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11 answers


Symbol: The Archer
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Fire - Mutable - Positive
Day Forces - Masculine
Growth Phase: Knowledge
Secret Motivation: "I See"

The sign of the Lawyer, the Sage

Personality: Idealistic, honest, impatient, enthusiastic, frank and fearless, ambitious, philosophical, boisterous, argumentative and impulsive.

Positive Qualities: Fearless and frank, sportsmanlike, independent, curious and intelligent, generous, aspiring and nature-loving.

Negative Qualities: Boastful and aggressive, over-confident, prone to exaggeration, tactless, lacking in concentration, inconsistent and crude.

The traveller, in body and mind. A social one. Aims at the stars. Conservative with money - usually. Broad in ideas. Can be bombastic, hypocritical, and blunt. Ideals applied to home. Aggressive socially. High aspirations, sometimes too high! Loves freedom. Usually big-hearted, benevolent in attitude. Persistent, practical in work. Sometimes sportive. Likes horses, loves children. Aspires onward.

To communicate - in an inspirational, aggressive, dynamic and idealistic manner.

Those born under Sagittarius and Pisces are the Jupiter type. You tend to be heavily built, have a high forehead with prominent eyes, slanting at the corners. You are quite pompous in your middle age and often not very ambitious, yet you manage to acquire comfortable riches during the course of your active career. Being just, honest, generous, self indulgent, sociable and talkative - these are your other hallmarks.


On one hand, a Sagittarian is a born flirt and on the other hand, a snob - a disastrous combination! As a lover, you are warm, open, charming and glamorous. What you lack is staying power. New faces and fresh pictures always beckon you, so though you may be a good lover, you are not always a faithful one, and one whom it is almost impossible to tie down. This creates problems in your love life. You are very sporty, but an excellent provider. But yours is fundamentally not a sign of domesticity, in the sense of needing a home and hearth above everything else. A divorce or separation may hurt you, but it wouldn't prevent you from another attempt at matrimony. You will care and provide for your mate, but will give him or her freedom and independence and expect the same in return. Sagittarians can sometimes also be quite crude and hot-tempered. While you respect your partner as a human being, you are nevertheless capable of some very wounding sarcasm, which he or she will have to learn to overlook in order to survive with you.

2007-03-13 13:12:38 · answer #1 · answered by ♥gigi♥ 7 · 1 0

Aries THE RAM - the sign of Assertiveness As the first sign of the Zodiac Arians cannot help putting themselves firs. Aries folk have a refreshing and uncomplicated view of the world and will quite often dive into situations without considering the consequences first, so they gain a reputation of being daring, courageous and impulsive. Get More from Life Without losing your sense of enthusiasm and courage, take time to listen to others occasionally. Know that you are a strong motivating force that can encourage other. Ideal Careers Dentist, personal trainer, explorer, soldier, sales person, leader, fireman, engineer, self employed. Advice for Partners & Friends A good idea - keep positive and recognise that tempers are short lived with Arians. Not so useful - telling your Arian what to do, even if it is blindingly obvious that you are right. We love you at your Best ... Aries are huge fun and have strong feelings and views on most things. They love being noticed and while a fiery passion and temper is inherent, they have the ability to enthuse and make great leaders. Direct and brave, they can see through most illusion to get to the heart of the matter and excel when given the space to be who they are. Fantastically sexy people too. Forceful, pioneering, adventurous, enterprising, courageous, direct, energetic, freedom loving, self assertive. .... Difficult to Live With! If they don't get their own way - dealing with the boring, mundane and routine is not in their interest and so can be guilty of putting off paying bills and seeing to essentials. They can possibly spoil for a fight simply to get the adrenaline going, which is no fun if you are a natural peace love. Sun Signs You are most Compatible with Sun Sign Scorpio - oh yest. Sagittarius - wonderfully romantic. Libra - unstoppable. Aries - fiery, then ashes! Sun Signs You are not so Compatible with Aries - ooh, intense all consuming flame. Leo - a room full of fire. Cancer - many differences. Pisces - difficult. Virgo - poles apart. Your Opposite Sun Sign is Libra Aries are reckless and determined. Nothing will stand in their way if they can help it, including people. They've got heaps of physical energy and are very competitive. They have to come first in everything. If they don't, they'll let you know what a bad loser they are. Never tell an Aries they're wrong either. They become dangerous. They make fantastic mates, great leaders and good politicians. They like to supervise and organize more than actually working. Never ignore this sign as their ego will be severely deflated and that's not a pretty sight. It's not all bad - they're friendly, kind and generous and certainly cute to a sagittarian! You are an action person and like to communicate through deeds rather than words, don't you? Intellectual conversations can bore you as do discussions about abstract ideas, theories and vague generalisations. When you talk to others, you'll be honest, open and generally sincere but, if only you would close your mouth before changing feet you might get somewhere. You have a lot to learn about tact and diplomacy (something you might discover in your Libran opposite). Symbol: The Ram Ruling Planet: Mars Fire - Cardinal - Positive Day Forces - Masculine Growth Phase: The Infant Secret Motivation: "I Am" The sign of the Pioneer, the Explorer Personality: Spontaneous, enterprising, pioneering, impetuous and impatient, sexy, turbulent, active, sometimes even violent. Positive Qualities: Daring, bold and courageous, energetic, enterprising, spontaneous and active, clear thinking. Negative Qualities: Selfish, impatient, proud and vain, brutal and violent, jealous and possessive, impetuous and coarse. PERSONALITY AND CHARACTER Self starter, egotist, pioneer. Uncontrollably lively and high-spirited. Daring-to-do, initiative, enterprising. Usually a leader. Dislikes to be bossed. Learns by doing. Uninhibited. Impulsive action sometimes leads to failure, accident. Heady, but not necessarily brainy. Ardent in love, but also experimental. Open to all kinds of people. Sometimes religious or philosophical leader. Feels free and usually is 'Me First'. KARMIC MISSION To lead - in an inspirational, aggressive, dynamic and idealistic manner.

2016-03-16 07:18:33 · answer #2 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0


i myself am Sag so my answer will be based on my own experience in comparison to what I have read about the typical traits of the Sag over the past few years.

Sags are first of all considered to be the
"luckiest" sign of the zodiac. Of course we'`re not all filthy rich (this has something to do with our generosity & the fact that "money" isnt everything to us) but everything usually falls into place at the end of the day for us Sags.

Sags usually have an optimistic outlook on life. We have dreams & ambitions (if only we'd stop changing our minds every 2 seconds about what to do with our life) and our imagination can make even the most boring thought of the future become interesting.

We are clumsly and can't stand jeolousy (i can vouch for both of those)

Sags enjoy to debate and will stand up for things they strongly believe in. If they are wrong about something, as much as they hate to do so, they can admit they were wrong.
Sags usually suffer from "foot in the mouth" (lost count how many times i've done this) but atleast they are honest. They will say what they are thinking without stopping to actually think about it and sometimes the most shocking, but true, things will come out.

Good at keeping other peoples secrets, but no good at keeping their own.

Sags usually have a love of animals and travel and they are very compassionate people.

Relationship wise, they are known to be promiscius at times but once in a committed relationship (and they will only be in it if the other person truly makes them happy) they make great lovers who are faithful and honest.

Sags, do not like doin housework, are not so good with responsibilities (unless their heart is fully into it) They are friendly social people who like to have fun, read and learn.

Hope this helps.

2007-03-08 06:01:37 · answer #3 · answered by miss2sexc 4 · 3 0

Astrology is a load of crap. There may be traits they say a Sagittarius demonstrates, but do you really believe that EVERYONE born at a certain time of the year would be alike?

2007-03-08 05:50:33 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Hey, this website gives a bunch of information on being a Sagittarius. Its a characteristic profile. I hope this helps.


Basically the strength of a Sagittarius is an optimistic attitude. I hope you enjoy!

2007-03-08 05:47:52 · answer #5 · answered by beautifulstranger013 4 · 1 0

As a Sag myself, I am brutally honest, sarcastic, and a control freak. I can also be quite emotional, humorous, and compassionate...we're an odd lot of folk

2007-03-08 05:46:02 · answer #6 · answered by sisterchick1274 2 · 1 0

I think it's depends if you are male or female. November or December. I'm a female born in November and I think I 'm honest, sweet ,dependable and can keep a secret.

2007-03-15 09:54:49 · answer #7 · answered by TWEETY 3 · 0 0

Honest, Dogmatic, Very out going. Tends to speak before they think. Very social.

2007-03-08 06:11:21 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

well from what i've encountered they're funny but too sarcastic at times, book smart but lack logical sense, don't mind making fun of themselves, offend people without knowing it ( i assume), you can always have great conversations with them.... but the really unfortunate thing about people with this sign is that they're usually very inconsiderate (when it comes to anything really)

just from my experience and what i've seen.

2007-03-08 23:45:34 · answer #9 · answered by copy^cat 5 · 0 2

Fun-loving; intelligent and BLUNT, but never with the intention to hurt anyone.

2007-03-08 13:59:24 · answer #10 · answered by bahjij6 5 · 1 0

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