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I've seen some out of control kids lately, and I had a thought that maybe part of the problem is they have to much freedom. Within the last 50 years or so, our society has rebelled more and more, and I thought about it and it occured to me that alot of these younger kids just want to think of themselves as adults and all that comes with that. I was thinking maybe they haven't been given enough respnosobiltitys, and it would be helpful if parents gave them things to contribute to the family situation. that way they felt they belonged and played a role and new they were important. "Let them be kids" well do you remember chores and responsibility and more important accountability. I think its lacking to much, and would help if parents started giving there children a role to play in the family other then just being a kid.
What do you think, and what do you think has caused such huge change in the way these kids behave today?

2007-03-08 10:43:38 · 17 answers · asked by Kellie 5 in Family & Relationships Friends

17 answers

I agree with you 100%. We are living in a time when the parent wants to be friends with their children. Poppycock, what we have are generations of children growing up without any or very little responsibilities, lack of respect for parents or any authority figure, thinking their rights are being violated and etc. Discipline is at an all time low and I have spoken with parents that do not believe in discipline at all. I never cared if my children liked me or not but one thing for sure is they did have their home responsibilities and I have always been respected by them. Parents are suppossed to be laying a foundation that their children can use for the rest of their lives but too many parents just let their kids do their thing. I appreciate all of the spankings, disciplines and other punishments I recieved as this taught me that there are consequences for ones actions within the family and more importantly within the outside world.

2007-03-08 10:55:04 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Personally as a mother of 3 children, I notice that disipline lacks greatly. I am one of the fews moms I know in my circle whose children have responsibilities such as helping clean the house, cleaning their rooms, doing dishes, and other things. i do not bog them down with house work but, they are not responsibility free either. They get grounded for being disrespectful towards each other, adults, and of course other things as well. I did use spanking until they were 2. that was the cut off, when they could understand reasoning, we went with taking away toys, groundings etc. Personally, I have seen that the change in Amercia has caused more of this out of control behavior. Parents can not afford to stay home because of the prices of everything. I mean really both parents have to work if they want any kind of life for their kids. Some of us manage to stay home, but, we are giving up a lot to do so. Everything in America pushes more work time, more commute...all this leading to more time away from family. It used to be the that your FAMILy was first no matter what and most places of occupation understood that wholeheartedly. Now, days it seems to be a slap at an employer if you put your family ahead of your job, which again causes there to be some sort of choice to be made.
This is just my opinion though. I think until we look at ourselves, and what is going on around us, things will continue to spiral out of control.
Theres also the technology side of the issue also. But, who has time to write about that...LOL?

2007-03-08 18:56:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I didn't do "chores" as a kid and I grew up in the 50s and 60s. The only thing I was responsible for was my own bedroom. Of course back then it was also acceptable for a father to beat the crap out of his kids just to "keep em in line" and same went for wifey...If a husband beat the crap out of his wife that was fine, afterall had to keep her in line too. That's how we were taught "responsiblity". The problem isn't with the kids, it is with the parents who don't want to discipline their children...that is because back in the late 60s and 70s the states decided that the schools should take over raising the kids since the kids WERE rebelling and the schools could do a much better job at raising the kids. So the parents simply abdecated THEIR responsiblities and let the government take over. During the 80s and 90s the children who were brought up by the state had no clue as to how to parent and that is WHY we are where we stand now. With parents who have no CLUE as to how to parent and the government washing their hands saying they made a mistake that parents need to have the responsilbity of raising their children and dumping them back into the laps of parents with no parenting skills.

2007-03-08 18:52:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It's because more and more parents are too concerned about jobs and making money just to put food on the table and save for their kids college, so they regard their kids as more of a liability than a blessing, rather than actually be happy they even had children in the first place. Because of cell phones and the internet, kids today find themselves easy access to inappropriate music, websites, you name it, and peer pressure is at an all time rise. And other times, parents cannot control their kids and either "give in", or behave the same way their children do, setting a bad example. I work as a cashier and I remember a woman came in with her 3 year old daughter (assuming 3, 4, etc...) and I had to card her for ID since at the time it was the company's policy and she begins screaming, calling me names, and cursing in front of her daughter, throwing a tantrum all the while her daughter stood quiet and watched. It's not really the kids that are immature sometimes, its the grownups. I'm 19 years old and I could write an enyclopedia about immature people twice my age, it's all a matter of upbringing, disposition, and behavior if you ask me. My mom raised me to be polite and courteous and I intend to raise my kids (if I have any) the same way.

2007-03-08 18:50:53 · answer #4 · answered by Dusk 6 · 1 0

I think it are a great big mix of contributors. The media, decreased family values, amoung other things. Society also moves at such a fast pace now that sometimes a kid's schedule is just as overwhelming as an adult's. I don't know that it's a bad thing. But, in a lot of cases I think quality time may be lacking. It takes time to teach respect, morals, ect and if it's not available . . .

2007-03-08 18:52:21 · answer #5 · answered by DizziDazi 4 · 0 0

Because the children of today have more conveniences than the children of the past, except for other third world countries. Children of the past did not have to rely on computers, cell phones, video games, magazines, fast food, and television shows to get by. They relied on going outside to play outdoor games with their friends till it was 7 p.m. and when it was time to go home, they sat at the dinner table and actually ate a real dinner.
The family values have gone and more children are born out of wedlock. Most children are placed in other relatives or other people's care and feel dehumanized. Parents, wed or unwed, don't just raise their children anymore, they just breed them.
Which explains the downfall of global warming and over-population in this world.

2007-03-08 18:56:21 · answer #6 · answered by Agent319.007 6 · 0 0

Kids are acting up today and don't respect elders/authority because parents these days are afraid to put boot to a#$. I have seen too many kids acting up, crying and misbehaving in public. That was not done back in the day, because when you got home mom/dad was going to give you something to cry about. Now parents give their kids "time-out". OH NO!! I have to stand in the corner...big deal.

Oh society as a whole has grown soft.

2007-03-08 18:54:39 · answer #7 · answered by PizzZak 2 · 1 0

It all depends. There are terrific, good hearted wonderful kids and bratty monsters.

Where there's a lot of acting up it's usually the fault of parents who are absent, or the kids are mistreated or neglected. The more the adults of this world behave and be responsible, the less out of control the kids will be.

2007-03-08 18:46:57 · answer #8 · answered by acrobatic 3 · 0 1

I think it sucks. I think parents are too lenient or are absent from kids' lives. I also think that parents' rights are slowly being taken away so parents are afraid to discipline their kids. Split/broken families also cause kids to act out. Kids stuck in daycare all day long without their mommy being the one raising them contribute to this- which leads to moms who work outside the home to be too tired/frazzled to properly deal with their kids.

2007-03-08 18:47:34 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i am an old person and i believe things started to change when someone agreed to give kids their rights what rights until they are adult they are legally under the supervision of someone and very definitely tv,music has attributed to the idea that they can speak out to anyone and because both parents have to work now because it is so expensive to live by the time they get home from work they are tired and dont want to listen to kids if you dont belive me look around in my neighborhood the kids are left to themselves until 6 or 7 and the mother or the father is drinking his beer or yelling because he is so tiredand the tv and the music its trash when i went to school i came home did homework and went outside
when i went to the store i didnt touch things,pick them up eat fruit that my mother had,nt paid for drop trash outside

2007-03-08 18:54:53 · answer #10 · answered by ninekittys 3 · 0 0

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