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We cant find any other organism worshipping God or showing signs of belief in God. Then, why do we put so much effort and thought on this? What makes us want the concept of God this desperate?

2007-03-08 10:10:12 · 52 answers · asked by Vijayasekar S 2 in Arts & Humanities Philosophy

52 answers

Our souls inner need to be connected to its creator, simple as that.

2007-03-08 10:14:44 · answer #1 · answered by hippiejane 3 · 2 2

Hmmm... Well, what if all the other species could speak their mind... and if us human beings were blessed enough to not be the higher organisms in the chain... then would we still have a concept of God?... considering the fact that we wouldn't be evolved enough to have one... or may be the higher organisms would think that we didn't have one... because we wouldn't be able to communicate our thoughts...

As far as I know, I have observed that we, as human beings, desperately need to believe in something higher than ourselves to keep us going. Probably just the need to feel that we are being watched over, protected and cared for... The ever-present question of who are we? How did we get here? Wny are we here? etc...

I think human beings are the only organisms who are confused about their purpose here... and human beings are simply complicated... hence they seek GOD, rather the concept of GOD.

2007-03-08 20:22:33 · answer #2 · answered by Archana LastNameUnknown 1 · 0 0

Religion is a man made power created by men who when you examine them critically and Analise what they are doing for long enough actually believe they are gods and not that they represent God. However the more fallible and week of us human entities can pray for salvation and even explanation. Neither may be what you expected but you will receive both if you are prepared to accept what you are sent. Contrary to what the churches may tell you, God the father is far more compassionate, forgiving, understanding and intelligent than all these would be perfect men are. He will answer you if you look to Him and you do not have to be "good", "sinless", a member of any church, rich, poor, sober, you just have to believe.
Do you really believe that the species which can not exist without damning each other, blowing each other up, destroying the environment sent to us through God, abusing each other every which way imaginable, abusing ourselves, lying, cheating, hating etc. etc. etc. is was capable of creating the world we live in now ?

2007-03-08 10:43:29 · answer #3 · answered by Aunty Wendy 3 · 1 0

Actually, there are only so many religions who have a "God" persay. Polytheistic and nature-based gods exists as well. Many eastern religions are based around a kind of ever present force, and encourage harmony with the universe, but do not center upon a particular god as you are referring to.

Religion has held sway for so long because it is society's best way in indoctrinating certain actions and mores into its inhabitants. Parents, teaching their children about which behaviors are "right" or "wrong", find it much easier to explain the whys through the use of religion. People like to have habitual actions and unspoken laws... it is what holds any society or group together. Often, religion is the best way to supply those unspoken laws. Governments have used religion to hold power over the subjects. Religion is basically humankinds oldest way of self-governance.

2007-03-08 12:36:42 · answer #4 · answered by peachfuzz 3 · 0 1

Actually I don't believe in god. Neither in the christian nor any other. But I think many need religious believes as a kind of mental crutch. They can't come to terms with a world and a life without a meaning. They need the illusion of a good and loving or punishing father or lord in order to keep up their lives and their norms and values.

However from the point of logic there's nor need for any belief in any god be it of whatever kind. Seen from the standpoint of logic any statment on the existence or nonexistence of god is invalid, since "God" can neither be proven or disproven.

2007-03-08 10:28:58 · answer #5 · answered by Stephen Dedalus 2 · 1 0

in ancient times there was no explanation for anything, thus they created images of gods in their minds to explain what they couldn't understand; weather, earthquakes, seasons, the universe, illness, etc... As Humans we are driven to try to understand what makes things happen. This was the start of religion. Why is it still of such vast importance today? people have explained many natural occurrences these days through the various sciences, which leaves what humans had grown to connect religion with; an afterlife to their infinitesimally short lives on this planet, completely unsatisfied. This lead people to ignore the scientists and hold even firmer to their religious beliefs, as opposed to realizing that science and religion are two completely separate schools of thought, and though you can try to disprove one with the other, it means nothing. We, as people, know nothing as true. Science, though it does conveniently piece together in a very loophole free manner, is not a definite truth, thus it cant be used to disprove religion, and vice versa: religion, though it does seem to have a significant amount more holes in it, isn't a known truth, and thus cant be used to disprove anything.

2007-03-08 10:28:46 · answer #6 · answered by Immanuel Kant 2 · 1 0

The question should be: What drives us not to believe in God?. Do you believe in satan?Do you believe in demons?Satan and demonic spirits were both created by God. They were not however created to be evil, but rather became evil.You see they too were created with free will, just as you and I are.Oh, and God is not a "concept" you will find that out one day.
I think deep within the recesses of our minds we all sense that there is a Divine Being (God) responsible for everything, and everyone's creation.After all, He created your very soul, because He wanted somebody exactly like you.All souls belong to God, and all souls were created for God's pleasure. Have you done anything to allow God to take pleasure in you?.

2007-03-11 05:46:46 · answer #7 · answered by EveretteDavid 5 · 0 0

Humans beleive in God for many reasons.
1) They want to beleive there is a higher force that controls everything.
2) they want to be garunteed somewhere to go to when they die.
On not finding other organisms, no other organism has the intelligence level to even comprehend the idea of God.

2007-03-08 10:57:17 · answer #8 · answered by Joshua K 1 · 1 0

God was created by ancient man as a means to explain the world around him, and to put some sort of friendly face on death. A belief in a higher being can be very comforting and can drive many people to keep themselves at a very high moral standard, unfortunately it can also drive them to radical thinking and a general cruelty toward their fellow human beings. They are not displaying critical thinking, not using their own mind. It is not a sign of great intelligence to blindly believe what someone else has told you is true, especially when such beliefs basically condemn hundreds of millions of other people.

"God" is a cultural artifact, not an absolute truth that must be defended and beaten into other people.

2007-03-08 10:24:13 · answer #9 · answered by All I Hear Is Blah Blah Blah... 5 · 3 2

There are no other organisms or creatures on earth other than human beings who live their lives on the HOPES OF TOMORROW. All animals life to eat and reproduce. Only human being hope for their tomorrows to come. This HOPE makes them worship a BELIEF which is God.

2007-03-08 17:05:29 · answer #10 · answered by RASHI 2 · 0 1


2007-03-08 10:27:35 · answer #11 · answered by Gallifrey's Gone 4 · 1 1

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