Do these characteristics describe you?
Im a first born and the description matches me to a tee!
First Borns:
More motivated to acheive, end up in professions such as law and medicine,excel in academics , overprotective..and need approval of parents,Determined, first borns are more serious, fear of failure,perfectionist,trendsetters, pressure to be perfect , more pictures of first born children in photo albums
Second Born
aggressive movers and shakers, assertive, achievement oriented, strong willed, want to outdo everyone and rebel
good negotiators, very gregarious, lots of friends, mediator, they tend to spend lots of time away from home(with other friends or families) sometimes see themselves as outsider
Last Born
charming, spoiled, outgoing, complicated, doesnt make the best grades , creative and funny, witty..act now..think later, self centered, class clown
Only Child
share character with 1st borns,loner, spoiled, air of expectancy,introverted, selfish
11 answers
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Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
Princess Yum Yum you said your twin was born first and is far more serious could be an inclination to birth order within the set...
but Psychologists agree that twins often exchange dominance throughout their lives, and in that sense may alternate between birth order categories also there is a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
For example, a mother may reason, "Oh, Twin A was born first. She is always first to do everything. She was the first to crawl, and she'll be the first to walk also!" She expects her firstborn twin daughter to walk before her sister, and spends more time coaching and encouraging this daughter in this skill. In reaction to her self-fulfilling prophecy, Twin A naturally walks first. As the twins grow up, their parents expect their "firstborn" to look out for her "younger" sister, establishing Twin A in the dominant role in the relationship, and galvanizing her personality traits in the mold of an elder child.
06:30:56 ·
update #1