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I have a 2 week old baby and I'm breastfeeding and loving it but my husband hates it. He says it's to time consuming and not always convienient. He wants us to bottle feed and I really don't want to. We have other children but didn't really breast feed them (as he again didn't want to) This is our last baby and we've finally got a little girl.
I really lovely the time breastfeeding gives us and she seems to really love it to.
Any advice would be great.

2007-03-08 14:05:31 · 31 answers · asked by Venessa M 4 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

31 answers

Most of the answers I have for you are along the lines of "tell him to stick his opinions ____", but I doubt this is what you mean by "encourage" nor is it going to help your marriage any.

Still, it scares me to hear that you want him to ALLOW you to breastfeed...try to tell your husband how much healthier it is for your baby (among other things, it'll keep her from getting sick & limit dr. visits) and you (it'll really help get your figure back!) than formula feeding. Don't forget it's also the most fiscally responsible decision to make since it's FREE!

As much as I love breastfeeding my little boy, I understand how time consuming it is, and quite frequently I find myself pumping (only takes 5 - 10 minutes) and bottle feeding the breastmilk (takes another 5-20 minutes), or if I can pump the milk ahead of time, Daddy can feed the baby (it helps them bond if he can feed him sometimes too), while I pump to empty my breasts & replace the store of milk that we're using.

Maybe you and your husband could agree to do something like this either some or all of the time?

Breastmilk is the #1 food for babies, best if it comes straight from the breast, #2 if it comes from a bottle. Formula is not the healthiest solution for 99% of babies, and if your husband wants what's best for your baby you should be able to make him see this side of things. If not, and you really care about it that much (I totally would if I were you!) then go with my first response and TELL HIM HE CAN STICK IT!

2007-03-08 14:17:02 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 6 0

I am 26 and i have three children.Two boys that are 7 and one 9 and one girl who is 3.I breastfed all three of mine and I have to say that it was the best decision I could have made for them.My advise to you would be to just explain to your husband that this is what is best for the baby and you.There are so many more advantages of breastfeeding than disadvantages.For instance they are less likely to get ear infections,colds,and they get all the vitamans they need to grow and be healthy.Not only is this best for the baby but you also for instance brastfeeding helps you lose those few unwanted pounds alot faster and it also puts a bond there between mommy and baby that is unreal.I still have that special bond with all 3 of my kids and I am so thankful that I had encouraging people there to help me.Now I love to encourage moms to breastfeed because it is truly a wonderful experiance.I hope I have helped you in some way and I truly wish you all the luck in the world!!!!

2007-03-08 14:32:40 · answer #2 · answered by mybrina1 1 · 2 0

Please don't let him pressure you. Not wanting you to breastfeed your baby is one of the most selfish things I have ever heard. I'm sure you've already done this, but you can reiterate how beneficial breastmilk is to your daughter. Not only is it an unbeatable bonding experience for you and her, her health can depend on it. I can't imagine your husband wanting to risk his daughter's health for his own selfish reasons. Not saying that if you don't breastfeed your daughter will be sick all of the time or not thrive, but why take the chance if you don't have to. It can only help. It can help with colds and ear infections, and many other things. It's FREE, so that's another thing that's awesome about it. I'm sure your husband will come around in time. Maybe he wants the chance to bond during feedings as well. Maybe you could pump every so often, so he can give her a bottle every now and then. That way when you are out at dinner you will have a bottle for her too. That might be nice, right? I wish you luck, please don't give up on him....

2007-03-08 14:14:53 · answer #3 · answered by its me 3 · 3 0

you don;t need his permission to feed your child.

As a bottle feeding mom of 3 with one on the way I have to say I take exception to some of the things people are saying to you. First off lets realize that I WANTED to breastfeed like crazy and am medically unable to do so, I AM a part of the 2 or 3 percent of the population that does NOT produce breastmilk at all. As for breastfeeding being required for newborns...it's not, and as for breastfed babies being smarter, my bottle fed babies who are both in gifted and talented classes might question that one a bit, as would their breastfed dad who is a complete and utter moron.

I still believe that breast is best and can give untold benefits to the child who is lucky enough to partake in it and should be used whenever possible, so yes the benefits are huge and you should not need permission from your husband to feed your child your milk. You are an adult right? You can make your own decisions? Then tell him to educate himself about it, provide him with some books about it, talk to your daughters pediatrician with your husband present, and then tell him that you are going to continue breastfeeding whether her likes it or not.

2007-03-08 14:20:46 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 5 0

If he really wants to bottlefeed, you could pump it out and let him help with the feeding. It sounds like he has jealousy issues seeing your breasts not being "his"anymore. Breastfeeding produces mothering hormones in the mom that help you be relaxed and calm, no wonder you love it! Breastfeeding is very convenient, its always there, no bottles to sterilize, and powders to mix. It is your body and your choice, not his, but he may want to know of all the antibodies and immune protective factors that nothing but mom's milk can provide, not to mention the lower risks of breast and uterine cancers for the mom. Chances are he could say" well the other two were formula fed and they were fine", but think of how much healthier breastfed babies are with those immune-enhancing antibodies they receive. Since you clearly want to breastfeed, you could tell him how important it is you, and why, and if you believe so, that the choice is yours.

2007-03-08 14:15:04 · answer #5 · answered by rebecca h 2 · 3 0

Tell him all the benefits there are for breastfeeding like its better for the babies digestive tract, brain development, speech development etc. Also if you use a manual breast pump or an electric one that may help out all the time being consumed nursing.

2007-03-08 14:39:16 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I think it's very sad that your husband would ask you not to breastfeed. It is such an amazing time for you and your baby to share not to mention all of the known health benefits to your daughter, including the benefits of holding and cuddling her.
It might be helpful to provide information to him. This is a very selfish and inconsiderate request he is making and should be your decision alone as it really doesn't affect him. If he wants to share her at feeding time you can nurse her and then pump the next so he can give her a bottle of beast milk and still take part. : )

2007-03-08 14:35:39 · answer #7 · answered by uncle louie 5 · 0 0

My husband wasn't very supportive either. It makes it so much harder. You know the benefits and the reason why your doing it, let him know how important it is to you, I sat down and had a talk with him about it and he changed his tune, when he realized it meant so much to me. And do remind him how much money you are saving the family... formula is expensive, it stains clothes easier, and the poops smell worse! I breast fed for 4 months with my youngest, I vowed that although it was tough on me and time consuming to pump when I went back to work, it was a price I was willing to pay. But when it became inconvenient to the rest of the family for whatever reason, I stopped. Good luck I hope you can get your husband to understand and be supportive, you need that. If you don't however, do it anyways it makes you feel good, and you probably don't do enough to make you feel good, and you could reduce your risk of breast cancer!

2007-03-08 14:17:14 · answer #8 · answered by chefck26 4 · 2 0

He doesn't have to "allow" you to breast feed... You do what you want! You know it's best for the baby, he (I'm pretty sure) knows this too He's just JEALOUS ... It's not like he can "forbide" you from breastfeeding, so honestly, you don't need his "permission"... And if you talk to him and nicely explain all the benefits of nursing and he still doesn't want you to just IGNORE HIM... He'll just have to deal with it!
Don't stop it, you will forever regret it! (I know, I stopped breastfeeding after 2 months because my daughter had problems latching on, and I still regret it, and she's 10 months old now, so please, don't stop)

2007-03-08 14:30:17 · answer #9 · answered by Feed the models! 4 · 2 0

My advice would be to continue to communicate with him why it is important to you, first and foremost. Secondly I would consider pumping milk as well, so that you can alternate between bottle and breast feeding. Its a compromise...you still get to breastfeed, and have your baby get your milk, and it also makes it a little more convenient. It's only been two weeks, so after a while, he will probably adjust to the routine. Its important that you both be happy and enjoy the baby, so I hope that you can come to a peaceful compromise. Congratulations!

2007-03-08 14:17:00 · answer #10 · answered by mzstorm 5 · 3 0

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