Do you believe in misusing gifts? If your father gifts you a car, you misuse it, what would he do? Take it back or ground you...
Life is a gift, sex is a gift, love is a gift, our birth as human beings is a gift. Use them for the right purposes.
All the best...
2007-03-10 15:58:07
answer #1
answered by plato's ghost 5
God gave us the gift of sex because he loves us and wants us....his beautiful creations to know pleasure, to have fulfilment, to pro-create to further mankind, but He in giving us this wonderful pleasure also knew in His divine wisdom that the world was a place of good and evil; that there would be those who would use us for their own selfish desires, would not respect the beauty of such a special gift, would simply want to enjoy the moment and then move on. There are also restrictions because of the danger of harm to us from diseases that could stay with us for the rest of our lives. Another reason for restrictions is that God knows that we are not all mature enough to handle the results of sex.....perhaps a pregnancy, and a child to care for; or to be faced with the decision whether to carry the child or terminate the pregnancy. God would not want us to have to make that choice. Please view these restrictions as God's way of showing us how very much He loves us!!!! I hope that you will view this concept of "tough love" as a gesture from a very loving parent that is meant to protect us. Your life could be greatly changed by not following some of the restrictions that are associated with God's gift of sex.
2007-03-10 17:02:55
answer #2
answered by Sheila K 1
Sex alone is not the gift of God. If there is no restriction then it is no longer a gift. It becomes ordinary Isn't it
2007-03-10 14:15:40
answer #3
answered by renganathan g 2
Because th egift came with a fine print of all the restrictions, read carefully. :) Well! restrictions are needed to prevent chaos. To check spread of diseases, keep the family structures intact, all needed for survival. Controlled sexual indulgence will make sure the "gift" is not ruined.
2007-03-11 00:29:33
answer #4
answered by man_on_the_moon 2
God has gifted us every thing including sex. He has also made some rules for each and every act. As we take food at certain times of the day, sleep at night, work for a stipulated time, so also sex has to be practised at certain time only. The purpose of indulging in sex is to fulfill the biological needs of all living beings including human beings as we take food to satisfy hunger.
2007-03-11 04:11:34
answer #5
answered by drpoet 2
If there weren't restrictions then it wouldn't be a gift. It is only to be shared between married couples. Man has made it out to be worse than it is.
2007-03-10 17:06:05
answer #6
answered by Heather A 1
Even human are gifts of god. Some of them are a**es & some are not.... Another important gift is Ability to judge ...
2007-03-10 14:09:06
answer #7
answered by skepty 3
Why not? Even freedom has its restriction!
2007-03-14 02:03:49
answer #8
answered by Pradip Dey 2
A gift is special. Treasure it, don't ruin it.
2007-03-10 15:50:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous