DNA is too large to leave the nucleus. If the program (code for specific proteins) it contains must leave the nucleus, an intermediate must be produced. This intermediate is called m-RNA. m-RNA is formed in the following way, RNA polymerase binds to, a region of the DNA called, the promoter. Here is found the start codon TAC which codes for the amino acid methionine. Once this has been established the m-RNA sequence is produced growing from the 5' - 3' region. This occurs at the rate of 60 nucleotides / sec. The terminator sequence will keep the process from going on indefinitely. The eukaryotic m-RNA must be modified before going to the ribosome, while the prokaryotic does not.
2007-03-10 08:03:19
answer #1
answered by ATP-Man 7
The sequence of bases in the gene tells how to make a protein by telling which amino acids to join in order. The instructions are written in "code" or sets of 3 bases, each base calling for a particular amino acid to be added to a chain.
2007-03-10 05:45:05
answer #2
answered by ecolink 7
Protein synthesis:
1. trascription
2. translation
It's the process of expressing a gene from DNA to mRNA through transcription. Then from mRNA post transcriptional processing to translation into a protein.
2007-03-10 05:44:52
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I think it means, that's the exact protein it's gonna build. DNA uses RNA to make proteins in the cells.
2007-03-10 05:44:59
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
what it means is DNA is borin
2007-03-10 05:44:31
answer #5
answered by Tommy 3