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that if you have sex there is ALWAYS a possibility of getting pregnant?

I see so many questions on here about "could I be pregnant" "Am I pregnant", "I had sex but I'm on birth control, can I be pregnant?". The answer to all of them are: yes, could be, and it's rare but it happens.

The only way to be sure that you're NOT going to get pregnant is to NOT have sex.

I realize a lot of the people asking these questions are teenagers, but in this day and age don't they know that? And don't they teach that in sex ed?

2007-03-08 09:38:37 · 32 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Yes, I am pregnant. I'm delivering next week. But the difference between myself and the people asking, is that I full well knew that I could get pregnant. I was planning on it!

2007-03-08 09:42:39 · update #1

32 answers

LMBPAO (Laugh my big prenant a s s off)

I KNOW!!! Seriously, what's the deal??????

"Oh no! I had sex- I'm a woman, I ovulate and have been having regular periods for several years now and have been told that babies are made through sex... SO AM I PREGNANT????"

Where's the lack in communication? Where's the lack of mental process? Where's the lack of common sense?

I don't get it either LOL The "other side of the gene pool"... BTW Paulzgirl said "She LEARNT that in sex ed" if you look up to a couple of answers before mine! lol

2007-03-08 10:12:18 · answer #1 · answered by throughthebackyards 5 · 2 0

Before I moved, I was a parent educator for pregnant and parenting minors. Good Lord!! You would think they learned about sex and pregnancy from a remote control. Wait...they probably did. I had girls still partying at 8 months, a 14 year old about to give birth, a 16 year old pregnant with a second child, and another one getting physically harassed as school because of her boyfriend (over the age of 18 and not in school). Who's to say they ever had a class on sex ed? Mostly they have to have parental consent and many parents are not willing to consent nor will they educate their child. All I know is that my 10 year is watching "the health video" tomorrow and I'm viewing it today. Nothing should be new to her as I've been talking to her about all of it since 3rd grade.
It's amazing how many people are having sex not knowing the physical and psychological risks before hand. You'd think that if there was a remote possibility that what you were about to do could change the whole course of your life, that you would do a little research first.

2007-03-08 09:48:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

OK This is soooooooooooo Not Nice. How about all you ppl who are so negative take the time and think that maybe some of these young kids who are asking these questions maybe don't have a parent they can speak too? Or live in some small town where things like sex ed are rarely spoken about? Or not at all. Maybe they are frightened to ask the ppl around them. If you think it is a stupid question then just ignore it instead of bashing them? If you know better you act better, And if your so smart you could stop and realize that everyone has asked some question that seemed to be stupid to other ppl. To the person who asks its a perfectly sane question to you its not How about trying to help educate them and giving link to site's instead of saying "wtf kind of question is that?" HELP younger generations.

Also for ppl who say don't have sex until your married crap get real its 2007!!! Its still good advice but face it Kids are toooooooo ready to have sex b4 they are ready to be responsible enough. How about saying make sure you use protection or go to planned parent hood and ask for the "morning-after" pill. It just sickens me how most of you can be so Judgmental or down right rude.

Am I the only Mature sensible thinking person here? Amazing. I feel bad the day you have children or when your child asks that same "stupid" question is that the way your gonna respond or would want someone to respond to your child??

2007-03-08 12:28:41 · answer #3 · answered by stackininc 1 · 1 0

I so agree !! Sex Ed back in my day was totally boring. All the technology available today should tell the school system to update their curriculum and make it more interesting and fun. The only way to know without going to a dr is to take a home pregnancy test and then you have to wait until it's at least time for period... I do wish some people could use some common sense !!!

2007-03-08 10:21:11 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

I know its annoying isnt it. Espeacially when they add dates and TMI. Like we can tell over the internet. How about if you have sex and think you may have gotten pregnant due to whatever, then go and get a pregnancy test. If it is negative then your probably not pregnant. If its positive then you are. How hard is that?
So I just ignore those questions. If they arent smart enough to figure out that sex does create babies and how to figure out if they are pregnant or not. Then I just leave them be. Otherwise I think I might get a bit nasty and I dont want to do that.
What bugs me the most is the adults wanting us to confirm if they are pregnant or not. Like hello, I wasnt there at the time so how am I meant to know if the sperm hit the egg. I cant tell over the internet either. Just go get a pregnancy test if you are in doubt.

2007-03-08 09:49:34 · answer #5 · answered by Monkey Magic 6 · 3 0

You know, people that ask these questions are probably scared to death of their possible pregnancy. Of course they know that the answer to their question is probably YES, YOU COULD BE PREGNANT. They just hope to hear otherwise from other people. Most of them are likely to have a good reason to be worried too... either they are very young, unmarried or in a not-so-good relationship. I think it's very sad that they don't have families and friends to support them and guide them. If they write here.... well it's our job to inform them, help them, give them a little emotional support that they - sadly - don't get otherwise. Even if it shouldn't be our responsibility.

Again... I think it's just as sad as it's annoying.

Quick comment: Whoever gave a thumbs-down for my answer must be just a bit closed mined... really. This is not just about dumb teenagers, it's about a much more serious social problem. These people are merely victims...

2007-03-08 10:06:59 · answer #6 · answered by Lexi 2 · 1 1

I totally agree with you. Its sad how ignorant some of these people are, yet they consider themselves "mature" enough to have sex, a potentially life-creating act.

My husband and I conceived my daughter using the pill (taken perfectly), condoms (never slipped or broke), and it was the last day of my period (not typically a fertile time) Talk about unlikely! Best surprise we have ever gotten, but we made damn sure that we were both ready and willing to have a child before we even had sex. They need to tatoo on kids forheads: Sex=baby, no matter how "careful" you are, it happens!

2007-03-08 09:51:51 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Abstinence only Sex ed tries to scare kids away from having sex, but statistically causes and increase in teen sexual activity and pregnancy.

Sex ed really is that bad in much of the country. I know people who learned more about contraception and pregnancy prevention from the insert in a pack of Trojans than from their High School sex ed classes.

2007-03-08 09:49:20 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

They dont realize if they use the bar at the top to search for the EXACT same question they will get the EXACT same answer in a less personal form! Don't you know....Everyone on here is a walking talking pregnancy test that have psychic abilities to tell one if they are pregnant or not without knowing them.

2007-03-08 11:51:02 · answer #9 · answered by MyOpinionMatters 4 · 0 0

well i am 14 weeks pregnant and am 18 and was pregnant when i was 17 ,,, our baby wasnt an oops he/she was planned. u can think im a moron all u like for wanting to be aa mum at such a young age i really dont care .. but for your information .. i LEARNED all that in sex ed .... and i still come on hear lookin for an answer even though i new ... its not the fact we dont know its we want reassurance and support from those around us ... to be quite honest all i got was a load of hypacritical mothers and people who think that im being completely ridiculas in my choice .. even tho the truth is i can llove care provide and parent as well as any of them iff not better ... yahoo answers is for answers to questions not just a place where u can judge people by the stupid little paragraph they wrote if u have no idea about what there goin threw or cant say somthing nice then dont say it At all

I STAND CORRECTED...... there are some really stupid questions out there like i took four tests ... all are positive am i pregnant ... sorry ... tho some of them are genuine .. myne wasnt a am i pregnant coz i new i probably was but it was bout when to take the test .. and to the chick a couple down from me ... why the hell do u need to be married to have children ... marriage is just a ring and a peice of paper .. the connection and relationship u have with your partner doesnt change ...

As for the D!CK that takes note on spelling, i do know how to spell and use punctuation i just don't on the internet .. get over it.

2007-03-08 09:51:02 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

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