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I really do want to know.
I mean, there are people that say we went there to find weapons of mass destruction, but clearly there aren't any. Some others said we went there to free the Iraqis, but as far as I can see, they didn't really ask to be freed in mass, and we are over there killing hundreds of thousands of people. Some say it was because Iraq was supporting terrorists, but there are plenty of other countries in the world that support terrorism, and I have my doubts that Iraq supported the terrorists that caused 9/11.

Saddam was a brutal dictator, true, but aren't there worse ones out there? And there are many more countries that are bigger threats than Iraq. Why didn't we spend that money helping the people inour own country, or use it to help stop the conflict in Darfur? Instead we go and create a conflict in Iraq.

So I really want to know why some people still say that war was great. And how many of you out there think that the Iraqis can achieve, or even want democracy.

2007-03-08 07:07:00 · 14 answers · asked by Ice 3 in News & Events Current Events

14 answers

They need a reason for killing all of those people now. The first excuse doesn't hold water anymore

2007-03-08 07:29:08 · answer #1 · answered by ChaliQ 4 · 3 2

Let's break this down:

You said we went there to find weapons of mass destruction, but clearly there weren't any. Where do you get your information? Have you talked to soldiers who have actually BEEN to Iraq or do you rely on the mainstream liberal media who has a decidedly anti-Bush anti-war slant in everything they say about the war in Iraq? Have you heard them say ANYTHING positive about the war? Ever wonder why? The truth is we DID find stockpiles of WMDs -- ask the troops that have been there and they'll tell you.

You also said "we" are over there killing hundreds of thousands of people. Again, where did you get your information? Let me guess -- Air America, the most radically liberal "news" organization out there. So let me again dispel the spin that you have allowed to evolve into fact: The casualty reports of hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians being killed are HUGELY overinflated. Yes, it's true that innocent Iraqis are being killed, but they're being killed at the hands of factional fighting amongst themselves, NOT at the hands of the U.S. Armed Forces. Time to repeat myself: Ask the troops who have actually BEEN to Iraq and they'll tell you that the vast majority of the Iraqi people are GRATEFUL for our presence because they know the civilian casualties would be much higher were it not for our troops putting themselves at risk keeping the fighting in check.

You said you have your doubts that Iraq supported the terrorists that caused 9/11. To date, over 300 al-Qaeda terrorists have been captured or killed in Iraq. Whether they were directly involved in 9/11 or not is irrelevent -- they are all part of a radical Islamic sect that has but one goal: The total annihilation of the American people, for no other reason than the fact that we ARE Americans. So we took out a bunch of the terrorists and we got rid of one dictator that was supporting them.

BOTTOM LINE: The war in Iraq is far from great -- wars never are -- but the conflict is justified and it is not at all what you or the vast majority of Americans think it is because YOU HAVE BEEN LIED TO!!! And no, it wasn't your President who lied -- the lies were conveyed by the people who are supposedly on a mission to bring you the truth. Well, here's the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth: The mainstream liberal media is anti-war and anti-Republican -- always has been and always will be -- and is on a mission to discredit your President and all conservatives by portraying the Iraq war in the worst light possible while covering up the fact that the former President (who was a liberal) knew only too well about the threats of Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden and the fact that Democrats voted overwhelmingly for the war in Iraq based on intelligence information received and confirmed LONG before Dubya took office.

P.S.: Do the Iraqis want democracy? Yes, they do. The problem is there are certain individuals who have money and guns who want to take over, and there are a whole bunch of them. THEY are the ones killing American soldiers and innocent Iraqi civilians. Should we just pack up and leave and say "Hey, deal with it yourselves?" Come on. If we pull out without helping them stabilize their government we'll be back there in ten years or less, going after another dictator that will be every bit as bas as (or worse than) Saddam.

2007-03-08 07:29:18 · answer #2 · answered by sarge927 7 · 6 1

Other countries have WMD so why Iraq & why present false tales about aluminum tubes Iraq ordered heralded as being for WMD? IMPERIALISM and theNWO it's just a simple fact that the US has 700+ military bases all over and could get by with under 50. Everywhere they are it is reported some US soldiers disrespect the residents, drink, rape and sometimes kill(as in an incident in China). Mr. Johnson's book below is so overwhelming with unpleasant strategies by the US we may be doomed.

2007-03-08 07:49:15 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Some people such as G. Bush will never admit they were wrong even if you give them a stack of facts. They will spin the facts and tell lies to justify their actions.

The Iraq people have their own culture and have lived with it for 2,000 years. Even when we leave and think we have left a democratic government this will not prevent the people from voting in representatives that mirror their beliefs which are not our beliefs and after all the grief we will be back to square one.

2007-03-08 08:05:23 · answer #4 · answered by madisonian51 4 · 3 0

Because it was and is. What your basing your feeling on is soley what you are seeing in the media. It's what you don't see that counts. You have to dig to get the truth about the whole picture. The Liberal media want people like you to believe that the war was all about WMD's or soley about oil. That was only one small part of it. Because they made Bush go through the UN, and go through one more UN resolution, and then get Congressional approval all the while the media is spilling our plans all over the place for the enimie to see, they had ample time to "clean house". True other countries are and were supporting terrorists. The difference is that if left alone Saddam would have aided them in getting and using WMD's. He was also supporting them with financing, training, and protection. Iraq is also in a strategic position in the world and was a threat to our allies like England, and Israel. He was a huge threat to Saudi Arabia, and was known to attack his own Arab people in Arab countries such as Iran and Kuwait. If he was to attack Saudi Arabia it would have been a complete disaster and a threat to our national security. He had already proved that he would, and was crazy enough to do it. He was a brutal dictator as well. The Iraqi people DO want us there, they DO want us to help them and they DO appreciate what we are doing in our sacrifice in this conflict. They DO want democracy, they proved that by voting for it! But you never see that in the main stream media, ever. You never see the happy children going to the hundreds of rebuilt schools. You never hear about the millions of new jobs and the Iraqi people filling them and making a living for the first time in decades. You never hear about the progress the new Iraqi diplomatic government is making. All you ever see and hear about is the negative, negative, negative. Don't you find that ODD???? I do. Its quite telling about the anti-war Liberal agenda.

2007-03-08 07:28:51 · answer #5 · answered by Dave 5 · 4 3

My husband is interior the army and of path, has carried out it sluggish in Iraq (wrestle... not a REMF). My time to question the conflict replaced into earlier it began. as quickly because all of it began, it replaced into time to place my own ideals aside and do MY accountability as a much better half... it is, doing in spite of i could desire to to maintain his concepts on his venture. I married a SOLDIER... which potential not being waiting to %. and choose what orders he's going to stick to. Now that the conflict has began, it's time to ensure it by using until venture finished. I extremely do not see the different selection at this element until we (The U.S.) prefer to have a large objective on our backs. I, too, am fairly grateful that he's made it living house alive. ... greater advantageous than words can say. He does not prefer to go away our son or me back, yet he's able to return. He feels it somewhat is "his turn". it somewhat is how maximum infantrymen sense. i won't be able to undergo in concepts who initially reported it, yet even on the beginning up, Iraq and the conflict on Terrorism replaced into termed, "The lengthy conflict". it somewhat is precisely what it is going to likely be. As for our relatives... we are arranged for that and we've greater at stake than lots of people who familiar the militia board.

2016-10-17 21:34:16 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

Might makes Right, according to True Believers. We have failed to learn from History. Those who beat the drums of war, rarely fight them. This from a disabled veteran of two wars, yours truly. All my medals does not justify destruction. It is a matter of being mindfull of our Humanity to all life.

2007-03-08 09:11:45 · answer #7 · answered by jt 5 · 2 0

Stopping the flow of terrorism IS justified . Only those democrats with an agenda would - and DO say otherwise .
You have no legitimate argument and neither do they..but that does not stop you from waging your war on the War on Terror ..does it ? Killing Nazi's in WWII did not make more Nazi's .

2007-03-08 09:07:00 · answer #8 · answered by missmayzie 7 · 1 2

You know they haven't found Bin Laden either, does that mean he doesn't exist? Think about it, I would rather be safe than sorry. Check out the documentary on terrorism and see how much we can ignore the facts. The world has changed sorry to say but we're not as safe as you think, wake up to the reality it's not going to go away because we pretend it doesn't exist.

2007-03-08 07:32:07 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

I honestly can't say I have any idea. Most who believe that are simply people who are set in their opinions, regardless of how many facts they are presented with.

2007-03-08 14:03:57 · answer #10 · answered by frenchy62 7 · 1 1

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