-10 16:49:47 · answer #3 · answered by Proud Mommy of 6 6 · 0 0

well my baby sister had one a month ago and it was bothe sexes attending . we basily had a regular party(no beer ect.)and the cames were like who can make the beat baby out of gum(not chewed) and we had yarn and the had to estimate how big the mom was . for prizes were gif cards and for leaving gifts were candy bars that were costimized to say the babys name and the due date and addidional stuff and target/walmart has more info on that.hope you have a noce baby shower . addidional help email me briana_overton@yahoo .com

2007-03-10 16:49:31 · answer #4 · answered by bree 2 · 0 0

We gave all the men Bottles filled with juice. The first to finish the bottle won a gift card from Home Depot or Lowes. My husband won....he bit a hole in the nipple..ouch! It was hilarious!

2007-03-10 16:51:46 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You can go to babyshowergames.com and they have some really cool ideas on there thats where I went! You'll have a blast. Good luck

2007-03-10 16:45:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Onesie Pictures - Buy packets of onesies that total the number of guests you’ll have at the shower along with glitter glue and hand them out to your guests. Have everyone draw a picture on the onesies and then have the mom-to-be vote on her favorite. That person wins a prize, and the mom-to-be gets to keep all the onesies. Rita F.

Advice for Years Ahead - At my mother's baby shower (there's 18 years between me and my sissy) we had every one draw a # from a bowl (as many numbers as there are guests--mom and hostess too starting with 0 for the birth day ). The # represented the future age of the baby We gave every one a piece of pretty paper and a matching envelope and had then write a letter to the baby at that age. No one is aloud to read it. They were sealed and given to my mom to open on future birthdays. My mom really enjoyed opening the letters. They included everything from advice to funny stories about my mom. Bri-Anne

Blindfolded baby feed - We played this game at my baby shower. What you do is pair up 2 people and blind fold each of them.Have them get down on the floor on all 4's. Give one of them a jar of baby food and a baby spoon. Have that person stick the handle of the spoon in their mouth. Then have them try to feed the other person while they are both blind folded. The group that finish's first wins oh and they have to make it in there mouth!!! This game is really funny and you want to make sure that you take pictures of this!!! *Heather*

Lucky Duck - Number 7-10 rubber ducks. Then write the chosen baby name (if not chosen write the sex of the baby) on the bottom of the duck. Have each guest take a wild guess at which duck has the baby's name on it. The ones to guess should recieve a prize/goody bag. Thank You - Tammy!

College Fund - I did a game called College Fund! I noted on the invatation about a raffle for a big prize, BRING YOUR MONEY! Each person at the shower can buy one raffle ticket for a $1 or ten for $5. At the end, a winner wins a nice prize like a gift certificate for dinner or Walmart. Sometimes if you have extra prizes you can raffle prizes left over. The money collected starts the baby's 1st bank account. Julie U.

Title: What’s In the Baby Bag? - You will need a baby bag and put a bunch of baby accessories (pacifier, bottles, diapers, wipes, etc.) anything you can think of that you need for a baby bag. Put the baby bag on a table or floor (where ever the guest can see it) and take out all the things from the bag. Have them look at it for 2-5 minutes and put it away. Each player will have to memorize what’s in the bag and whoever has the most items memorized wins. Thanks, Maricar M.

Measure Moms Waist/Stomach - This game is a lot of fun we played this game at my sisters baby shower. First u have 2 get some yarn, or u can use anything such as toilet paper, string etc. Let everyone know that they have 2 decide how big the mother-to-be waist/stomach is. Take the yarn let them tell U where 2 cut the yarn, after eveyone has gotten their piece of yarn, they than needs 2 place their yarn around the waist/stomach of the mother-to-be. Who's ever piece of yarn is the closets they win a door prize. This is a nice and fun game 2 play. Hope that U Enjoy this game. Keida emailed us this cute baby shower game idea

Farm Animals - Give each guest a piece of paper and a pen. Have them draw a tic-tac-toe grid on their paper, then pick and write 9 numbers from 1-20 in each square. At the bottom of their paper have them write their favorite farm animal ex. (cow). Hostess calls out numbers 1-20 at random ex. (2-10-5-19) guest mark off the # they have and make their animal sound ex. (moo) everytime their number is called. first to make a blackout- wins. Emailed to us by Del - Thank you!

Race to dress & hand the mother her baby - First you must have 2 of each of the following items, live size baby dolls, diapers, blankets, baby hats, baby T- shirt, baby socks, shoes, baby bibs, pants or jumpers., baby bottles or pacifiers, & 2 baskets. You will need a stop watch. Fill the baskets with 1 of each item, and one dolls. place them at different tables and have each player stand by there basket, set the stop watch at 0 , then on your mark say GO.
Have 2 players at a time race to dress the dolls have them stand at the same distance from the mother.. Player who takes the baby fully dressed and wrapped in it's blanket and with the bottle to the mother wins, Stop the watch and write her name and time down, then you can do the next 2 players. If you have 10 or more guest and they all want a chance at it then who ever has the less time monitored by you wins. This turns out to be very funny when you see them toss and slam those baby dolls around, to do it as fast as they can!

**I recently had a baby shower for my daughter and used your site for ideas. I wanted to come up with an original game or two and I got raves from everyone. Here's what I did...
Name that Baby Tune Artist - I searched online at Lyrics.com for songs using the word 'Baby.' I then downloaded ten songs that I selected from Walmart.com (88 cents each). I wanted to cover a range of time periods to give the older moms and the younger moms a better chance at guessing the artists. I had songs such as Cat Stevens (Wild World), Peter Frampton (Baby, I love your ways), the Supremes, and the Drifters. I would begin playing the song and the first person to yell out the correct artist got a point. At the end of the game, I gave a prize to the top two guessers.
Couple Facts - The second game was also original. I came up with a list of facts about the couple having the baby that people who are close to them should know. In some cases I put a twist on the fact to make if false. Some examples include, the nickname of xxx (father-to-be) is..., the mother-to-be currently drives a Toyota Scion, and the mother-to-be use to compete in gymnastics. At the end of the list of checkboxes, I included two extra credit points (two points each), whereas the check boxes that are selected and should be were worth 1 point each. The two extra point questions were fill in the blank: The mother-to-be most often spends her free time.... Thank you! Candy T. from Dacula, Georgia

Pass the Prize - Here is a game that is a lot of fun. Have everyone stand in a circle. Make the list up before everyone arrives. It would go like this:
Pass to a person with red hair.
Pass to person with glasses.
Pass to the across from you.
Count 3 people to left and pass to that person.
Pass to person who's not wearing socks, etc. etc.
You can make the list as many as you want and whatever you want to use. Give a gift to a person and then start going down the list. Whoever has the gift when you get to the end of the list wins the prize. If it is a big group you can start the game with 2 gifts to 2 different people. Kelli

Fast Puzzle Finisher - I bought 4 Anne Geddes mini puzzles (100 pcs or less can do). At least 3 people (young and old) in one puzzle participate. The group who finishes first wins and gets a prize!

Mommy Animal/Baby Animal - Make a list mother animals such as a horse, then ask each guest to put down the name of the baby version....colt! It is amazing how many people really don't know.

Get a book of nursery rhymes and write down the first few lines and see who can complete it. You can do this with many different ones and see who can remember the most.

BOBBING FOR COTTON BALLS: This game was played at a babyshower and i had a blast with it. All you need is a tub of vasaline, a medium platter and cotton balls......you put the cotton balls on the platter and have a guest come up one at a time to the table you have them rub some vasaline on the tip of there nose, when finished you have them place there hands behind there backs and give them a minute to bob for cotton balls and see how many they can catch and blow off or shake off there nose. the one with the most wins(tip apply a dab or more of vasaline) Brought to you by Robbi

"Pass the present game" - is a fun & funny game. have 3 presents wrapped up more than once & have each present wrapped more than the other present. pick 8 of your guest (try and pick the people that traveled from diffirent cities) & have them sit in a circle. give the 3 presents (spread them out within the circle) to three of your guest within the circle.have someone to stand by the music to turn on/off. as the music plays they must keep passing the presents clockwise. when the music stops, who ever is holding a present gets to open it. but they CAN NOT KEEP it if it is not a present they can see. Thank you for the baby shower game idea - Eshana

Mommy's Name Game - Write down the Mother-To-Be's first and last name. Each person has a piece of paper and a pen. Set a timer for 5 minutes. Each person, using the letter's of mom-to-be's name, creates as many words as they can in that 5 minute period. When the timer goes off, each person counts the number of words they have. Here's the catch, for each word made, that person puts a dime per word into baby's first bank. The person with the most words wins a prize. This is a great way to start baby's college fund.


2007-03-10 17:41:42 · answer #7 · answered by jessnclh 3 · 0 0

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