Mine was great during my prom night with my high school g/f. I am a guy and surprisingly enough I didn't orgasm either. I made up for it every time after that though. I was very nervous but I performed well. My ex didn't know I was a virgin until 5 years after we broke up when I finally told her.
Yo somebody slap jasmine with a bag of quarters!
2007-03-08 21:15:23
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
First sexual experience? Virginity? That's two questions, right?
I'm a guy. I was shocked as a teen to find not all girls get that rush like guys do right away, sometimes not ever.
Lots of times I kinda ran between second and third base before stealing home. I was hitting doubles and triples at 16, but didn't turn into a home run threat until 18. I was lucky when I was 18 to meet 20-yr-olds who knew how to handle a bat. By 24 I was good to go anytime for a game.
2007-03-08 21:05:11
answer #2
answered by Your Uncle Dodge! 7
Disappointing. He was soooo small. lol. eww. I was with him like for 5 years .we broke up and i was with someone else, that was the first time I achieved and orgasm. Poor guy really. lol.
2007-03-08 21:06:38
answer #3
answered by memyselfandi 3
Wow, your first sexual experience lasted six months?! That's going some.
I don't think anybody's first experience is that great - lots of fumbling. At least that's what most people say.
2007-03-08 21:01:56
answer #4
answered by Geoff M 5
Niiiiicccccce. Mt first lover was all that and a freaky bag of chips. Oh My! That was the best thing about college. LOL
2007-03-08 21:05:40
answer #5
answered by answers999 6
It hurt like buggery and I didn't achieve one for a good 12 months
2007-03-08 21:00:42
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
Mine quick, painful and guess what?????? I was 16 and got pregnant. Whoohoo! That was 21 years ago, thank God I was a natural born mom!
2007-03-08 21:03:23
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
You stayed in bed that long?!?
My first sexual experience was awful and it was with the completely wrong person.
I couldn`t have chosen a worst candidate ("candy date" lol!) if I tried, I swear!
It was with a married man almost 20 years older than me who refused to leave his wife for me; he was just using me but not for sex, rather because I lived very near to where he worked and he was tired of having to travel all that distance from his house to his workplace every single day!!!
Can you believe this?!?
What a jerk!!!
Shame on him for using me like this.
But shame on me for letting him steal my cherry!
2007-03-08 21:12:04
answer #8
answered by Devilish Angel 4
I was to nervous to orgasm. I gotta say it wasn't what I tought it would be but with practice, IT ROCKS!!!!! Wanna hook up?
2007-03-08 21:01:39
answer #9
answered by WWW.MYHIBRID.COM 3
It sucked. It hurt unbelievably bad, and he was in such a great mood after, and I was like, I thought you said it was fun!?
2007-03-08 21:07:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous