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Have YOU ever been discriminated against personally , by a person of a race other than yours?

In other words:

Have you ever been called a racist name?

Have you attempted to befriend someone outside of your race, but they made fun of you, because you were white? etc

Have you ever walked into a store, church, or place, that were run by blacks, that you felt unwelcome?

Does TV and Hollywood put a lot of Social pressure on you?

List some things that you have dealt with throughout your life.


(This is for a research "project", what you say will affect the direction of it.)

2007-03-08 05:23:54 · 12 answers · asked by Fit~man 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

12 answers

Really, I can only say one time in my life that really stood out to me. I was living in a small town in Eastern Colorado which was prodominantly hispanic. Just about every where I went, I was stared and and entering some stores or bars, I was made to feel completely unwelcome. It was a very unnerving and eye-opening experience. I do not discriminate against anyone reagardless of race, religion, sexual orientation etc... We are "people". The only thing that bothers me is when another person "forces" their beliefs or way of life on me or another person. I am always open for a discussion, but don't tell me your way is the "only" way and everything else is wrong.

2007-03-15 10:19:40 · answer #1 · answered by Dave B 1 · 0 0

I have been called a cracker and white boy before by blacks. I wouldn't say I have been discriminated against though. Although, at a place I worked at many years ago the black employees seemed to form into cliques. Three black guys in the same position I had and my age were planning a poker game on the Friday night before we got off work. They didn't invite me, which didn't really bother me. I wasn't much for playing poker, and I didn't figure we would have much in common. I am sure my race had a little to do with the lack of invitation though.

2007-03-08 13:34:13 · answer #2 · answered by wileycoyote_the_supergenius 3 · 0 0

Yes and no

Blacks are good people, but are arrogant when it comes to my place and yours...
Watch movies and you will know what I talk about.
Tour Africa and you will feel a lot of hate. Not because of their past and maybe apartheid, but because the don't like other black people as well.
I've been to a few places Europe where people don't know racism and like black people.
But, the arrogance and race game blacks play even in foreign coutries make people mad and angry.
Black people abuse the racism story for their own gain and people feel sorry or guilty and blacks get away with"Murder."
Yes, I have black friends, work with them and see their racism towords others and how they play the "I'm black .Please feel sorry for me," game when they need it to get something.
I think white and black should together stop this color game and excuse for whatever reasons, and start being responsible.
We are being reminded of the past of white against black, but nobody speak about the wrong from black against black today even in the world.
Stop talking about racism, talk about freedom and love. Talk about respect and good things. The more our cultures hear about positive things, the quicker we will start to live for a better future!

2007-03-15 03:11:49 · answer #3 · answered by TP asking 2 · 1 0

yes--I get discriminated against a lot because I am white. It never happened to me before I moved to Las Vegas, Nevada, but here it is rampant. I have not only been discriminated against by African-Americans, but by Hispanics, and Asains. The Hispanics and Asains in Las Vegas are extremely rude to whites and in the workplace will stop at nothing to make a white person look bad. They not only gossip about white people but sabatage their work. I have been refused service, been ignored at restaurants and other business, cut off in traffic, cut in front of in line, pushed, shoved, degraded, insulted, called racists names, etc. My church is mostly black, however, the blacks rarely talk to the whites. The Hispanics at church ignore you all together. Hispanics are notorious out here for being your friend to your face, but stabbing you in the back the next second. I have acutally had white patients complain to the managment of our medical clinic that they get ignored in favor of our Hispanic patients by our Hispanic staff. Our Hispanic staff treat Hispanice patients very well, while they are rude to non-hispanic patients. They treat their co-workers the same.

I wish I could say that racism does not exist but here in Las Vegas it is alive and well.

2007-03-15 17:07:05 · answer #4 · answered by bwrightnee 1 · 0 0

Yes. In high school I was considerably overweight. Several of the black students had it in for me (for no apparent reason) and I was called everything from "whitey" to "cracker" to "fat honkey."

No, I've never had someone make fun of me for the color of my skin. I'm generally a very "low key" person. Certainly not an introvert, but I don't call attention to myself by speaking poorly, having loud, cackling, boisterous conversations in public, etc. In other words--I don't give people a REASON to make fun of me.

Yes. Several stores, actually. Mainly beauty supply stores, clothing stores, etc. where they stare at me like, "What the f*ck is SHE doing here?" Keep in mind I'm doing nothing but shopping--I'm giving nobody a reason to be concerned, not making an @ss of myself, not making hateful comments--nothing. Just minding my own business and I get stared at as if I'm Satan himself.

Er, no. Nobody in Hollywood knows I exist.

Dealt with in my life? Oh God-- OK...

Being obese and discriminated/picked on/taunted because of that (even as a young adult before I lost my excess weight). Going to juvenile detention twice. Drugs. An STD. A mother who has been married four times (and, consequently, her oh-so-lovely husbands). Multiple and (unfortunately) very closely spaced deaths of immediate family members. Multiple major surgeries. Cervical cancer. House fire. Numerous car accidents. Want me to keep going?

2007-03-08 15:30:52 · answer #5 · answered by brevejunkie 7 · 1 0

No, never been called a racist name (at least to my face.)
Don't thin anyone ever made fun of me because I was white - the black people I know are friendly, worked for a man from India his family was nice and friendly.
TV and Hollywood - ha! Why would I want to influenced by a bunch of crazy people
A white lady implying that my grandson was not taken care of because he was bi-racial. Which I was glad to inform her he belonged to me.
A black lady stopping me and telling me what a pretty brown baby he was.
A Chinese lady insisting that one of my bi-racial granddaughters looked Chinese...(she is really part Korean).

2007-03-15 23:01:23 · answer #6 · answered by megan 3 · 0 0

Not me particularly, but when my children were school age (I know it shows my age) The question that was asked of me was "Were my children black?" I thought,what does that have to do with it? If my children were black they would have a choice of were they wanted to go to school in the city. But since my children were white they had to go to the school in the part of the city were we lived. I didn't like the school were we lived, so I paid for private school for my children. Yes, I feel I have been discriminated against.

2007-03-15 17:22:11 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i worked with a bunch of black girls and they were openly talking about thier night out and one said lets ask mercedes(i could hear them talking) and one said she canto go shes white......i have been called barbie by a black and i dont think she meant it as a compliment. I was pushed by a 200 pound black girl in high school and you better believe my 120 pound as* stood up to her and she later called me to counselors office crying. after i fought her all of the black girls in my school had it out for me.....and i did nothing to them...they just all stick together......and you know what ,....i walked around the halls with my head held as high as i could !

2007-03-08 14:30:46 · answer #8 · answered by icecreamheadache420 2 · 0 0

Nope, led a pretty sheltered life I guess

2007-03-08 13:45:51 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

i believe every human is the same regardless of thier skin color. there is no need to descriminate anyone coz everyone is precious

2007-03-15 14:44:27 · answer #10 · answered by immortal 2 · 0 0

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