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Alright here is the scoop. I am 27 almost 28 weeks pregnant. Before I tell you whats been going on let me tell you that it took me almost a year to get pregnant and I really thought I would be happy and excited about it. But as my pregnancy goes on I just keep feeling more like "why did I do this" "what was I thinking". Then when it came time for me to be able to find out what the sex of my child was and of course I wanted to find out being my first baby and all I had my hopes on a girl and never thought of myself having a boy. But when I went to the ultrasound I found out I am having a boy... and I have these thoughts like why did I even get pregnant. I don't understand why I feel like this and really don't want to. I want to be able to be happy that I am bringing a child into this world. What is wrong with me????????

2007-03-08 05:31:18 · 30 answers · asked by Bubblez 1 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

30 answers

It is your hormones. I felt like that too. Your entire life is going to change. Your independance will be gone. You are going to be responsible for a new life. You may be leaving your job and friends to stay home with the baby. It is a HUGE change.

I wanted another boy so badly and when I had a girl I actually said, "oh I guess I can deal" The first few months with her here I was stressed and she cried a lot more than my son. I said, what did I do, why did I have another.

It was mostly hormonal. When I started getting back to my old self, I wouldn't trade her in for the world. She is funny and cute and makes me laugh all the time. I love her.

You are normal to feel like you do. Just be careful after the baby is born to make sure you get support. Friends, moms groups, family. Just in case you get the post-partum depression. It is so easy to just deny that you have it. I did, then I would get mad and scream at the kids for no reason. I would look back and say, "wow, what's wrong with me?"

I got more help at home and started taking the kids out for play groups and it helped a lot.

Good Luck and try to enjoy the rest of the pregnancy. Boys are fun too. They have lots of energy. You can always try for a girl next time. You will love the baby...give yourself a chance. It may not happen instantly, but you will.

Good Luck!

2007-03-08 05:39:08 · answer #1 · answered by Jennifer L 4 · 2 0

Im having those feeling at 2 months preg. We tried to get pregnant as well, we have 2 year old already. I forgot how miserable these first few months are! Im always sick and i dont want my husband to touch me, i cant get enough sleep and i cant keep anything down. I guess at some point we all get that oh sh*t what did i do thought but it will pass, i know as soon as i can eat solid food i'll be happy, and i bet when you see his beautiful face you'll forget all these feelings. I wish i had a boy first so he could look after my georgeous little girl but we had a girl first. Count an older brother for maybe a future daughter a blessing. We all seem to be popping out super models these days and you'll appreciate that over protective big brother when the boys start staring!!

2007-03-08 05:45:01 · answer #2 · answered by marinewife 3 · 0 0

There is NOTHING wrong with you. All of those feelings are normal. Every expectant mother with have feelings of anxiety, doubt, worry and regret. Nine months of this!!! It's ridiculous!! But I promise you that the day you meet your little boy for the first time those feeling will wash away and you will be happy that you went through all of this just to meet the little man that you made. Let yourself feel the wide range of feelings that you will no doubt go through during this time, but don't beat yourself up about feeling things that other people may thing are wrong. Who's to say what feelings are wrong? That's why they're called feelings. Don't worry, you're not a freak. In fact your're more like every other pregnant woman than you realize.

2007-03-08 05:57:16 · answer #3 · answered by LittleItalianInMe 3 · 0 0

It's perfectly normal to feel the way your feeling and don't worry it's a temporary feeling of the mommy blues.. I went through it myself with my first one... My biggest wish was to have a daughter.. I had all her clothes picked out and everything pink and had those worried doubts that the baby might be a boy and I found out during delivery that my sweet bundle of joy was in fact a boy... the funny thing is that no matter how much we may want a boy or a girl, when you go through all that pain and work while in labor to bring them into the world and see that adorable cute lil face for the first time it's like time stand stills and it doesn't matter anymore on what sex you wanted, what starts to matter is on how you are now, a new mom to this cute lil baby... I have 5 sons and then had my daughter and it took me 16 yrs to have her.. but i wouldn't trade my boys for anything in the world...
Congradulations hun, I'm sure you will be the best mom for that sweet bundle of joy : )

2007-03-08 05:46:29 · answer #4 · answered by Karma 2 · 0 0

no offense, but I hate when people like you "destiney" come on here and become so critical with people!! Are you pregnant? Have you ever been? If so, let me give you a lesson, all pregnant women are different and all feel differently about things. Everytime i post a question about the way im feeling while I'm pregnant or something like that someone like you has to come on and tell me what a baby I am and that I don't need to feel like this because I am going to be a mom and need to grow up and BLAH BLAH BLAH... yours wasn't so bad, but don't be so critical of a poor pregnant girl who has such mixed emotions right now. I wanted a girl and am having a girl> if it would've been a boy, I'd be upset, too. So shoot us! OK, I am done now :) I probably didn't even make sense lol

2007-03-08 05:45:49 · answer #5 · answered by Beth 3 · 0 0

Sorry to hear about your sad feelings. It sounds as if you have some issues other than the child itself. Are you getting along well with your partner? What were your reasons for wanting a child in the first place?

The main thing to remember is that regardless of whether the child is a boy or a girl, it is a human being who is separate from you. One day, it will go off on its own and live it's own life as happily as it can. Your job as a parent is to allow this to happen in the most loving, most nurturing way possible.

Boys and girls are both needed equally in this world. Both need loving parents to thrive. Raising a child is fun, too! You'll love that little guy once you see him -- and see how much he loves you in return!

All the best.

2007-03-08 05:48:13 · answer #6 · answered by Norm N 2 · 0 0

Darling you only feel this way because the things you use to do you will never be able to do again and you are scare of the fact that you may not be able to care for that child like you can but a baby is a blessing the same thing happened to me but in vice versa I wanted a boy and ended up with a girl, I was mad but when I held her in my arm for the very first time Icried because I was so happy. That postpartum depression is alll in your mind if you have a strong mind the you can beat it with out doctors and therapy. things for you will change when you get farther in your pregnancy i promise and good luck cause your gonna need it.

2007-03-08 05:44:51 · answer #7 · answered by Da~thic~bac blak 1 1 · 0 0

You're just hormonal. I had a boy and for my 2nd pregnancy I found out I was having another boy... I cried, of course. Besides the hormones being all wack, I really cant tell you another reason but what I did was just tried not to think of it much. I thought of the good things. Ex. How much easier boys are. Now that I have my boys, I wouldnt change it for the world. You'll be ok. Pregnancy is a hormonal rollarcoaster ride!

2007-03-08 05:42:18 · answer #8 · answered by Stacy C 1 · 0 0

maybe you just set your expectations too high you thought a pregnancy would be wonderful but its really not, your ankles get swollen, nausea, heartburn all the things that make you feel oh so uncomfortable i know you are going through a tough time but it is all probably because you just want the baby out as for the gender part every woman wants a girl but thats not always going to happen im sure that you will love him with all your heart no matter how much you wanted a girl you just got set on the fact that it is a girl kindda like trying to get pregnant im sure there were times when you thought you were preggo and come to find out you arent really dissapointing but once you do you are happy maybe that is how you are feeling now, i know for a fact you will come to terms with things just keep your head up

2007-03-08 05:39:22 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nothing is wrong with you, your pregnant.But you may be experiencing prenatal depression and need to seek medical attention. Other then that your emotions are on a roller coaster. Your fears are just taking over. I feel this same way. I sometimes wish I wasn't pregnant. Because its going to be so much more responsibility with twins on top of the 3 I already have. I know you are feeling overwhelmed and after the baby gets here you'll be asking yourself "Why was I being so silly?" Good Luck!!

2007-03-08 05:46:24 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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