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i have a quick question was anyone treiffied to go in to labor??? i am 17 and 36 weeks along...but as the day getts closer i get even more scared....is it really that bad??...what was it like for you?? please help i am scared to death...did you feel this way??

2007-03-08 09:16:54 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

17 answers

Sweetie, you are simply going through what every first time mom goes through.......and this too shall pass.

Giving birth isn't easy, and I'll say that right up front. Yes, it hurts........pushing a watermelon through a garden hose would hurt too. However, the minute you look into your newborn baby's eyes, all pain and tiredness will disappear!! The wonder of holding that precious life will take over, and you won't remember any of the pain for long at all.

Just talk to your friends and family, sweetie. Get this off your chest, and I guarantee you, you will feel fine, and be ready in no time!!

2007-03-08 09:22:19 · answer #1 · answered by Critter Lady 4 · 2 0

I had two kids. It was no picnic, but not once did I have the urge to call my husband any horrible names, or curse the day I lost my virginity.

I was blessed that I had two very positive experiences.

Make sure you only have people you can stand in the room, and don't feel bad by asking everyone to leave if just one too many people have seen your hoo-hahs. People can come and worship the baby after he's born, but labor and delivery is difficult enough as it is, you don't need the added pressure of having it become a spectacle. My mother-in-law was in the room with my first (something I had sworn for months was NOT going to happen), but my mom wasn't there until fairly late, and my mom-in-law made phone calls for us, got my husband eats and drinks (I couldn't because of the iv drip), and did all the little things that would have pulled my mom or Todd away from me when I was in active labor.

I also was lucky that I had to go through very little painful contractions before being able to get an epidural. I would suggest doing this as soon as you possibly can in labor. There is NO other kind of pain people tell you you need to "experience", and I can't figure out why people figure you need to "experience" the pains of childbirth.

I actually called the nurse at one point to ask if I could have a bit more of the drugs, I thought they were wearing off. NOPE! Colin was in the birth canal. Now THAT'S what I call an effective epidural! :-)

I would suggest not subjecting yourself to birth scenes from tv or movies, since they are not realistic.

The thing is, you never know how your labor and delivery is going to go. You can prepare yourself as much as possible, but the best thing is to expect the unexpected, remember that women have been giving birth since time began, MOST women handled it enough to do it again, and the end result is the baby.

I know it's stupid to suggest it, but TRY not to stress too much over it.

Good luck!

2007-03-08 09:55:08 · answer #2 · answered by CrazyChick 7 · 0 0

For me it went really quick. I started getting contractions at 5pm and at 8:30 my water broke on its own and after a couple hard contractions I got the epidural (almost couldn't get it in time) And then at 10:41 my baby was born.
Before I went into labor I was against the epidural but I would take it everytime now. My labor was so fast that I don't think I got to fully enjoy it. I know that sounds stupid but I feel like it was really easy and after the epidural it was smooth sailing and 47 minutes of pushing later I was relieved! I didn't feel a thing. If you do alot of walking (not over doing it daily) but if you walk a couple miles a week it will help you to breath and relax. Don't be scared. If you are scared it will make things worse. Just think that your baby is coming through every contraction and it will make things so much easier. I had a focal point (or 2 or 3) in the room I was in that I would stare at during my contractions and I would breath in and out slowly and say "He is almost here" to myself every breath. Make sure you have someone like you mother or a sister or partner in the room with you. You will need a good coach and someone to feed you ice chips!! Good Luck and I hope everything goes well for you. Just keep in mind that your body is prepared to do this and it will all be OK!

2007-03-08 09:30:25 · answer #3 · answered by MyOpinionMatters 4 · 1 0

I'm about halfway through my 1st pregnancy, although I still have a ways till I go into labor it has terrified me since I found I was pregnant. I love watching the baby channel but it seems likes labor is really hard.

I've spoken with other family member that have gone through various types of labor like c-section, natural, vbac, & epidrual pregnancies. Each persons labor was different. My mom had a c-section with my twin & I but said that her labor contractions didn't hurt at all, when she had a natural birth she was in a lot of pain but delievered with any drugs. So far my mom has advise me to do exercises to help with preparing for labor.

Just keep in mind that labor isn't called labor for nothing. There is worked involved just go into with a positive mindset and remember you have options to alleviate pain during the labor process.

Good Luck.

2007-03-08 09:25:03 · answer #4 · answered by peachtreecity404 2 · 0 0

It is perfectly normal to be scared. I am 36 weeks right now and I am as excited as can be about labor. Everyone says I am crazy and I just say lets wait and see what I actually am like when I am going through it. I will probably be pretty nervous. I do think though that we spend 40 weeks worrying about our little ones, so why wouldn't we continue into labor and beyond.

2007-03-08 09:22:32 · answer #5 · answered by dragonfly7887 4 · 0 0

Look I have done the labor and delivery thing 3 times and I will not lie to you ... it is hard, it hurts like nothing you can possibly imagine and it can take a long time. There is medicine to help with the pain, I recommend it ... always remember the human body has been doing this since the dawn of time ... you can do this. EVERYONE is afriad wether or not they admit it. My 1st labor was 57 hours and not a lot of pain, my 2nd was 18 hours 15 of which were induced and hurt like h_ll! and the last was painful and 21 hours long. Everyone does differently ... dicuss your fears with your doctir and they will help calm you down ... lastly trust your body & your doctor!

Hope this helps,


2007-03-08 10:19:02 · answer #6 · answered by jennifermlayne 2 · 0 0

It is normal to be scared. I was! My situation was different. I was in labor for 24 hours because the doctor's couldn't tell that my water wasn't completely broken...and thn I wound up having a C-Section. With this pregnancy I'm not scared..prob. because I know what to expect. Most woman who go into labor don't have stupid doctors who can't tell when someone's water isn't completely broken. So you shouldn't worry yourself too much. It should be fine. Get the EPIDURAL! That's my only advice. Good luck.

2007-03-08 09:24:27 · answer #7 · answered by Angela 3 · 0 0

it is perfectly normal at 17 years of age to be scared. With today's technology, you are safer in childbirth than ever before. If your pregnancy has been uncomplicated, expect things to go well. Remember the dr's and nurses are there to help and support you. Ask for nubane...it was a great medicine for me. it will relax you; you will still know what's going on but are aware enough to enjoy the experience of birth.
Tell you ob/gyn how you feel. he/she will know how best to take care of those feelings.
Know that woman have had these feelings since Eve's day.
Good Luck!

2007-03-08 09:27:59 · answer #8 · answered by Carol D 5 · 1 0

With my first pregnancy, I got scared too at first. But then I just kept pysching myself up by telling myself EVERY time I had that feeling of fear that MILLIONS of women have had babies before me and most survived just fine even without medication. Just thank God you live in a country that is medically in the forefront, instead of a 3rd world country where they boil water, give woman something to bite down on and tell them to push. You will survive my dear and in a year you will only have vague memories of the pain.

2007-03-08 09:31:08 · answer #9 · answered by Amy 5 · 0 0

Honey...totally normal. I was scared. My sister in law is 25 and she was absolutley terrified. But its the anticipation that freaks you out. Sure, it is rather painful, but it was not at all as bad as I expected it would be. Once it happend I was actually surprised it was not worse. My sister in law felt the same way. And it starts out easy...as it progresses it gets worse, but as it progresses you can get the epidural!!

Don't try to be all brave and go "natural" with no drugs - get the epidural. Just think - thousands of women give birth every day...you can do it too!

2007-03-08 09:31:00 · answer #10 · answered by Erin 3 · 0 0

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