It is not what we were born as, but who we become--Paraphrasing Dumbledore
--That Cheeky Lad
2007-03-10 08:34:53
answer #1
answered by Charles-CeeJay_UK_ USA/CheekyLad 7
Alot of charactoristics are genetic, but they can be shaped by enviroment. For example, if a guy with a really bad temper is brought up by bad tempered people who shout all the time, then he will learn that that is ok, and act like that. If he is brought up by the same people who ahve the SAME problem but are aware and extend some control over them selves (leaving the room until they have calmed down, going for a drive, etc) then they learn this behaviour too. In essence, we are all born with personality traits inherited from our parents, but it is how our enviroment in youth teaches us what is and isn't acceptable that shapes us to be 'good' or 'bad'.
2007-03-10 05:50:44
answer #2
answered by CHARISMA 5
This is one of those things where it is just a saying. Obviously the way you are brought up has some influence on your mind and the way you act but there is more than one way it can go - it can make you not want to behave like your father as well as some who do behave badly because they think its the right way to behave as their father was like it. But each person has their own individual character, we are not clones so each walks a different way in their lives when they're adult.
2007-03-10 06:16:39
answer #3
answered by JENNIFER 3
I am a fairly nice human(so I'm told)
My dad is one of the most useless excuses for a man and father to ever draw breath.
Therefore no I don't believe that saying.We all choose our own path in life and I've chosen one that is nothing like his.
2007-03-10 17:33:17
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
It's only really said when the son does something that reminds others of his father. Obviously if the 2 have absolutely nothing in common no one will say it.
2007-03-10 06:48:28
answer #5
answered by cheryl 4
Not always true. Life is full of choices and it completely depends on what choices you choose to how you grow up. I'm sure there are some tendencies, but again.. completely depends on the choices you make in life.
2007-03-10 05:56:24
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Think it`s just a saying sweetie. Unfortunately my son is like just like his father (the way he waves his hands, gives dirty looks, etc) and he left when he was 8 months old (still see`s him though but not that often) but my brother is nothing like my father.
2007-03-10 06:09:11
answer #7
answered by SarahLee 2
I'm nothing like my father (thankfully) as I was brought up by my mum.
2007-03-10 05:53:46
answer #8
answered by massadaman 4
my partner is nothing like his father. his father is a lazy boozing selfish git who treats his mum like dirt.
my guy is hard working, loving and giving. if he was like his father he wouldn't be here, but he's not and i love him to bits.
2007-03-10 06:00:47
answer #9
answered by pamela g 4
Not everyone is the same so sayings like that, whilst true for some, aren't necessarily true for everyone.
2007-03-10 05:50:04
answer #10
answered by Danru 4