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If so do they see the mean spirited sexist ,racist, self rightous, hypocritical people the rest of us see.

2007-03-08 05:49:41 · 24 answers · asked by doc_of_three 2 in Politics & Government Politics

24 answers

Do you ask yours, "Who's the fairest of them all?"

If so then, yes.

2007-03-08 06:06:28 · answer #1 · answered by floatingbloatedcorpse 4 · 0 0

No, they don't. And the nature of the political polarization in our country now is that the left calls the right hypocritical and mean and ignorant, and the right calls the left the same! You can tell that by reading the Q&As on this very board.

Assuming that both far ends of the political spectrum practice hypocrisy, that still leaves us with an enormous number of people who fall somewhere in the middle and are just trying to make sense of everything while living their lives.

I for one would like to get back to the unified feeling we had right after 9/11--WITHOUT another national tragedy to create it. I'm hoping that whoever becomes our new president in 2008 will be a real unifier.

2007-03-08 13:55:17 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

I see none of those things in the mirror. I just see one handsome, educated, intellectually honest individual.

When you look in the mirror do you see the bigoted, gullible, phony, mean spirited, hypocritical person your question suggests you are? This question is an example of your bigotry towards the right as you're using nothing but stereotypes to come to your conclusions. You're obviously hypocritical as well since it's the left that claims to be so understanding and accepting. Does your hypocrisy bother you in the slightest?

2007-03-08 14:09:46 · answer #3 · answered by VoodooPunk 4 · 2 0

It's unfair to label a group of people on way.

I'm Black and am not racist. I believe in God and believe everybody, regardless of skin color, are equals.

I'm not mean spirited. I'm very open minded and am willing to listen to the left's complaints and advice.

I would say that I am self rightous. I believe there is a certain moral line that people should abide by. Again, I'm open minded as to where the line should be, but it should still exist.

I'm not hypocritical. I treat problems from every party the same.

2007-03-08 13:55:11 · answer #4 · answered by Mr. Info 3 · 3 1

No. Perhaps it is because I do not see things through a delusional mind like you do. I'm not mean-spirited, sexist, racist, self-righteous or hypocritical, as you apparently are by posting a question like this.

Perhaps if, instead of being filled with hate and resentment and ignorance, you could open your mind and accept that people who disagree with you are not evil. It would be a good first step in your recovery from your mental illness.

2007-03-08 13:59:21 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

One cannot make general statements as you did in your question without running the risk of appearing to be a moron.I myself cannot think of a more sexist, self rightous, hypocrite than a past Preisdent of ours, whose wife is currently running for office, and who, by the way, did a poor job of effecting her "southern drawl" in her speech at Selma.Talk about hypocritical.

2007-03-08 14:02:59 · answer #6 · answered by Geo 1 · 3 0

Every day I look in the mirror and thank God that I'm not a left winger that kills innocent babies, shoves God into darkness, appeases to criminals and terrorists. I'm thankful every day that my morals and ethics are much higher than liberals and all these gives me the strength to fight against all the immoral and unethical things that is destroying our Country, the very things that the libs just love. They love what is evil and wrong and they abhor everything that is good and good for this Country including illegal immigrants. Every day that I'm on yahoo answers I see how libs call conservatives everything that you stated above, but in reality, all those above is what the democratic party is all about.

Yes, I look in the mirror with a clear conscience and thank God every day.

2007-03-08 14:00:38 · answer #7 · answered by patrioticpeladac 4 · 2 0

I rarely look in the mirror, but I'm not a vain lib either.

LOL, leftists legislate sexism and racism, and it's pretty dang self righteous to think that the government can make better decisions that the people

Conservatism is the definition of compassion.
Conservatism believe's in a persons abilities
Conservatism is blind to race or sex

2007-03-08 13:54:52 · answer #8 · answered by archangel72901 4 · 2 2


Are you saying that only left-wing liberals have a heart and care about people? I don't think so!!!!!

BTW, I'm not racist, mean spirited, sexist, self-righteous and I'm definitely not a hypocrite!

2007-03-08 13:53:47 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 6 2

alright there southpaw, not everyone is a radical, most people are moderates that lean one way or the other. now you are just name calling because you have grown bitter. ease up, take a hit and go back to your hacky sack tourney

2007-03-08 13:59:21 · answer #10 · answered by Enginerd 3 · 1 0

We do and you are the ones the attack us!!! So who is mean spirited! And you have a distorted view of us! You libs are the meanest people that I know of!!!!!!

2007-03-08 13:58:03 · answer #11 · answered by mark k 3 · 2 1

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