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Okay, here before 7 in the morning, there are 10 lights before I ever reach my husbands work to pick him up. I will be the "only" one sitting there... and boom.. they stay red forever! If they would all stay green... I would make it from my house (doing the speed limit) in less than 5 minutes, but the trip there takes 20 minutes. I have been at lights before that I sat through and watched ALL four lights being red at the same time!!!!!!! I just don't know what the deal is. Why don't they just use caution lights during certain hours when there is "nothing" but a handful of people out?

2007-03-10 06:00:46 · 1 answers · asked by chrystalbelle 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

1 answers

I only have 4 red lights in our whole county, don't miss them one bit. Many places use the flashing caution lights between certain hours. I know too in certain cities that if you come up to a red light and high beam it, it will change to green, but it's illegal. You could always buy a green light trigger too.

2007-03-11 01:09:06 · answer #1 · answered by WV_Nomad 6 · 1 0

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