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any tips on how my boyfriend can last longer without using 'performa' condoms or stuff like that??? he can only keep going for about ten minutes and i don't get enough out of that???help

2007-03-10 07:43:31 · 18 answers · asked by caramel d 1 in Health Men's Health

18 answers

10 minutes ? think yourself very lucky.....i could do it 10 times in that time.............

2007-03-10 09:40:30 · answer #1 · answered by pat.rob00 Chef U.K. 6 · 3 0

For many women, 10 minutes is more than they could ask for because the average male doesn't last more than about 4-6 minutes and 35% of males are premature ejaculators. The truth is, ejaculation is all mental. If he can find away to keep his mind off of ejaculating and distract himself with something else, he will have an easy time holding himself.

2007-03-10 16:03:35 · answer #2 · answered by habibionfire 2 · 0 0

you'd be surprised but 10 minutes is actually pretty long time, so i dint think you can expect much more, but maybe you should get him to do other things for you, that usually works, and also a guy after he hits climax is ready to go from 5 to 20 minutes later so, even if he finished, wait 10 minutes and go again, lol, that's what i do with my gf, so those are some suggestions

2007-03-10 16:04:49 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

That's what happens when you send a boy to do a mans job! Have him try "Tantra" methods so he can learn the difference between orgasm and ejaculation. Then explain "foreplay" to him and let him know that women require it in most instances. Possibly you will harmonize at some point!

2007-03-10 16:18:43 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Tell him to think about his mother and if that doesn't work,think about his grandmother and if that doesn't work,invest in a vibrator,batteries last longer than boyfriends

2007-03-13 20:27:24 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

An average male can keep it in for around 5 minutes. Lol.

2007-03-10 15:49:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

You could ask him to clean out his pipes before you go to bed.
Ask him to think of his mother as he gets close.
Get him to practise the butt cheek clenching method.

2007-03-10 15:49:42 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

let him go off the first time at his own pace then go back for seconds I am sure he wont say no, & he will last longer second time around.

2007-03-12 17:36:47 · answer #8 · answered by Because I Said So 7 · 1 0

There are topical meds that delay, Detane, I think is one. Check in drug store and there should be several.

2007-03-10 15:49:08 · answer #9 · answered by bigjohn B 7 · 0 0

10 minutes wow if you need more than that your greedy try sitting on his face if that doesnt do it for you nothing will

2007-03-10 16:10:36 · answer #10 · answered by animal 2 · 2 0

To learn ejaculatory control:

* Don't use drugs or alcohol. They're distracting and they interfere with the self-awareness crucial to learning ejaculatory control.
* Appreciate whole-body sensuality. Men often think sex happens only in the penis and only during intercourse. That view is a one-way ticket to uncontrolled ejaculation (not to mention erection problems, and women with those proverbial headaches). The best sex involves head-to-toe arousal. Men learning how to approach -- but not arrive at -- their point of no return, need to appreciate whole-body sensuality, the pleasure potential in every square inch of the body. Whole-body sensuality releases tension. Tense bodies that have no other outlet often find release through involuntary ejaculation. But as you learn to appreciate sensual pleasure from head to toe, whole-body arousal takes the pressure off your penis, and you last longer.
* Whole-body sensuality means relaxation, but the "relaxation" involved in great sex is not the kind that includes an easy chair, a six pack, and Monday Night Football. It's the kind you feel after a hot bath or a good massage. In fact, bathing or showering together before lovemaking can help men relax and appreciate whole-body sensuality -- and last longer.
* Breathe deeply. One very easy way to stay relaxed while making love is to breathe deeply. The body has a natural tendency to breathe deeply during sex. But many men fight it. They think they should stay in control by not breathing deeply and making the little love-moan sounds that go along with it. But when men work to control their breathing, they often sacrifice ejaculatory control. Try breathing deeply. Let your breath go. Many men are amazed how much this one little change improves their ejaculatory control.
* Start with masturbation with a dry hand. By varying how you caress your penis, you can learn to stay highly aroused for quite a while without coming. When you feel yourself approaching your point of no return, simply back off a bit, strokestroke yourself more gently or not at all, and stay aroused without ejaculating. Then as you feel yourself getting a little distance from your point of no return, return to more vigorous self-stimulation. Repeat this several times over several sessions. Approach your point of no return, then back off. For most men, it doesn't take long to develop good ejaculatory control while alone.
Then move on to masturbation with a lubricated hand. Use saliva, vegetable oil, or a commercial sexual lubricant. For most people, lubricants increase the sensual intensity of erotic fondling. Follow the same program: Masturbate until you approach your point of no return, then back off. Repeat this several times over several sessions.
* Once you have good control during masturbation, and appreciate whole-body sensuality, and feel comfortable breathing deeply during lovemaking, then you're ready for the couples program -- if you're in a couple. The couple approach is called the "Stop-Start Technique." First, arrange "stop" and "start" signals with your lover, for example, a light pinch or tap, or a tug on an ear.
Then, your lover strokes your penis by hand as you lie still. When you approach your point of no return, give the "stop" signal. Your lover immediately stops stroking you and simply holds your penis gently, as you continue to breathe deeply and pays close attention to the sensations you're feeling. When you no longer feels close to ejaculation, gives the "start" signal, and your lover begins stroking you again. How many stops and starts should you do? A half-dozen over a 15-minute period works well for most couples. Do what feels comfortable for you.

With stop-start, the focus is on the man. He's the one learning the new skill. But don't forget the woman's sensual needs. As part of each practice session, she might guide your hand over her to show you what she likes.

Once you've gained good ejaculatory control with your lover's hand, try the same stop-start procedure with oral caresses. Again, you begin by lying still.

Once you've gained good control orally, feel free to start moving. You're making love again -- but now you have ejaculatory control. Congratulations.

Here are some other suggestions for lasting longer: "Last Longer " pills

2007-03-11 19:44:21 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

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