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There was a consensus that the Earth was flat and that the Sun circled the Earthat one time!

I enjoy studying astronomy and I know for damn sure the Earth is round, and the Earth circles the Sun!

I refuse to let the new true believers set us back hundreds of years!

2007-03-08 05:46:16 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

And if temperatures are actually increasing, show me direct causality from mankind activity!

Don't you guys claim that we can't afford to wait for the real absolute proof because it will be "too late"?

2007-03-08 05:57:52 · update #1

24 answers

Actually a careful read of the UN report on global warming states that if man were to stop all industrial activity today it would have no effect on climate change. This point supports the common sense point of view that man is not responsible for global climate change. Is there some warming on the planet, you bet there is. Of course all the planets in the solar system are warming, this is because of energy fluctuations in the sun. Liberals ignore these facts because there are vested in a hatred of humans, a moral equivalency that downgrades man to just another animal, and a desire to controll people through unworkable, unpopular programs and regulations that have no connection with the basic tenants of human nature. Liberals have given us Communism, fascism, and humanism all of which have been justified using the junk science of Darwinism. Global warming is just a new spin on the same anti-human philosophy they have embraced for all their existence

2007-03-08 05:59:32 · answer #1 · answered by espreses@sbcglobal.net 6 · 3 2

The earth was thought to be flat and the sun thought to circle the earth before the advent of the scientific method. Nothing in science is ever sure, theories are constantly in flux, but you go with the model that best fits the data and right now that is that

a) The average temperature of the atmosphere is increasing

b) That temperature increase is due to increase in CO2 levels beyond what our natural CO2 filters can handle

an c) We are the principle cause of increased CO2 emissions

It's not consensus, it's science. And this doesn't belong in the politics forum, it belongs in the science forum. Most actual conservatives believe in science as well.

Global warming does happen on other planets without human cause, yes. But that doesn't mean humans can't accelerate the process. That being said, it is a terrible argument to bring up if you disbelieve global warming, because, you know... LOOK AT VENUS!

2007-03-08 05:53:31 · answer #2 · answered by mykll42 2 · 2 2

This is often a main critique of global warming, and a scientifically valid argument. The problem with global warming, unlike a standard laboratory science experiment, is that it is difficult to prove (since humans don't have lifespans of ~1000 years) and the outcome of proving it may ultimately be that the planet becomes uninhabitable. Indeed, it is difficult to prove conclusively for these reasons, and for the fact there appears to be contradictory data released all the time. The ultimate fact of the matter, however, based on both chemistry (the nature of CO2, CFC's and the like and their interaction in the atmosphere) as well as our geological and biological records, there is much more evidence supporting the idea that high levels of methane and CO2 in the atmosphere can result in the trapping of solar energy. Energy has to do something or go somewhere, and is in this case, converted to heat. The nature of CO2 and methane is such that it prevents this solar "heat" (in the form of IR radiation) from escaping back into space, and instead causes it to reflect, or bounce back to the earth. Now we need a certain amount of this, of course, lest we end up like Pluto (fyi, keep Pluto a planet, thank you very much scientific community...). However, too much CO2 + methane in the atmosphere, and we move away from losing too much heat to preserving too much heat, resulting in a Venus-like "runaway greenhouse effect", called so because of its similarity to the way a greenhouse can trap heat in the winter time and you can have a "tropical" indoor environment in the middle of a Scottish winter...

The fact of the matter is that warming trends to suggest global fluctuations in temperature over time. However, since the industrial revolution there has been an *exponential* increase in temperature, one which has not been observed in a similar fashion anywhere in the historical temperature record (which goes back millions of years). You also must remember that historical cyclical warming may very well have been caused by excess CO2 introduced into the atmosphere by volcanic activity or by massive gas releases from the ocean (which do occur more often than we think). This notion, combined with the fact that on top of all that, humans are dumbing millions of tons worth of CO2 and methane into the atmosphere, and the case for global warming as a result of man's activity becomes more compelling.

Science relies on faith in what you're researching. Robert Koch and John Snow never would have been able to come up with new ways to identify bacteria, nor conduct scientific studies if they didn't have faith that what they were doing was right. Unlike their work, however, we run the risk of losing our entire planet, the only home we have in this universe, forever if we're wrong.

2007-03-08 06:24:09 · answer #3 · answered by Owen 5 · 1 0

Sometimes in science it is nearly impossible to "prove", with 100% certainty, an accepted idea, or theory. Many scientists by the 15th century felt the earth was round, to use your example, but, with 100% certainty, went unproven until space flight allowed images of a round earth to be taken. It was a consensus of scientists that believed the earth was round prior to certainty being provided.

In such a case, it is usually that science hasn't developed the tools to measure a postulation with great certainty.

With global warming, there is little doubt among scientists that CO2 levels are at astronomical highs, and, the only question is, how much harm will be done to the earth if left unchecked.

The only way to handle the problem is with a climate model, an attempt to project into the future different outcomes. For now, there is little else science can do, mate.

2007-03-08 05:54:49 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

How many true scientist existed back in 1492. People would die of every common ailments. Science has evolved since 1492.
If a person has a heart condition do they consult a foot doctor about it? No! they go to a cardiologist!! If they don't agree with the first one the see they can go see several more.
I wouldn't put my trust in Al Gore or President Bush when it comes to global warming seeing as both of them are politicians.

2007-03-08 06:02:41 · answer #5 · answered by wondermom 6 · 1 1

"consensus" ability that a majority of scientist trust it. worldwide warming is a intense undertaking. If human beings do no longer handle this undertaking the earth would be in very undesirable shape. human beings ought to attain that human beings can and are affecting the earth previous restore. confident the earth has lived by way of issues like this earlier yet do you recognize what occurs?? ice age btw in case you have watched "an inconvienent certainty" you will discover there is varied information.

2016-12-18 18:08:12 · answer #6 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Call me kooky, call me what you will, but in my view a solid majority of scientists are probably a tad more informed on this subject than someone who likens their work to believing that the Earth is flat or that it circles the Sun. As for your claim that believing in global warming "sets us back hundreds of years", feel free to chime in with some semblance of an argument to support that...

2007-03-08 05:55:22 · answer #7 · answered by David 7 · 1 1

I'm sure we should all do our part to protect the environment, however I do not believe in GORE-SCIENCE. There are as many out there disputing the human cause theory as there are promoting it. The difference is that if you can convince the public the earth is melting you can make a few bucks along the way. With the help of liberal media, and of course, Hollywood, this is what Gore has done. Best policy, do your personal best, whatever that is, to keep your corner of the world clean, and relax and enjoy.

2007-03-08 05:57:18 · answer #8 · answered by rosi l 5 · 2 2

Could not have said that better myself.
Science is based on facts, not consensus.
Science has proven that the sun is producing more heat and that causes the earth and every other planet in the solar system to heat up more.

2007-03-08 05:53:29 · answer #9 · answered by az 4 · 1 2

The people who deny that there is global warming are the oil and coal industries and the people who are duped enough to still believe them. It's the climatologists and scientists who are telling these greedy industrialists that there is global warming. These industries feel threatened just like the flat earthers in the Catholic church did when the scientists of that time told them that the earth is round. Sorry to inform you, but your argument failed because you are the dogmatist who is the same as the Flat Earthers. Wake up. The science is there and you're clinging to dogma because you are afraid of change.

2007-03-08 05:51:09 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 4

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