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I am a fan of all silly little pieces of useless info or strange facts. If you would like to share yours with me that would be great!

Eg: Brazil is the only country named after a tree. Pigs cannot look at the sky. Snails have teeth.The Atlantic Ocean is saltier than the Pacific. Newborn Babies dont have knee caps. Bees are born fully grown. A roller coasters speed increases approx 10 mph when it rains etc etc .......

2007-03-08 16:17:10 · 27 answers · asked by qt pie 2 in Education & Reference Trivia

27 answers

ok i know this isnt really a fact but its sorta info...well not so much but its definitely useless:
The Top Reasons to Go to Work Naked

* Your boss is always yelling "I wanna see your ass in
here by 8:00!"

* Can take advantage of computer monitor radiation to
work on your tan.

* Inventive way to finally meet that hottie in Human

* "I'd love to chip in, but I left my wallet in my pants."

* To stop those creepy guys in Marketing from looking down
your blouse.

* You want to see if it's like the dream.

* So that -- with a little help from Muzak -- you can add
"Exotic Dancer" to your exaggerated resume.

* Splattering grease from deep fryer is really hard to get
out of your uniform.

* People stop stealing your pens after they've seen where
you keep them.

* Diverts attention from the fact that you also came to
work stoned.

* Keeps that snooty Ruth Bader-Ginsberg on her toes.

* Because the President insists when Hillary's out of

2007-03-09 16:57:52 · answer #1 · answered by Garbo's snowflake 6 · 1 2

When fried, a murre's egg white turns blue and the yolk turns red. The world's longest weenie was 3001 feet long, and weighed 885 lbs. Made in Germany in 1601 to celebrate Koenigsburg. Elephant dung makes the best fertilizer. The official manual for the IRS is 38,000 pages long. The world's smallest horse stood 14 inches tall.

2007-03-09 05:15:11 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Music trivia questions and answers

What is the minimum number of musicians a band must have to be considered a "big band"?
A: Ten.

What musical instrument's sales escalated from 228,000 in 1950 to 2.3 million in 1971?
A: The guitar's.

What 1976 chart-topping song did Barry Manilow sing, but not write?
A: I Write the Songs.

What does the Italian musical term adagio mean?
A: Slow.

Who was the top-selling album artist of the 1970's according to Billboard?
A: Elton John.

What's the only group to claim two of the top ten best-selling singles of the 1970's?
A: The Bee Gees.

Who was the first country artist to sell over 10 million copies of an album?
A: Garth Brooks.

Music trivia questions and answers

What band is named after a scuplture in Seattle that hums in the wind?
A: Soundgarden.

What two Frank Sinatra hits were tops for U.S. karaoke singers in 1993?
A: New York, New York and My Way.

What stringed symphonic instrument has a pedestal and a crown?
A: The Harp.

What studio did the Beatles use to record 191 songs?
A: Abbey Road.

What jazz musician got his nickname by shortening "Satchel Mouth"?
A: Louis Armstrong.

What jazz trumpeter was dubbed the "Prince of Darkness"?
A: Miles Davis.

What did Def Leppard drummer Rick Allen lose in a 1984 auto accident?
A: An arm.

What Southampton junior high school musical was cancelled in 1994 when Shinnecock Indians objected to the " Ug-a-wug" song?
A: Peter Pan.

What classical conductor won posthumous Grammy Awards in 1991, 1992, and 1993?
A: Leonard Bernstein.

Who's "Monk" to jazz buffs?
A: Thelonious MOnk.

What California group waited 22 years to score their first chart-toping single since 1966?
A: The Beach Boys.

What city's opera house does " The Phantom of the Opera" prowl?
A: Paris.

Who scored his first platinum album since 1978 with " The Icon Is Love " in 1994?
A: Barry White.

What Michael Jackson album spawned five chart-topping singles?
A: Bad.

What trumpeter became the oldest person ever to score a chart-topping single, in 1964?
A: Louis Armstrong.

What rock star was trying to bite the head off a bat in concert when the bat decided to bite back?
A: Ozzy Osbourne.

What Shania Twain recording became the best-selling country music album ever by a female artist, in 1996?
A: The Woman in Me.

What patriotic song was originally titled "The Defense of Fort McHenry?
A: The Star Spangled Banner.

Who's waxed more gold and platinum albums than any other solo female artist?
A: Barbara Streisand.

How many songs from the Beatles "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band" were released as singles?
A: Zero.

What singer for a 70's British rock quartet changed his name from Frederick Bulsara?
A: Freddie Mercury.

What rock'n'roll singer is memorialized by a eight-foot bronze statue in Lubbock, Texas?
A: Buddy Holly.

What Woody Guthrie song goes "From California to the New York island / From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters"?
A: This Land is Your Land.

What Pink Floyd song was banned by the South African government after it became an anthem for black school children?
A: Another Brick in the Wall.

What were the two most popular rock operas of 1969?
A: Hair and Tommy.

What are the two most common unbowed stringed instruments found in a symphony orchestra?
A: The Harp and the Piano.

What legendary soul singer wrecked his Corvette the first time he drove it?
A: Ray Charles.

What tenor received a record 165 curtain calls at a Berlin opera house in 1988?
A: Luciano Pavarotti.

What Beatles single lasted longest on the charts, at 19 weeks?
A: Hey Jude.

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2007-03-09 04:08:37 · answer #3 · answered by Basement Bob 6 · 1 1

I know that:

1. Once you hear the kids yelling "UH OH!", it's already too late

2. The CD-RW drive does NOT like PB&J sandwiches

3. The sturgeon is the largest fresh-water fish in the world.

4. Eglin Air Force Base near Shalimar, FL is the largest active military base in the world.

5. Tax preparers are forbidden BY LAW to report clients' illegal activities, even if they admit it up front. Using client info for any purpose other than to prepare the return is subject to civil and criminal action. (NO LIE!!!)

6. The IRS sucks.

7. Hazleton, PA is a slum. (I live 8 miles away!!)

8. The internet is more addicting than any other "drug."

2007-03-09 21:25:41 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

1. I'm a guy
2. 1 in 5,000 north Atlantic lobsters are born bright blue.
3. The king of hearts is the only king without a moustache.
4. The three best-known western names in China: Jesus Christ, Richard Nixon, and Elvis Presley.
5. When snakes are born with two heads, they fight each other for food.
6. American car horns beep in the tone of F.
7. There are twice as many kangaroos in Australia as there are people. The kangaroo population is estimated at about 40 million.
8. Charlie Brown's father was a barber.
9. Flying from London to New York by Concord, due to the time zones crossed, you can arrive 2 hours before you leave.
10. The fist product to have a bar code was Wrigleys gum.

2007-03-09 00:28:37 · answer #5 · answered by enzo32ferrari 3 · 4 3

Einstein: well known for Relativity [both special and general theories], for the equation "E=mc^2"...was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his co-work on the photo-electric effect. This gave us things like solar cells. Rumor: too few on the Nobel committee could wrap their minds around things like time dilation and warped/curved space.

Einstein: once told by one of his science professors that he would never amount to anything in science.

The first computer bug WAS a bug: a moth.

Music: as an engineer, this person did Pink Floyd's Dark Side, Al Stewart's Year of the Cat, Elton John's Yellow Brick road, and helped on the Beatles' Abbey Road albums. He has numerous albums of his own and sang on one through a device called a vocoder for which he received a Grammy nomination. Who? Alan Parsons.

Cause of death for majority of "Marlboro Man" models? Yup, cancer of lungs or mouth/throat. Gee, whodathunkit?

Alexander Graham Bell: "The Inventor of the Telephone" right? yeah, but only cause he got to the patent office and filed a mere two hours before a competitor. Should've phoned it in previous afternoon :P

US citizen with most patents? Thomas A. Edison.

Concorde SST could go from London to New York in just hours. Woohoo!! Fastest airplane [airplane being defined as aircraft which takes off and lands under its own power;so X-15 and space shuttle don't count] ever: SR-71 on its final flight, it went from LA to Washington DC in under 70 minutes.

When Francis Scott Key penned the poem that later became the Star Spangled Banner he was being held by the British as a POW onboard a ship watching Ft McHenry have "bombs bursting in air" over it.

The "Manhattan Project" was chartered/created by the Executive Branch of the US government on December 6th, 1941.

Hot "air": every second, the Sun turns approximately 400,000,000 tons of hydrogen into helium by the process of nuclear fusion.

Velcro, UV & scratch-resistant coatings for glass are among the many common household items invented by NASA.

2007-03-09 10:48:14 · answer #6 · answered by quntmphys238 6 · 1 1

The first minigolf course was on New York City roof. Tom Guiry went to Saint Greg's. John Lennon got the idea of Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds from his son's picture. WWI was declared on April 6. Lee Harvey Oswald grew up in New York City. Jack Ruby owned a strip club that was constantly getting busted by the feds. Abraham Lincoln almost didnt get reelected. Andrew Johnson was the first president to get impeached.

2007-03-09 00:28:35 · answer #7 · answered by Robbi p 2 · 0 3

The reason that people will say "God Bless You" after a sneeze is because ancient people believed that when a sneeze occured demons would enter the body.

Also not only was Mr. Rogers a minister but also was an ex Navy Seal who served in Vietnam and had 19 confirmed kills. The reason that he wore cardigan sweaters is because he had tattoos on his arms.

There is no such thing as normal!

2007-03-09 05:18:48 · answer #8 · answered by holyghostpyromaniac 1 · 1 2

The electric chair was invented by a dentist and accrylic nails (fake nails) were inevnted by a dentist's wife.

Old fire houses have spiral staircases because the old fire engines were pulled by horses, who could navigate straight stair cases, but not spiral ones. And dalmations were traditionally used as fire dogs because the sounds of the bells, tones, and sirens doesn't hurt their ears.

The small creek that runs through the Valley of Death (between Little Round Top & Devil's Den) in Gettysburg,PA was originally named Plum Run. It was renamed Bloody Run after the war because it was said to have run red with the blood of dead and wounded soldiers. And the battle at Anteitam was the deadliest day of battle in the entire American Civil War.

A human's eyes are as big as they'll ever be at birth, they never grow. But our noses and ears never stop growing.

The ears are the last body parts to stop working after we die, which is why we're told not to speak ill of the dead.

In very old houses, roofs were made of thatch and the floors were made of stone, so they were covered in straw, also known as thresh, to keep them warmer in the winter. To keep the thresh inside the house, a small board was placed at the entryway and was called a "thresh-hold". We get the tradition of carrying the bride oer the thresh-hold from this era, when men helped their new brides avoid getting dirty in their wedding gowns.

The law of "Double Jeopardy" (the law that ensures one person cannot be punished twice for the same crime comes from Edinburgh, Scotland. A woman was sentenced to hang after bein convicted of murder. There was a public execution and she was hanged in the town square. Her body was then taken to lay in mourning and 3 days after the execution she sat straight up in bed and started screaming. When the local magistrate found out, they tried to have her hanged again but her lawyer argued that she had been sentenced to hang, and since she had served that sentence, they couldn't make her do it again.

2007-03-09 11:07:04 · answer #9 · answered by OhKatie! 6 · 1 1

the shortest sentence in the english language is go!i need to use the bathroom.the saltiest sea is the red sea.the smallest vertabrae is only0.03 inches long.i have a timer on my cellphone.a korean boy has an iq of 210 when he was 4.the only thing better than a reptile is a nother reptile.sasquatch is bigfoot is the yeti is martin van buren.the cobra is the largest poisonous snake.

2007-03-09 06:28:27 · answer #10 · answered by Reptile Lover 2 · 0 2

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