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so that it gives them an excuse to prise even more money out of us?

2007-03-08 23:40:32 · 90 answers · asked by Birdman 7 in Politics & Government Law & Ethics

90 answers

no way! don't they need a permit to enter our houses? I would never let one of them in.

2007-03-08 23:42:53 · answer #1 · answered by ~♥~mama-to-be~♥~ 4 · 6 0

Any of you who know me will know I rant on about New Labour and main stream politics at every chance I get. This attack on the working class is as others have said another Gordon Brown revalation to punish those that have spent much of their time and cash in improving their homes. Yes, its what you would expect of a trotsy communist type goverment and that is precisly what New Labour is. Of course the people it hits are those that have put everything they have to get a leg on the property ladder. How can anyone vote for a goverment that wants to wipe out the working and lower middle classes attempts to own a home of their choice. Don't forget, New Labour have set up a secret police to deal with people who speak out against certain issues and are compelling the police to use similar techniqes to the guestapo and russian secret police. Our freedoms are being eroded at
at an alarming rate and you will soon have to have identity cards. We are becoming a copy cat state of Starlinest Russia, is that the way we really want to go?. There has to be serious political change and BNP and UKIP are the only way forward. As someone has already said you will not be able to refuse entry, if you do there will be yet another fine and you will not be able to smoke either while the inspectors are in house as there will also be a fine for this. Why are we putting up with this? New Labour, conservatives and the Liberal party must be beaten at the ballot box to fight back and that must start at the next elections. Let us fight back by voting for those that will do what the majority of the electorate want give BNP or UKIP a chance.

Expressing your anger on this forum is one thing, getting up and doing somthing about it is another.

2007-03-09 05:18:47 · answer #2 · answered by Redmonk 6 · 2 0

No, but cameras are a possibility and a lot cheaper.

Seems like a good idea to me, because people really do need controlling 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

I'm sure Mr Blair would approve of this, which MUST be in the interest of other honest, tax-paying, law-abiding people.

How much is a one-way ticket to Romania these days?

2007-03-10 01:31:57 · answer #3 · answered by musonic 4 · 0 0

There is a need for local funding to assist pay for local services including homehelps, street cleaning, residential care, Adult resource centres etc. For these reasons I will not argue against taxation. However the council tax is an unfair tax - the only fair taxation would be a local income tax or the removal of local taxes and greater national taxation.

Several techniques if people come to check house out
one insist they do so by appointment;
second have a party when they come - a big party in fact have a foam party
thirdly have your friendly surveyor there
Finally insist on having copies of their notes prior to them leaving

2007-03-09 10:06:42 · answer #4 · answered by kiloranbrae 2 · 1 0

Hellllll Noooo!!!! Every part of our rear ends are being spied on by this government. We no longer have any pleasures we can enjoy without being monitored. And now they want to enter our homes to restrict the pleasure of enjoying our them the way we want. We may as well now give up as citizens of this country and leave the front door open, or even worse just live on the street, cos thats exactly where we're going. We're taxed from the moment we're born to the moment we die and beyond on every thing we do. Even the air we breath is being taxed. And eventually there wouldnt be piece of ourselves that we own, it will be belong to the government and all the institutions that belong to it. So like someone said... instead of bleating on we should do something about it and say NO MORE!!!

2007-03-09 04:17:40 · answer #5 · answered by chiccigyal 3 · 1 0

I have read a lot of the answers and agree whole heartedly with most. I feel sick at the thought of anyone coming into our home uninvited, and will do all that is humanly possible to avoid, delay, and make things as difficult as possible.

But will it make any difference?. I doubt it, unlike the French we British are of a different breed, and lay down on our backs with our legs in the air.
When the fuel blockade was going on I would have gladly let my tyres down to block a garage forecourt, but I would have been the only one.

I put a new roof etc., on ours in the heat of last summer and intended to rebuild the front ground floor this year. Plans will cost about £140 to submit and a lot of hard work. All this and I have been disabled for 12 years and retired, living on £95. a week and a pension which pays out £48. a month with them bastards taking £10 in tax. I claim for nothing and it's a fight for me to run my 12 year old car.

So you can see just how I feel about that slimebag Blair, Brown, and his bunch of psyco's with their thousands they stitch us up for on expences on top of their pay. Now we are to look forward to another 4.300 on around £80.000 a year, to go through our underwear draws. Or was that the cost of Blairs f-a-g Ends another 4.500 on the same sort of money.

Great Britain, a country I used to be so proud of ...............

2007-03-09 09:08:12 · answer #6 · answered by Derek D 2 · 1 0

Of course not. Council tax snoopers and all that goes with them are not just an issue of money either.

It's just another example of this most Orwellian of British government's obsession with faschist principles of Control, Snooping, Spying and Restricting.

Their obsession with Control and taxation makes the Thatcher years seem like a Golden Age. They've returned to the high taxation that bust the country in the 70's and added some very subtle variations on Communist features.

They want to limit our freedom to travel and monitor where we go if we do have the audacity to move (shades of the USSR and South Africa). They already limit our freedom of speech (make a joke or off the cuff remark and it's considered racist, sexist, ageist or any other 'ist').

It ties in with their desire to force us to have trackers in our cars (oh yes, that's necessary for road pricing is it?) AND they want us to pay £200 for the tracking box!

It ties in with their obsession to force us to carry Identity Cards (and they have the cheek to charge us for these too!!)

Council tax snoops are just one small part of the blatant erosion of the freedom which makes Britain an easy and pleasant place to live.

They use Security and Order as an excuse for all this. Yes, there are problems and there are people who Abuse the freedoms which we enjoy.

But should we let these anti-social toss pots be an excuse to force us into the sort of restrictive societies which existed in the Communist Bloc, NAZI Germany or some of the places in the Middle East?

2007-03-09 04:06:21 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I totally agree with everyone, particular Karen.
We are going to be penalised for trying to make our homes nice, for having a nice view - what Can we possibly do about it? It is disgusting! Is it our fault prices have gone up? I pay nearly a grand now - you can guarantee that will go up. Why do we have to let these people in our homes it is an abuse of rights.
I think/hope it will be the downfall of ANY government who tries to invade our privacy like this and judge us!
To those of you who say its to fund our local spending eldery care etc it is what we are doing now so why should having a loft conversion/ conservatoy or nice bathroom effect the way you use local services??
I found a link to an e petition if anyone wants to sign / pass on

2007-03-09 06:04:10 · answer #8 · answered by lovelylittlemoo 4 · 1 0

So the government now say it is OK for a guy to demand entry to your house. This is a villains charter, any turd can now turn up and demand entrance, what is it going to do for old people,THIS IS UNENGLISH COME ON LETS STAND UP AND BE COUNTED. This is the worst government ever, it was this sort of thing that led to the peasants revolt, so come on make a stand, can we all pull together and put up the money to finance the first martyrs in a round of civil disobedience? I'm not leader material but I'll support anyone who will stand.

2007-03-09 08:05:24 · answer #9 · answered by bo nidle 4 · 1 0

No way, why should we. We already hand over to much of our hard earned cash, and struggle month by month to survive, while to Govenment waste squander and generally chuck it away. I mean why should we be punished for having a garden or being close to a nice area? Life is already sh*t in the UK but at least we can come home and make our homes nice, now it seems they want us to suffer more, have no money, and live in a dive, as we cant afford to have anything nice. This place has gone mad, we can chuck away millioms of pounds starting wars in places we have no business being, in the name of freedom while we pile more and more upon our people. I hate this counntry it's tax system, is unfair policys it's discrimaination againts those of us who go out to work... it is all take take take....... I am looking for the best way out and the UK Government can have it's immigrants and do what the hell it likes

2007-03-09 03:24:41 · answer #10 · answered by djp6314 4 · 4 0

In the middle ages homes where taxed in accordance with the number of windows the homes had!! It will not be long before we are taxed on the amount of sun light we see.
If a large % of people do not allow these Nazi thugs entry to our homes the whole system will grind to a halt.
Don't let the bastards in.

2007-03-09 07:36:10 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

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