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I have a myspace group and I made a banner for people to put on their page to advertise it.
Well you know how other sites have those banners and then under it they have a little text box with what exactly you copy and paste? How do I make that?

2007-03-10 07:59:03 · 2 answers · asked by Suicidal Pop-tart 2 in Computers & Internet Internet

I get the box part but when I try to put html in the box it either screws it up or it puts the actual stuff that the html code does...
For example I want them to see

So they can copy that to their page but instead it put the picture/link in the box.

2007-03-10 08:46:59 · update #1

2 answers

the tag TEXTAREA
see: http://www.w3schools.com/tags/tag_textarea.asp
play around with the code here:

2007-03-10 08:05:33 · answer #1 · answered by BigJohnny 4 · 0 0

fee varies wildly, reckoning on who you elect. in case you're dealing with somebody, extraordinarily individual who's traumatic to get some area artwork, and/or is making an attempt to interrupt into cyber website layout, anticipate to pay around $20-$25 an hour. pro experts can charge everywhere between $forty 5 and $150 an hour, based. i've got no longer carried out any artwork with layout companies so i would be unable to cite any figures there.

2016-09-30 12:02:26 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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