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I know as with any surgery the risk for complications is higher. But I would think it would be the preferred method of giving birth, if you had the choice...

What do you think?

2007-03-08 10:44:32 · 11 answers · asked by Nichole D 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Ummm Liyah's Mommy...who gave you a thumbs down? I didn't. Although I think your answer is worth a thumbs down. Clearly a c-section isn't "stupid" millions of babies are born everyday and often times it's necessary... get a clue.
Anyway,thanks for those who actually are giving helpful info...

My issue is if someone doesn't want to go thru the pain and possible "tearing" would you recommend a c-section?

I think you have plenty of work ahead of you, pushing out a baby in no way way makes you a worthy mother...Raising a responsible, respectful child, makes you a worthy mother. Just because you went thru 20 hours of labor doesn't mean you're going to be a better mother than someone who has a c-section.

Wow! That was a rant!

2007-03-08 10:57:06 · update #1

11 answers

I've never had one and never would. Why would someone choose to have a hole cut into themselves? I enjoy the sense of accomplishment for having worked to have my child here. Elective C-sections are stupid and serve no purpose. It's for LAZY people. A child is work from day 1 and you should have to "work" for one.

Thanks for the thumbs-down. You are obiviously one of those lazy people. And you further go to show how lazy you are, by giving me and thumbs-down and not even answering the question.

The thing about the thumbs-down wasn't directed towards you Nicole. It was people in general.

I went through 17 1/2 hours of labor. My epidural didn't work. I tore so bad, that my doctor couldn't count how many stitches I had. He stopped counting at 50. I couldn't hold my daughter for 2 hours because I was being stitched up. I have SCARS on my vagina(inside & out)! And I still would not have an ELECTIVE C-section. There is no possible reason to choose to have one. I completely understand the medical reasons for them. I have no problem with that aspect. I have a problem with people that CHOOSE to have an operation to deliver a child, when there is NO medical need for it.

I UNDERSTAND THE MEDICAL NEED FOR THEM! I do not understand the woman who choose to have them because they don't want to mess up their figure(some woman honestly believe that pushing out a baby can make your hips permanently bigger), who don't want their vagina to be bigger or looser(YES, some woman believe this), etc. etc. etc. Some woman choose to have C-sections so that they can choose what day their baby is born(since when did we become God, Buddha, Allah, etc.) That is why I am against them.

Thank you to mommy2mingbu!

2007-03-08 10:49:11 · answer #1 · answered by Aaliyah & Natalie's Mommy 6 · 5 9

The risks are MUCH MUCH MUCH higher than a normal vaginal birth. It's one thing to have a c-section w/ a serious medical reason but quite another to choose one w/o any reason at all.

I CAN'T imagine how it could be the "prefered" method of giving birth. Why would anyone seriously want to accept all the risks of c/s (which carry over into ever future pregnancy too) and be cut open as opposed to giving birth the way our bodies have evolved/been designed to.

I thought c/s was the best option w/ my first child b/c she was breech. I didn't know anything about having a breech baby vaginally or that chiropractors could adjust my hips and allow my baby to turn vertex. I wish I had known b/c I'd have chosen vag birth in a heartbeat.

W/ my second child, I prepared for and attemped a VBAC. As it turned out, my son's cord was wrapped too tightly around his body to allow him to descend. I ended up w/ a c/s too, much to my disappointment (though I was over the moon w/ my baby of course).

If we are blessed again w/ another baby, I will MOST CERTAINLY be seeking a VBAC again (this time w/ a more supportive doctor or a midwife). I would NEVER put my baby and myself at risk w/ an unnecessary and serious medical procedure.

The ICAN website has an enormous amt of information on c/s.

2007-03-08 18:56:45 · answer #2 · answered by Kari 4 · 2 0

I had a c-section it wasn't by choice. I actually was induced. I was in labor for two days and my contractions had got down to two min apart and I wouldn't dilate. So they decide to do a c-section. The bad thing about it u can't enjoy ur baby like a mother who had a normal delivery. It takes ur body a long time to heal from a c-section. After I had my c-section I was so out of it, U are laying there with ur legs open and a tube sticking out of ur vagina and feeling bloody. Then u need help all the time. Day two u can't eat they have u on a liquid diet. They have to walk with u so u don't fall. I don't know if I would do it again if I had a choice. The pain medicine make u drowse. Don't have a c-section because u are scared of the pain. It takes your body a year they say to get back to normal. If u do decide to have a c-section good luck u will need it.

2007-03-08 19:23:04 · answer #3 · answered by ash 2 · 1 1

Goodness, you think that MAJOR abdominal surgery would be better than a tear?

Think about it, a natural birth is what our bodies are designed for.
I know that there are occassionally medical needs for a c-secion, but these are classed as emergencies, not elective.

you need six weeks to recover from an operation like this, and then you have further risk of infection etc from the operation site.

There is nothing simple about having a c-section, but a natural birth and the recovery is a breeze.

I truly hope that you are not pregnant if you are asking this question, but if you are, and you don't want to tear, ask for an episiotomy.

An elective surgery is not preferable to having a natural birth.

2007-03-08 19:26:43 · answer #4 · answered by ♥Pamela♥ 7 · 3 0

I ended up not being able to deliver vaginally, and had to have a c-section. I understand your fear of delivery, but I want you to know that a c-section is not painless. Yes, you are numb for the actual surgery, but the post-op pain is bad, it takes a long time to heal, it is harder to care for your baby when you have to walk at a snail's pace, and it will take you much much longer to be up and at 'em.

During a c-section, they cut you open, and actually take out your uterus, cutting it open as well to deliver the baby.

When I was growing up, I used to say that I was going to have c-sections instead of delivering. I was terrified of labor. And tearing. And the things you mentioned. But if I had a choice, I would have preferred vaginal delivery (with a BIG EPIDURAL, OF COURSE!!) over my c-section. It was very frustrating to take so long to recover from the c-section, and everyone that I know who delivered vaginally was up and going within a few days. You have to stay in the hospital for a whole week (which is horrible - between people waking you up to check your incision and taking care of the baby, you will actually get less sleep there than at home!) rather than just a few days.

Honestly, coming from someone who was just as afraid of delivery, I would recommend vaginal delivery. Get an epidural to manage the pain, and if you have pain post-delivery, make sure they give you pain meds. You will be glad you did when you can carry the baby carrier without bending over in agony!! Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy and the baby!! Congratulations!

2007-03-08 20:47:43 · answer #5 · answered by Hilary M 3 · 2 0

I had to have C-Sections with both of my boys. First one I sat in my Dr's office and cried my eyes out when he told me that I had no choice but to have a C-Section. The reason was b/c he was too big for my body down there. My bones down there were not wide enough. My second little one, who I had in Dec., was also going to be a big baby. So we planned a C-Section. From what my first Dr. had told me with the first one, I would not ever be able to have big babies.........my second Dr. told me the same. So I would have loved to have been able to experience labor and a vaginal birth, just wasnt given the chance to. Now that I have had 2 C-Sections I will never be able to have a vaginal birth...One girl that I know downed me by saying that "I took the easy way out" but heres the funny thing, when she went into labor her baby was too big for her and she had to have an emergency c-section, she apoligized for ever saying "that I took the wasy way out".

SO if you are wanting to have a planned one then you should know that the recovery can sometimes be painful. For me my recovery after the second one was HORRIBLE. I was in 10 times more pain than the first one. But I lived...just really do your research before making a decision.....talk to your Dr. also to see what he or she recommends.......

2007-03-08 19:10:47 · answer #6 · answered by Lindsey S 2 · 1 0

I elected for a c-section with my 2nd one after I had an emergency one with the 1st one. Recovery wise, with the first having gone through 20 some hours of labor then a c-section, it was weeks before I felt normal. With the second one, I was walking around later that night following my section.

Let me add too that I was not lazy in choosing to have a repeat section. Yes, I would love to experience the actual birth, but I will never get a chance to do that. I was in fact lucky that I changed my mind, because as I was in surgery, the OB stated out loud, that if I had gone into labor, I would have ended up rupturing my uterus because of a large hole. Leaving either me or my child or both dead. I was then told I could never have another child because of it.

So if this makes me lazy because I elected to have one, then so be it. At least I'm still alive because of my decision.

2007-03-08 18:48:49 · answer #7 · answered by punkin_eater26 6 · 1 1

I had an emergency c-section for my oldest, and truely wanted a vaginal delivery for my 2nd. But because of life's complications, I chose to have a 2nd c-section. I had a 2 y.o., my husband was in the military scheduled to deploy 1 week after my due date, and they would not let him stay behind unless I had one.

Call it lazy, but it definitely wasn't easy. It was very scary, and you can't move for 24 hours afterwards because you need to wear a cathedar. You can't eat solid foods, at first because before you leave, you must be able to poop (they have to move your insides, intestines, etc.. around a little, which can reek havoc), and you are the last one to see your baby. There had been gas trapped inside my abdomen, and I had to have an enema to help relieve the excrutating pain. So, there may not be hours of pushing, but it is no walk in the park. For me, I would have felt better giving birth naturally.

2007-03-08 19:03:04 · answer #8 · answered by jetaunbraese 3 · 0 0

She didn't say c/s are stupid.....she said "Elective C-sections" are stupid and she's right. Medically necessary c-sections are a Godsend. They have saved the lives of many mothers and babies. ELECTIVE c/s is stupid and should not be allowed. A responsible doctor would NEVER consent to an elective c/s. There are many increased risks to having this MAJOR surgery. The recovery time is more difficult as well.

2007-03-08 19:14:58 · answer #9 · answered by momma2mingbu 7 · 2 2

i havent had an elected C-section but i have had a natural birth...well induced due to high blood pressure..anyways i didnt use and drugs besides the SH*TTY gas for 30 mins during contractions, i didnt tear so didnt get stitches i dont think i wld elect to have a ceaser bcoz as u sed any surgery complications are high, i think natural should be the only way unless there's going to be problems and risk to u and ur baby otherwise go natural its the way we are meant to do it our bodies were made for giving birth

2007-03-08 20:04:02 · answer #10 · answered by jensxc 2 · 2 0

not for me! I would have much rather of had a natural birth. but i didn't have the choice. and it's not even like i had a bad recovery from my c-section. but its just that i would have liked to experience that pain that came from natural child birth. some women, who have had both prefer a natural over ceserian because they say they feel diffrent twords their children. that seems a lil wacky but- hey its not me. i'll never have that chance either.

2007-03-08 18:48:50 · answer #11 · answered by Rileigh's MOMMY! 3 · 1 0

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