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Why and why not?

2007-03-10 07:08:23 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

23 answers

Against. I believe abortion is murder.

2007-03-10 07:12:36 · answer #1 · answered by jzgermany 4 · 2 0

I am against abortion for the most part. I am okay with it if the mother's life is endangered by the pregnancy or birth the child.

Other than that reason, I feel adoption is the better choice as there are so many couples out there that are unable to have children of their own that would love and care for an infant that its birth mother couldn't. I find abortion for the most part to be selfish.

2007-03-10 15:21:35 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm FOR abortion. First of all, no REAL neural development happens before about 5-6 month. That's the second trimester, and abortion is no longer elective. Plus, if you've known you were pregnant this long, I'm sorry, you've had enough time to make a decision. All movement before the first trimester ends is about as primitive as that of an amoeba -- it is purely reflexive. Also, the embryo at this stage does not at all resemble a human.

Around the end of the second month, the heart has two chambers, but does not appear any more human than a typical mammalian heart (for the uneducated among us,that means the heart of another warm-blooded creature who gives birth). Also, pain receptors are pretty nonexistent at this stage in pregnancy.

Abortion is NOT murder, because the termination of a pregnancy is up to the woman who is pregnant, AND because murder can only be committed against a sentient BORN human.(Yes, read your law books and ditch this emotional appeal!)

While I'm on the topic of corrections, there is no BABY until after birth. There is a zygote, then an embryo, then a fetus, and THEN, after BIRTH, you get your infant/"baby".

Heck, until about the 24th week of pregnancy (around month 6-7), the fetus would not even be able to take a breath outside the womb.

On top of this, about one half (possibly more) of all pregnancies do not pass the 6th week. Spontaneous abortion/early miscarriage rates are EXTREMELY high. And that's just for the fetus. The mother has a HOST of things to worry about during pregnancy -- most important of all, DEATH! Violence against pregnant women is statistically more common than violence against any other group. Mulitple complications, illnesses, etc.

And in response to those claiming couples are "desperately wanting babies" -- They can adopt one of the several HUNDRED THOUSAND in the American adoption system already. Adopt outside of your race, your religion, your gene pool, income bracket, etc. Take the children in desperate need of homes, the children with problems. Don't wait around for your perfect blonde, blue-eyed white baby. There are young people who would rather be dead right now than in foster care, and I can't blame them one bit. I would NEVER be so irresponsible as to put a child through the hell that is foster care and the adoption system. That is truly a fate worse than death.

Elective abortion is only legal through the FIRST trimester, people!! So don't post this CRAP saying that it's legal to KILL a crowning fetus! You are lying, and you know it.

Birth control fails sometimes, for reasons unknown, and sex is NOT just for procreation. If it were, why wouldn't we get pregnant every time? Hmm? There goes your cover. Try again!

And no, the fetus/embryo would NOT make a choice. It has no sentience! Come on, quit personifying something with the IQ of your common doorstop!

As for the abortion pictures -- those are mannequins and stillborns, people! Can't you tell the difference? Photographs of an abortion are NOT ALLOWED!

If "life" were such a miracle, you wouldn't so flippantly swat flies, kill skin cells by bathing, or use pesticides. Just because something is human does not mean that its life is grossly more important than that of any other living thing. Besides, what about the mother's life? As I said before, pregnancy is VERY dangerous, as is giving birth. On top of that, it costs nearly $500,000 on average to raise a child from birth to 18 years of age, and I'm not talking holidays, people. I'm talking food, clothing, and basic shelter. How many of you can afford that? And I don't mean by mooching off mommy and daddy.

2007-03-10 16:10:40 · answer #3 · answered by Daria319 3 · 0 0

Absolutely against. Life is sacred.
As for the whole "woman's right to choose" - sorry, but you could choose an effective method of birth control, or you could choose not to have sex. There are too many people desperately wanting a baby. Abortion takes the child's life in an unbelievably violent means and deprives someone else a child to love.

2007-03-10 15:41:38 · answer #4 · answered by kids and cats 5 · 0 0

Very much against!! People can say the woman has the right to choose, however,by choosing to kill another is taking the other persons right to life away, the baby did not choose to be created, that was the choice of the so called more responsible people, you want to be responsible and have sex, then be responsible and take those precautions, don't blame it on the most innocent person of all!! furthermore, people that do not believe that a baby in the womb is not really a person until they are born, they are either in plain denial or just plain ignorant, look at it this way, a baby that has just been born is illegal to kill, but if that baby was killed 5 min. previous to being born , even crowning , then it is legal!! you tell me ,wrong or right?

2007-03-10 15:36:21 · answer #5 · answered by rae 2 · 0 0

I am against abortion because I have seen pictures of babies that have been aborted and they are litterly ripped limb from body and head from body and then ripped from your body. They are already forming and already have a heartbeat by the time an abortion can be done. IF you don't the child carry it full term and then give it up for adoption because there are a lot of parents out there that can't have children that would love to adopt and love that child. I hope this helps.

2007-03-10 15:14:03 · answer #6 · answered by Toni T 3 · 3 0

For or against abortion? Well personally i am against it .....BUT i am for a woman's right to choose. Ever read Cider House Rules? If there is not a place for a woman to get a legal, safe and sterile abortion there will be girls who use a coat hanger... so for that reason i am pro-choice and yet pro-life. Remember guys, "you cannot legislate morality"

2007-03-10 16:10:22 · answer #7 · answered by Amber 3 · 0 0

i am for, if the circumstances dictate. abnormalities, threat to the mother etc. not for birth control though, that is terrible. also, in the uk you can have an abortion as late as 26 weeks, this is barbaric. women using excuses such as "my other child wont like a sibling.." when my baby spent 5 weeks in the neo-natal unit, there was a baby born at 22 weeks, perfectly formed and she went on the thrive without any ill effect.

if a woman truely feels she cant have a baby, it is her choice, but abortion shouldn't be done after 16 weeks, in my opinion.

BUT!!!! people who chuck all abortion into one catergory and say it is murder...that's totally nieve. a "baby" isn't even classed as a fetus till 8-10 weeks and still has a tail till about 9 weeks and at this early stage it is just a complex collection of cells

2007-03-10 15:26:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Against. A fetus is a human being too. Just because they are inside of a woman's body doesn't mean they are any less human. They have a heartbeat just like you do. If abortion is a "woman's right" then I guess all those crazy women out there who have drowned their children in bathtubs or left their children in garbage cans to die, had a RIGHT to do that too. All of those child were alive just like a baby that is in their mother's womb. It's murder. And if a woman can't handle being pregnant and if they don't want a child then they need to keep their legs closed and stop playing grown up.

2007-03-10 15:21:43 · answer #9 · answered by Angela 3 · 2 1

I am against abortion. Life is a basic right that God has given, no body has the right to take it because they think a child is inconvienient. I believe that abortion is a violation of our basic rights, the rights of LIFE, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. I think that everyone has a right to chose, and I'm sure the baby would chose to live.

2007-03-10 15:44:22 · answer #10 · answered by Life is Precious 2 · 0 0

Against and for..... Against those who are old enough to screw around, but to stupid to use protection... You can give it up for adoption... For it in the situation where the mother will die if she carries it to full term and also those who are raped... Yes there is a pill called the day after, but too many people are afraid to come forward to tell.. But from what I understand, they have, or are trying to make that pill available without a prescription... But for the others, I am strongly against. And for the people who say it's not a living thing until a certain month or until it's born, this is for you.... A living thing is something that breaths, moves, grows, etc... A fetus has a heartbeat!!!!! I heard my baby's heart beat before I was three months pregnant.. A baby moves and grow inside of you.. It is a living thing... So please don't tell me that it's not a living thing until your three months pregnant or until you give birth...

2007-03-10 15:18:36 · answer #11 · answered by Debbie B 3 · 1 0

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