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There's a bunch of websites stating that it is impossible to land on the moon. Armstrong's picture..There's a shadow when there's no sun, the flag is being blown when there's no wind when there's no gravity or in space. How come nobody else has ever gone on the moon?Is it all just a myth?

2007-03-08 12:09:01 · 15 answers · asked by Future Mrs. Hamlet 5 in Science & Mathematics Astronomy & Space

15 answers

The moon landings were a hoax...to fool Russia into thinking our technology was better than their's. Why has our space program been going downhill ever since the moon landings?
Doesn't add up. We should be to Mars by now.

2007-03-08 20:21:30 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 13

Christine, get this straight and don't be foolish about it any more, okay? The basic technology required for a manned flight to the moon was developed in Germany in the late 1930s through the mid 1940s. This technology needed a lot of refinement to make a safe manned flight a reality.

We worked on that technology through the 1950s and 60s, and made the first manned moon flight in 1969. It all fits together, and if you read all the history and don't let the wackos lie to you, it will be impossible for you to continue to be fooled into believing that the moon missions did not take place.

The American people were much better educated and more intelligent in the 1960s and 70s than they are now, and it would never have occurred to NASA engineers and managers that 35 years later a bunch of ignorant dolts with nothing to do would come up with a stupid conspiracy theory stating that the moon landings were faked.

If that had occurred to them, I suspect the engineers would have gone to the trouble to create a larger and more visible object of proof, to compensate for the decline in the quality of the American mind and its education that occurred during and after the Reagan presidency.

But there is a real physical proof available. The astronauts who landed on the moon left behind reflectors that are used every day by astronomers to measure the irregularities of the moon's orbit. This is done by bouncing laser beams off reflectors at known locations that were left by the astronauts. Ask your science teacher for information about these experiments. You can arrange to see this done with your own eyes.

Let me put the question to you this way: If you think the moon landings were faked, when did they become "fake?" When did the idea become popular that NASA had invented the idea of an imaginary moon mission and created a huge technological empire to fool people? When was all this fakery done? In the 60s? 70s? 80s?

And why? What was the point? And how did they fool all the people that reported the news, operated the machinery, built the moon rockets, and watched them take off and land?

Do you realize that one American in 500 was a part of the Apollo program? Millions of them are still alive. Are they fooling you? Why? If you go out to a football game, look around you. In the stadium there are people who worked on the Apollo program.

Ask around. You are surrounded by people who know for sure that American astronauts stood on the moon more than 35 years ago.

2007-03-08 15:43:47 · answer #2 · answered by aviophage 7 · 5 0

Just because we haven't been back to the moon in over 2 decades, doesn't mean we never went there! The endeavor to go to the moon included billions of dollars spent, and participation by thousands of individuals working for NASA or any of the hundreds of companies contracted to build the facilities or the spacecraft.

You've obviously read some of these conspiracy websites. The problem with their trash, is their arguements are too easy to not believe! Before you make up your mind, seriously, look at the evidence from the other side. I highly recommend the book Moonshot by Alan Shepard and Deke Slayton. This book is one of many that document NASA's history, and written by two who were uniquely qualified to author such a book - as both were pioneer members of NASA as Mercury Astronauts, and continued to serve throughout the Gemini and Apollo missions.

I will point out, many of the conspiracy rumors are easily denounced. A) Yes there is no gravity, but it is well documented that the flag was supported outward by a thin metal wire, and the "wave" appearance was created by Armstrong tugging on it just before the photo was shot.
B) Consider the photo was taken in a light saturated environment. All that is needed is a hill to block light from one direction, (considering light cancels light) and you could have some very interesting shadows created.
C) Yes going to the moon was initially a race against the Russians. But we did continue going for several missions after Apollo 11. The Moon missions stopped when our scientists decided there was nothing more we could learn from the moon that required a human presence - I.E. robots were cheaper. And with the then new shuttle program, space exploration turned closer to home!

2007-03-08 12:58:39 · answer #3 · answered by gshprd918 4 · 1 0

First of all, why would it be impossible to land on the moon? The lower gravity might be a problem, but certainly not an insurmountable one. As for the other facts, the sun is not the only source of light in the universe.Even if it was, have you ever seen your shadow on a really bright night? That, as you probably know, is the moon reflecting the sun's light. The earth does the same thing. As for the flag, the reduced gravity would probably help it be moved by any slight air currents in whatever slight atmosphere the moon might have (there is still some matter in space, especially grouped around massive objects like the moon). Other missions have gone to the moon as well, but there is not much reason to go. We have rocks from the moon that we have studied. Correct me if I am wrong, but I think the moon just turned out to be a big hunk of rock in the middle of space.

2007-03-08 12:25:09 · answer #4 · answered by sdsmith326 1 · 1 0

No one in the scientific commumity diputes we went to the moon, not even the Russians, who we were trying to beat there (even though the race to the moon was officially a race to get there before the end of the decade, not with the Russians).
Only kooks are trying to say we didn't go there. In a few years we will have a mapping satellite orbiting the moon which will have enough resolution to pick up on the relics left behind, then maybe for once they'll shut the helll up. OR they'll just say those pictures are faked too, that you can see wind storms where there is no wind, or the flag just fluttered, or the shadows are going the wrong way, who knows what crap they'll dream up............

2007-03-08 13:02:15 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Good grief, will this nonsense ever end? The U.S. landed on the moon. 1. There are shadows on the moon -- the moon is bathed in sunlight even if the sky appears dark (Earth's light-scattering atmosphere allows the appearance of "daytime", the moon lacks this). 2. The flag is held out by an aluminum frame. It does not need wind. 3. There is gravity on the moon, otherwise the first step the astronauts took would have catapulted them into space. The moon, with far less mass than Earth, has less gravity than Earth, but not NO gravity.
Can we put this "conspiracy" b.s. to rest? Why is it so hard to believe that men landed on the moon? Man created the pyramids, the computer, and the indestructable Twinkie. We're a resourceful and determined species.

2007-03-08 12:23:17 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0


yes, its well known we landed on the moon. We left the flag and some footracks there, and if a probe was to be launched there again, it would see them, guarenteed. You ccould also watch it launch into space for proof. And dont pull up the "but we cant see a flag on it, even though a telescope." The flag at max was probably 4 feet six kinches high. In comparison, the smallest Maria on the moon visible though a telescope is about 200 miles long...about the size of Los Angelas. So its plain out obvious you can see it. Beleive what you want. Your not gonna sway me to beleive no one landed on the moon. You may also be asking "cant you just launch men to the moon tomorrow then?" The answer is no, since the saturn V rocket is the only such rocket powerful enough. and only 3 exist, all in museums, so they are out of the picture. Even if you did have them, the hard ware on them is over 40 years old. PLEASE tell me you DONT actually want to use a 1960's computer to go to the moon. I didnt think so. And its costing huge money to go there. so thaats why we arnt going back... for now, anyway... :)

2007-03-08 12:17:53 · answer #7 · answered by iam"A"godofsheep 5 · 4 0

Well, for one thing, you don't know all the facts. We've been to the Moon 7 times. The shadows are weird looking because objects were tilted - just go take some photos for yourself with only one light source, you'll see what we mean. The flag was supported by a wire, and every time you see it moving, someone was moving the pole.


Take it from a real astronomer. We landed on the Moon.

2007-03-08 12:44:02 · answer #8 · answered by eri 7 · 5 0

Lots of other people have gone to the moon, after Armstrong and Aldrin in 1969. There were 5 other successful Apollo mission after Apollo 11, each with 2 astronauts walking on the moon (and each with another one staying in orbit in the return capsule) until 1972.
As for all those sites and their fake "proofs" it is a pity there are more of those revisionists site than honest ones, and no publicity is made for the sites that debunk and show how wrong those fake proofs are.
As to why there no more mission after that, blame the Viet Nam war, blame the Watergate, and blame the politicians who went heavily in NASA's budget (for the record, NASA budget for a full year is equal to the US military budget for 2 weeks), and also balme the general public who kept saying that space exploration is a waste of time and money and that those funds should be given to poor people (like the NASA scientists would not be poor if they did not have that job in the first place; again for the record, and dollar invested in space brings back $16 as new business, I call that a pretty good return in investment, myself).
In the mid-70's, NASA put all its money in the space shuttle, and politicians insisted on making it cheap, which, in engineering parlance, means make it as inefficient as possible, and unable to hold its true promise (too many compromises) and in the end make it twice as expensive since it will have to be redesigned numerous times when something goes wrong.
Oh, and for the record, on the moon there IS gravity. And that flag is WRINKLED since it was folded in a tight container.
And for those who insists this is wind, then how come they also insist the whole thing was filmed in a warehouse? Last I checked, there was no such thing as wind indoors...

2007-03-08 12:24:55 · answer #9 · answered by Vincent G 7 · 4 0

there where 14 apollo missions and more than just armstrong have been on the moon

2007-03-08 12:12:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Grab your armadillo helmet, it's time for another gubmint conspiracy! Hey, you saw it on a website so it must be true, right!

2007-03-09 04:34:10 · answer #11 · answered by Marc B. 3 · 0 1

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