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First, remember STAIN HAPPENS. YOU know this, I know this, we ALL know this, so be prepared and always, always, always, have the items, tools, products, “on hand” for the inevitable OOOPS! Having the necessary items immediately “on hand” will result in more successful stain removals. Second, forgive the guilty party, be it a child, pet, spouse, parent, guest, “friend”, or yourself.

CHECK YOUR PRODUCT WARRANTY to see if it will cover stain removal! If your product warranty has passed the expiration date or does not cover stain removal, all is not lost. Mattress stains caused by an identifiable source may require special treatment and must be addressed quickly so that they don’t begin to “set” into the mattress fabric. As there are so many different stain sources, there is no “one quick fix” to remove a mattress stain. Obviously, knowing what you’re dealing with (what caused the stain), how recent the stain occurred and the properties of the mattress fabric; the easier it will be to remove. DO NOT PANIC, do not run to your cabinet, DO NOT grab any ole’ chemical cleaner and begin to “get busy” on the stain!

The 4 elements needed to understand successful mattress cleaning:

1. Biological Cleaning

2. Stain Removal

3. Odor Removal

4. Thorough Drying

There are simple mattress cleaning methods you can perform to rid the mattress of a stain. This response will cover pet urine (dogs, cats) and the methods for cleaning.

Using the “Dry Suds” Method to Remove Mattress Stains

During your attempts to remove a stain from a mattress, it’s recommended to try out the mildest and/or gentlest solution first. Most mattress manufacturers recommend the “dry suds” mattress cleaning method. This method works very well on new or “fresh” stains, but even some older stains have been successfully removed using the “dry suds” method. It’s inexpensive and requires some minimum effort, yet certainly worth trying before using expensive cleaning products.

You will need a sponge (or a clean white towel), some mild dry powdered laundry detergent, lukewarm water, and lastly, a whisk, electric mixer, or an egg beater.

1. Mix the "dry suds" using 1/4 cup mild dry laundry detergent in a bowl and slowly add 1 cup of lukewarm water (don’t add more than 1 cup) while mixing the water and detergent with the whisk, electric mixer (set to medium speed), or the egg beater, until the suds develop. The suds should be thick and frothy, much like whipped cream.

2. Using a sponge (or a clean white towel), soaked in lukewarm water and wrung out as “dry” as possible, scoop ONLY the layer of suds off of the top of the bowl and rub them into the mattress stain. Using a clockwise motion, work the dry suds into the stain until it begins to fade.

3. Rinse out sponge thoroughly to remove any residue and squeeze out all the water possible.

4. Repeat working the suds ONLY into the stain again, but this time in a counter-clockwise motion. Remember always, to keep the mattress as dry as possible while removing the stain.

5. Rinse out the sponge thoroughly of any and all residue, squeeze the sponge “dry” and gently wipe away at the stain area.

6. Pat the stained area dry with a clean white towel and allow the mattress to dry completely before you make up the bed with fresh bed linens. A ceiling fan, or a room fan, will assist in completely drying your mattress. If neither is available, simply keep it uncovered until it completely air dries.

PET URINE (Stains and Odors)

When bringing home a pet, you will also need to buy pet accessories such as a leash, food, food/water bowls, collar, tags, TOYS!, grooming items, plus a STAIN and ODOR REMOVAL product, because YOU KNOW inevitably, STAIN HAPPENS, so be prepared!

Before choosing a stain and odor removal product, you need to understand that urine (both animal and human) is comprised of urea, urochrome (which causes the yellowish color) and uric acid (a mild nitrogen-rich, acid). Urea and urochrome are water soluble and clean up easily with soap and water. However, the uric acid contains non-soluble urine salt crystals which are the real problem as these crystals will remain tightly bonded to the mattress and future moisture (even high humidity) will reactivate the remaining crystals which cause the ammonia-like odor to return.

It’s best to be prepared and use an odor removal product before attempting to clean up and certainly do NOT use an ammonia-based cleaning product, as your pet will return to “accident” scene over and over again.

You will have three basic choices to choose from when purchasing commercial STAIN and ODOR REMOVAL products. These choices will include enzyme-based, bacterial, or chemical products. Chemical products tend to "coat and seal" the urine salt crystals while the enzyme-based and bacterial products tend to digest the crystals. Generally all products will work with varying results taking into consideration how quickly the "accident" is addressed. Ask the salesperson(s) for the most popular products purchased in your particular geographical location.

Unless the "accident" is immediately noticed and action is taken, urine can saturate the substrate within the mattress well past the surface area. If this happens, removing urine and the ensuing odor from a mattress is difficult and provides ideal conditions for the growth of bacteria and mold which only increases the mix of unpleasant odors.

1. Absorb as much of the urine as possible by using paper towels or a dry, clean, absorbent towel with weight applied on top of the towel (durable boxes, filled with heavy objects such as books, toys, dishes, miscellaneous items, etc., work well).

2. Check the paper towels after a few minutes (or towel after 15 minutes) and replace with more paper towels (or another towel), if needed. Then apply a STAIN and ODOR REMOVER product as suggested on the products label.

If no STAIN and ODOR REMOVER product is available, a white vinegar spray can be used to remove urine stains and odor.

1. Absorb as much of the urine as possible by using a dry, clean, towel with weight applied on top of the towel (durable boxes, filled with heavy objects such as books, toys, dishes, miscellaneous items, etc., work well).

2. Pour white vinegar into a clean spray bottle and lightly mist the “accident” area avoiding over-saturating the area.

3. Immediately after applying the white vinegar spray, begin absorbing the urine/white vinegar with a dry, clean, absorbent towel.

4. Cover the area with baking soda to neutralize the odor, leaving it on overnight.

5. Vacuum the baking soda off the mattress.

Removing Mattress Stains with a Commercial Upholstery Cleaner

If a stain still persists after trying all other options it may be necessary to use a heavy-duty commercial upholstery cleaner. Biologically-based enzyme cleaners may be your next best bet.

Unfortunately, using expensive upholstery cleaner may still not be effective, even if used properly.


ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, test cleaning solutions on a small inconspicuous area, FIRST!

More often than not, you must remove the mattress (or upholstery) stain WITHOUT further wetting the stained area.

Always work on a stain from the outside perimeter to the center. This way you will not "spread" the stained area.

Never, ever...use a hair dryer to hasten the drying time.

Sooner or later, almost every mattress ends up with a stain. You can learn how to clean mattress stains using either commercial products or with items you probably have in your kitchen. Placing scented fabric sheets (the types used in the clothes dryer) after addressing the problem stain and before replacing the mattress pad and bed linens, will help to neutralize any remaining offensive odors and keep the mattress smelling fresh.


Stains caused by an unknown source, can be removed by misting the stained area with a citrus based cleaning product and let it stand (as the typical product label reads) for 5 to 10 minutes to penetrate and breakdown the stain. Blot the area with a clean, dry, white absorbent cloth, pressing down firmly without rubbing for 30 seconds. Continue repeating the blotting process until the area becomes dry and odor free. Citrus based cleaning products may be used on almost any type of mattress stain.

For other mattress stain removing tips visit:

2007-03-08 14:58:08 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

The owner of the dog needs to know how to "operate" the dog, same way you can get into a car that's in perfect running order but if you don't know how to drive you won't have much luck making the car go anywhere. If the owner doesn't know how to maintain the training, the dog will soon become untrained again. Read more here https://tinyurl.im/rFQEY

People seem to think that once a dog is trained, that's it. Not true. You must reinforce the dog's training every single day in some way. It's best if the owner and the dog go together to get trained. As a professional trainer once said to me "We can train any dog in 2 days. It takes longer to train the owners

2016-04-15 04:33:03 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

i dont think i could stand to sleep on it again if my dog had peed on it... and would just buy a new one! however, if this is not possible i would suggest to:
1) soak generously with fresh water onto the stain to help dilute the pee, diluting the pee will reduce the smell and stain
2) put a few old towels on the floor
3) turn the mattress over so that the stain is on top of the towels
4) let the towel soak up majority overnight
5) clean surface of matress with a scrubbing brush dipped in warm soapy water and a squeeze of fresh lemon
6) take matress outside to dry or stand in front of a sunny window

if this fails then its probably time to buy a new one and keep the dog out of the bedroom!

2007-03-08 07:35:49 · answer #3 · answered by jiggywithit 2 · 0 3

My Pet Peed

2016-10-05 05:37:45 · answer #4 · answered by enegess 4 · 0 0

At a pet store, they sell an enzymatic cleaner for dog and cat urine.

The enzymes "eat" at the stains and neutralize them. Not very expensive either.

2007-03-08 07:29:54 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

For the best answers, search on this site https://shorturl.im/avhKM

FREbreeze will clean the odor and believe it or not , oxi clean is insane at taking out cat and dog pee.

2016-04-08 00:05:08 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Everyone begins training a dog with a number of unknowns. First, no one can truly know how a dog will react to training and even if you know the breed, there can be differences with each individual breed. Another unknown is the type of dog training that you use. Some dogs do well with food based reinforcement and some do not and owners will need to learn as they go along. While most of the unknowns with dog training can be overcome quickly, many owners make some pretty common mistakes while they are training your dogs. To avoid those dog training mistakes, it is important to be aware of them and that is exactly what I will be doing in this article; alerting you to common dog training mistakes that every owner has or will make at one time.

Mistake #1: Not Setting Firm and Consistent Rules: One of the most common mistakes that owners will make actually has nothing to do with the physical act of dog training and is actually a daily occurrence that usually plays in the background. As every parent will tell you, children require rules and dogs are no different. There should be rules set in place the moment that a dog is brought home. This means that if you have a rule for no dogs on the furniture, then you need to stick with it, regardless of how cute a puppy is. Not establishing those rules right from the beginning can lead to long term behavior problems and your puppy will quickly learn that he can ignore the rules and eventually simply ignore you. It is important that you avoid this dog training mistake right from the start and make sure that everyone in your house will follow the same rules with your dog to ensure the best success.

Mistake #2: Repeat, Repeat, Repeat: Okay, this may be a little confusing since dog training consists of the repetition of an action but while repeating an action over again is fine, repeating a command is not. When it comes to dog training mistakes, I would say that this is the biggest mistake that owners will make and I have been found guilty of this little offense myself. It is only natural to repeat a command when a dog doesn't listen but it is something that you should train yourself not to do. When you repeat a command, you are teaching your dog that he doesn't have to listen to a command every time. This means that a command stops having any affect on the dog and you end up having to retrain with a new command, which can take time and can be very frustrating for both you and your dog.

Mistake #3: Rewarding Bad Behavior: Although there are several types of dog training available, most trainers and owners will use positive reinforcement training, which consists of treating your dog, usually with food, whenever he does something positive. While this is an excellent way to train your dog, many owners make the mistake of treating the wrong behavior and end up reinforcing bad behavior. Bad behavior in dog training is anything that you don`t want your dog to do. So, for instance, your dog is in the kitchen while you are cooking a meal. At first it may not seem like he is doing anything but spending time with you and that may have been the case in the beginning but when you drop your first bit of food, or you toss him a little snack, he will quickly learn to beg whenever you are in the kitchen. Fast forward a year and you have a full grown dog under foot whenever you go to the kitchen simply because you have reinforced that begging in the kitchen is okay. To avoid rewarding a dog for a bad behavior, don`t praise him, comfort him or treat him when he is doing something you don`t want repeated. So if he barks at the door, don`t praise him for being a good guard dog and if you drop some food on the floor, pick it up yourself and take it to his dog bowl if you want to give it to him. By controlling the environment, you can quickly stop yourself from rewarding his bad behavior.

Mistake #4: Saving it for a rainy day: The last common dog training mistake that I am going to mention is the desire to put off training. Many owners feel that dog training should be done after a certain age but it has been shown time and time again that the longer you wait, the harder it will be to train your dog. Dog training should begin as soon as you bring your puppy home. It starts with establishing rules and house training first and then it quickly moves to basic training such as sit, down, stay. Puppy socialization class usually begins around 11 weeks of age and from there you will quickly start dog training. Never leave training until your dog is 6 months of age or older since many negative behaviors are established by that time. In the end, if you are aware of the dog training mistakes that you can make, you will find that you are less likely to make them and your dog will quickly respond to dog training with only a small amount of fuss.

Before You Spend MORE Money On Expensive Dog Trainers or Products,
Watch This Video First!


Discover the powerful dog training secrets to eliminate over 30+ common behavioral dog and puppy issues with step-by-step instructions from one of the world's most skilled dog trainers!

2016-04-15 03:08:28 · answer #7 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

put one cup of water and 3 tbs bleach in a squirt bottle. spray down the spot where the pee is. this will most likely leave a faded spot on your mattress but at least it want smell of pee.

2007-03-08 07:34:00 · answer #8 · answered by BLOODHOUND 6 · 0 0

get some Urine Gone. Do not try to clean the stain first; it negates the product. There are other specialty urine products. I believe you can get similar specialty products at the major pet chains.

2007-03-08 07:30:52 · answer #9 · answered by kramerdnewf 6 · 1 0


2007-03-08 07:28:55 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I prefer hair which is shoulder length or longer, As well as since that men who like women are more often then not right, they like long hair because that looks more feminine, as most men have short hair.

2017-01-19 01:51:16 · answer #11 · answered by walker 4 · 0 0

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