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42 answers

Natural is the best way to go unless some medical condition prevents it happening that way. The reason why is because I had my children via c-sections and everyone else got to hold them first, not me. I'm the mom, that was suppose to be my job not anyone else's. I was knocked out with my first one so I didn't even see her till she was 3 hours old. I can't get that back. All I got was to hear about it.

2007-03-08 10:58:40 · answer #1 · answered by punkin_eater26 6 · 5 0

I think that natural is the best way to go. Healing after a c-section is hard. All three of my births were natural, I know that it is hard to heal or takes longer to heal with any surgery. But if it has to be done then that is what has to happen. If you had the choice between a c-section and a natural delivery then I would say choose the natural route. It really isn't that bad... and there is a lot less pain after a regular delivery than VS. a c-section.

2007-03-08 11:04:31 · answer #2 · answered by ♥just me♥ 5 · 1 0

Lots of answer's here...most of them are "natural" is better. And they are right. It is better for you and the baby to have a vaginal delivery with or without some pain meds.

I had 3 c-sections, the first one seemed to be harder than the second two. Maybe because I was in labor for a long time before, maybe because I didn't know what to expect, maybe because....whatever. All I know is that my last two were scheduled ahead. I was rested and ready when I went into the hospital....as was my Doctors. My husband was with me the entire time (except when they gave me the spinal), and we were involved with the process the whole way. (No, I didn't watch, although they did offer to set it up so I could...ewww) I had to have the c-sections, it was something I spent a lot of time talking to my OB/gyn about after the first one.

The bottom line is the health and well-being of the baby and Mom. No matter how you end up having your child as long as you are both healthy nothing else matters. Recovery time from a c-section is longer because it is major surgery...and you have to be carefull for a time. It isn't anything you can't handle. How you approach it is very important as well. Your mind is a powerfull tool....if you are afraid and up-tight about it your recovery will be long and hard. If you are matter-of-fact and follow your doctor's instructions your recovery will be fast and easy.

Yes, there are limitations such as lifting for the first few weeks, but I was out of bed within 8 hours after having all three c-sections...the more you walk the easier it gets. I also took care of my house and kids after I got home...my longest stay was 4 days in the hospital. And I didn't want to go...I had two kids at home with Chicken pox!! Relax, it will all work out, no matter what.

2007-03-08 11:16:46 · answer #3 · answered by Barbiq 6 · 1 0

I think c-section is better. What I experienced after my c-section was nothing like what my friends experienced after their natural births. I mean I'll admit that my incision was very sore but it didn't affect my ability to use the bathroom or sit down or anything else that you go through with natural childbirth.

And I think that a c-section recovery is only longer if you allow it to be. I had my daughter on Monday evening and on Wednesday morning I was up taking care of her myself. No one stayed with me at the hospital or at home. And I was out at a party (my babyshower that had been delayed by Hurricane Rita) two weeks later. I was driving after a week or so. I also didn't have any pain medication after my epidural was removed on Tuesday night. And my scar isn't even that noticeable

2007-03-15 21:06:45 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Unless there is a medical reason for you to have c-section, go natural/vaginal. You're baby is not going to be able to expel all of the natural fluids from it's lungs when it is born via c-section. A friend of mine had a c-section a few months ago and her baby was in the level 2 NICU for about 3 days, she couldn't even hold him, because he had breathing difficulties.

I had all of my children vaignally and there were no problems, well except for when they gave the episitomy with the first, that hurt. A GOOD OB/GYN can actually massage the vaginal muscle to where you open up with no problems and don't tear.

2007-03-13 09:01:02 · answer #5 · answered by kogoinnutz 2 · 0 0

I had a c-section, everybody is different but for me it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. The only thing that sucked was I was unexpectedly knocked out for it, therefore I didn't get to see my son born let alone really see him until 12 hours later because of all the drugs I was under.(I was in and out of it) That bothered me. But I was up and walking the next day as I had my son the night before, walking slowly but I was up. Your recovery is what you make of it in my opinion, I got up and walked around as much as possible not just lay in bed. I was never in any pain. My fiance did have to do most of the care for our baby the 4 days I was in the hospital which kinda bothered me but he wanted to do as much as possible with him before he went back to work in 2 weeks so he enjoyed the time. I'm hoping my next will be a better experience and what I mean by that is either vbac or being awake!! And not having a high risk pregnancy........Hope this helps even though I can't compare it to natural birth......Also I feel there was no healing time because it went by so fast!!!

Edit***Yes there is a scar but it's not on my stomach like someone else in here referred. It is below my stomach on the bikini line. Nobody would be able to see this not even in a bathing suit only if you saw me naked! It's no where near my stomach!

2007-03-08 11:40:26 · answer #6 · answered by KDB 3 · 0 0

Women heal faster from natural birth than from c-section. With C-section there is an unsightly incision and as with all surgeries, there is posiblity of infection at the site. Also, moms who have a section have the possibility of having the uterus rupture...although this is extremely, rare and remote! However, with my daughter, the scar tissue from my first section had pulled and stretched.
After a section, you can only lift 10 lbs, can't make beds or vacuum or sweep floors. The anasthetic takes weeks to completely leave the body. And oh my gosh, does it hurt when you're first trying to get out of bed! It also takes a little longer for breastmilk to come in.

That said, if you have a c-section, you still bond with your baby. You still love them and are still able to take care of them. Healing is just a little slower and you need to take it easier.

2007-03-08 11:16:21 · answer #7 · answered by Fotomama 5 · 1 0

better how? it's obvious that natural birth has a quicker recovery time but sometimes a section is better for the baby. it all depends on you, your progression during labor, baby's size and well being. i've had both.section with my first then two v-bac. natural birth is more painful during labor but a section hurts after. a good dr. won't ususally do a section unless it's really necessary. talk to your dr. he/she can tell you more about what's best for you and your baby.

2007-03-08 11:08:39 · answer #8 · answered by racer 51 7 · 0 0

Natural birth is much better, the recovery time is way less than C-section. Plus it's a lot cheaper than a c-section.

2007-03-14 04:56:34 · answer #9 · answered by hopetohelpyou 4 · 0 0

I had 2 natural childbirths and 1 cesarean section childbirth. They all were wonderful because they created beautiful babies after all was said and done. If you asked, "What is my preference?", I would answer natural as the recovery time was not as long and I could experience the entire miracles. The cesarean section was emergent and some panic was involved. It took a long time to recover and I ended up with a pulmonary embolism as well due to having surgery that put me in the hospital for two weeks after having my baby. This left my husband home with 3 kids under 4 (one new born) for two weeks without me. Any surgery can have side affects so only have a cesarean if your Dr. says you must.

2007-03-13 07:23:01 · answer #10 · answered by QuestionableCharacter 5 · 0 0

A c-section is better for the labor part, but the recovery bot only takes longer but it hurts alot more. Having a baby the natural way hurts more during the labor but recovery isnt even half as bad. I know i had 4 childeren and the 3rd one was a c-section. It took me weeks of cramping gas and abdominal pain, to get back to normal. In my other births i was up and running the day after the baby was born. Of course you feel some pain but that is to be expected. But it only lasts a couple of days a c-section lasts up to 6 weeks.

2007-03-08 11:31:45 · answer #11 · answered by fazugosgirl 2 · 0 0

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