Sigh. People don't realize how complicated and difficult an issue abortion really is. Those who want to ban abortion entirely in all cases are completely ignorant, short-sighted, and over-protected in their own safe churchyards.
It's a wonder to me anti-choicers don't throw up as big a stink about Eastern countries whose citizens often commit infanticide - abandoning their babies _after_ birth - when they feel like getting rid of their girls. It seems far more repulsive to me than getting rid of the "child" (though I would argue that a fetus is not actually a "child" while still growing in the womb) before it has been brought bodily into the world and knows what's going on and screams and cries.
Anyway. Fetuses are not human beings; I have no doubt that more fetuses are naturally aborted (miscarried) than intentionally aborted. I would have to argue that God is our biggest abortion provider - and thankfully so because we would otherwise overrun and completely destroy the earth in our idiotic desire to overpopulate.
2007-03-10 06:21:59
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
The issue of abortion is one of the most hotly contested on this forum, and I would hazzard to guess that the pro-lifers have never listened - with an open mind - the the views of pro-choicers. At least that has been my experience here...and anywhere else, for that matter.
If abortion becomes illegal, daughters and sisters all over the US will be killed by shoddy conditions associated with unsafe and illegal abortions. And when that happens to the daughter of some pro-lifer, I would suggest that they may have a change of heart on the matter. (You can raise them the best way you know how, but there is no guarantee that they will share your views and morals...) Legal abortion is the only way to ensure the safety and health of American women. I'm afraid I will always feel that their rights and safety should always come before the rights of a fetus.
2007-03-10 06:46:04
answer #2
answered by Super Ruper 6
Abortion should be safe, legal, and unnecessary
--William J. Clinton
Pro-choice folks typically say that they are against abortion but for a woman's right to choose. It is being for personal rights and individual choices. We don't believe in legislating those individual rights.
Stev says "I am anti-abortion and feel that Roe v Wade is unconstitutional since the Supreme Court is not the legislative branch of government."
Does that mean Gore won????
2007-03-10 06:21:32
answer #3
answered by Middleclassandnotquiet 6
"Pro-life" people are an enigma, and frequently hypocritical.
Abortion is not a good thing, ok. My two younger sisters both had one.
Being the oldest son, I always figured that contraception was a no-brainer.
It takes two people to have sex and spawn a child. So how can two people be so lust driven and brain dead that neither one can manage the awesome complexities of contraception?
But back to the "pro-lifers."
I can't believe that people can pontificate about the sanctity of human life, and NOT want to give teens access to contraception.
The US teen pregnancy rate is 9X that of the Netherlands, where they take sex education seriously, and put the onus on the PREGNANCY.....not the sex.
By allowing teens access to contraception, you would undoubtedly make a HUGE dent in careless, unwanted pregnancies AND teen abortions, not to mention STDs. What's not to like about that?
No, abortion is NOT a good thing, but neither is forbidding teens access to contraception.
2007-03-10 08:16:33
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Your on the fence.No,I dont think most people who are pro choice get abortions just for the heck of it.Sadly,there are people who get abortions when its an inconvenient time for them to have a child.When someone asks me am I pro life or pro choice and I say im pro life,the next question is"even in cases or rape or incest?"No,that I feel is the extreme circumstance. I would be glad to see abortions illegal in the US.Now heres why.
Too many women are getting abortions out of it not being convenient.Wrong guy,wrong time,whatever.You said yourself your against it,why,what reason? Do you feel its murder? I do.Why shouldnt murder be illegal? In reponce to how I feel about rape or incest,this happens very seldom,and when it does I feel for the victim.Unfortunately,we cant govern in this country who should be allowed an abortion and who shouldnt.So I say it should be made illegal. To me,I cant flip-flop,I really would rather see it illegal altogether than have it the way it is now,legal.Im sorry,but you will have to explain that one to your creator someday.I feel what you might be doing is justifying why your pro choice in your head by saying"Im against abortion,but keep it legal"
Lets see the things in this country that are ILLEGAL:
Killing a praying mantis
Killing whales
Killing any protected species
Why is it legal to kill an unborn fetus? When there are thousands of people who whould be willing to adopt that child?
Why?.........You tell me.
2007-03-10 06:31:08
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I love that. Against abortion but it should stay legal. That's the way the world should work. You can feel however you want about things, but if it isn't clearly a bad thing, maybe it should be legal and those that like it can do it. That wasn't worded the greatest, but I really do think that everyone seems to want their will imposed. It's like they don't understand that they have opinions and they aren't necessarily right or wrong, and the same goes for others.
2007-03-10 06:13:02
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
In my personal kind of falls like spending money that's not yours.....making judgements when you haven't walked a mile in their's SO much easier to tell someone what they should do when you don't have to deal with the consequences of those choices.
I don't like abortion......but it's not my place to make that judgement for someone else. It has been proven that people will make drastic decisions when put in those positions......we had alot of suicides from young girls who were raped or products of incest. How do I make that judgement for them? How can I force a woman to give birth to a child when the Dr. says it's fatal? How can I tell someone who's in poverty to risk it all for a permenant disability and all the expense that goes with it? I can't.
I was raised in a very relegious family. I'm personally glad that God said HE has the final say. Only HE and the person involved knows what goes on in their heart. Not me. I see people picket abortion clinics....but I don't see them offer to take that person and pay their bills and take total responsibility for any and all medical problems for them or their child. I've also seen people who look at abortion as a birth control means. Yet...I wonder how many get their lives together and then want a child and can't have one. Or get one and it's disabled beleiving it's a punishment? No one knows for sure what someone else suffers. I firmly believe that if relegious people really beleive in God having the final say.......then get out of his seat and let HIM have the final say......not them.
2007-03-10 06:30:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You should watch Cider House Rules with Cherlize Theron and Michael Caine. It shows how things were when abortions were illegal. It's a really good movie too. Very emotional.
2007-03-10 06:22:19
answer #8
answered by Eisbär 7
I look at it this way.
If abortion was illegal, and a Senator's daughter became pregnant, they would find a doctor to give her a safe abortion. Too bad for the woman who faces a life altering situation and can't seek help.
Justice is equal opportunity. It should always be legal!
2007-03-10 06:17:27
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
The act of infanticide, or 'abortion' as Liberals attempt to call it, is nothing short of the murder of a child.
It is impossible to be opposed to murder, or to have a soul for that matter, and to simultaneously support the wholesale murder of an entire segment of the population based solely on their age.
Anyone who has the slightest moral code cannot help but to be opposed to the savage practice of infanticide and to do everything possible to see to its end.
2007-03-10 06:30:14
answer #10
answered by Anonymous