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Whats good for the goose is good for the gander , I think refers to an equality issue between male and female.In a circumstance where the male/female has afforded him/herself a liberty, or consequence that is questionable between the two so if it's good for one then why not the other. It implies a double standard based on gender and what is considered permissable or not. (often there are things that maybe ok for a male but not viewed the same if done by a female.
As far as right or good is concerned. there are many different perceptions of roght or good. For example: In order for us to say something is good , it also is saying that the opposite of what is good , is bad. However, each of these states have equal value, depending on where or how this effects those on either end of the spectrum. such as. In todays society, wearing a fur coat is considered Bad and a to raise the animals in captivity for the purpose of vanity is a horrific treatment and exploitation of the lives of the victims (the animals of course) however if you lived in Alaska, the opposite would be true, because not only does life depend on warmth to not use every part of the hunted animal would be disrespect to the animal and a waste.in death one gives life and this is natures way, this is why everything is recycled , this not cruel but efficient.
people should be returned to the earth and absorbed back into the body of which we emerged, not buried in a metal box to inhibit us from giving life to the creatures that continue to provide the function they were meant to do, but , many see this as bad, and because of the need of the living and the desire to alter a perfect living "machine"(I use this to describe the incredible functions of all things conbined that is one body "the planet earth"for thier own fear or comfort.we have reasons for changing our practices, a king or pharoah would be honored and immortilized by preservation etc.also because of the wealth they had..disease or mass deaths are a good reason to burn bodies as opposed to buriel and this also depends on the location of where one lives.Another example, The European settlers that came to this Continent, the new undeveloped land it seemed to the people from across the sea, was so desirable to them that they took possesion of this land entirely by murder,theivry, destruction , rape and honored nothing of what they offered us in return for "reservations" They have drawn lines and hold our land hostage and greedily hoard what belongs to all or I should say we really belong to the land., pollute the water, kill the creatures that lived here, waste and disrespect holy places, silenced our languages, our way of life, try to brainwash us with their religions , religions that lie.they treat us like savages,they gave us alcohol to make us sick,gave us guns and build prisons, they stole people from across the sea and brought them here ,sold them as one does a car..to do thier farming and do the work that the greedy couldn't handle because he wanted more and more and more, , because with power they could live above the laws in comfort, attract beautiful women . Now a few hundred years later, there are a few hundred men or families that still have all the power. a few hundred years and this is called civilized America, land of the free, opportunity for anyone . free speech, democracy.
Our leaders don't lead or rule, and rarely have honor, or the balls to really do the right things. Our leaders have us dependent on oil of another land........... when other alternatives should have been our goals, we have so much waste here, there are cities in Alaske that are already relocating due to the melting of the ice. Yet its a big joke and many are still in denial, or just don't care. America is said to be good, but is it? It's got lousy Karma if you ask me.we are divided, ignorant and do nothing, we block the borders and want to deny entry to this country. Now how's that for irony, whats good for the goose is good for the gander? HA!,My beautiful america, who I was told was the best, is crumbling, and will be humbled on her knees before she will stand a chance to be Number one.THis country was built on misery and we have 47 million with out healthcare coverage, a minimum wage that will only support someone who lives in a 3 rd world country, If the mexicans left the usa, who would do the work? Our kids? puleese people work their butts off for two weeks for what an xbox costs, we have homeless in the streets, we call drug addicts criminals, when what is going on is a life threatening disease, mentally ill go to jail. the elderly get less then 1000 a month to live on,a homeless person can go to jail for sleeping in the wrong spot, can't live off the land because it would be trespassing, Ya know in Denmark everybody pays about 65% of thier income to tax , wow you say thats outrageous, but education and health care , ALL of it is available to everyone, thats good for families but maybe bad for a single person so in theory an eye for an eye sounds fair or good, but then there is a nother cliche that fits here also , 2 wrongs don't make it right. How do you kill someone to say killing people is wrong? So was it good that people developed ways to travel across the sea or in the sky or across the country by car.
why was it good,?we spread disease that people of the land didn't have immunity to resist , the earth gave us what we needed but we had to have more, so we have less, look at all the war and suffering because we traveled.we spread like cancer.and we wont stop until we've destroyed every thing in our path Mankind claims to be superior to other life forms. Why. look at the little tiny ants, we can't come close to doing what the do. and if we kill them all we'd rot in our waste, because they have a purpose and a function and they are very efficient at keeping thier end of the bargain, to be at peace and at one with all life.They know what they are here for. What are the purpose of people, Mankind.Our purpose is to pursue pleasure, fight for control, conquer and destroy and learn how to live beyond our Host, we are to exist long enough to evolve into a perfect working body a living breathing machine , that can host our life force and then what? Is this what authors of the bible are trying to say , that we are created in gods image? when we say we why do we think we is just man.?
We are magnificant yet through adversity and "bad things"
is how resilience and strength and character is built, so bad things are really good things too.The easy safe way of life , ignoring what is happening in the world and going to church every sunday praising the lord and just knowing that you will be a happy spirit protected from this allmighty force, then going back home knowing you did your duty at church, go on to work your job and be a prisoner to your credit card bills and obligation to your spouse , kids , etc etclook around your house, your clothes etc, what was made in the usa? do you know? how much was outsourced to a country with lower wages? You love your country, but the rich doesn't want to pay saleries here , they spend there money in China, they make alot of money supporting the Chinese economy and guess what China is strong, they have jobs, they are also over a billion strong, then ouch Inda another couple billion people , educated too, willing to work. People really do have more power then they think, but as long as they don't live in rwanda or iraq why should we care , we got mcdonalds we have fast cars, air conditioning and credit cards, we have running water and lots of jails to hide the folks that dont want to get with the program, besides prisons are good for the economy, so are diseases,uespecially the uncurable ones. So this is just my perspective, this is the way I see good and bad, good and bad certainly need each other don't they? and as far as the evil goes well just keep voting for the one or two choices coming on election day, and then wait around for different results. why not we have all the time in the world to waste, life isn't short enough as it is, by the time we wade through all the crap and figure out how we want to live? and what's important. next time you have the urge to burn oil, go spend a few months in a 3 rd world country, and walk away saying you are proud to be an american. Now that is good!...by the way when I use the word you , I don't mean you as an individual , I say it to all the people who dwell here in America.owning the land my not so ancient relatives lived on and loved and thrived on for 10,000 years. life that I will never know, I will still be here to help the country heal after she suffers her Karma and the consequences of her actions against the world, our world, I wont be happy but I will be kind, I will take what I need , leave the rest and remain insignificant like a grain of sand on a beach, but still part of the beach, good or bad
2007-03-09 07:37:21
answer #6
answered by 2K 4