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im 17 yrs old and expecting my 2nd child. I already have a 4 month old and i cant believe i got pregnant so quick! when i 1st found out i was pregnant again i thought my life was pretty much over. i was depressed but i finally accepted the fact that im gonna have 2 kids at 18. im the process of getting my GED, and have the best boyfriend ever. Can anyone tell me what to expect with 2 babies in pampers?

2007-03-08 05:18:03 · 23 answers · asked by miss michelle 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

23 answers

well, you can kiss your childhood goodbye. Not to be a wise ***. It is not going to be easy. I mean expect things to be challenging. Learn to budget and finish school. You will never forgive yourself if you drop out or quit. You can do it. But it is going to be tough. Maybe your bf should marry you, its the least he can do since he got you pregnant 2x. good luck. condoms might not be such a bad thing?

2007-03-08 05:29:12 · answer #1 · answered by workaholic 2 · 2 3

I was a mother at 19 - not quite the same thing, but I did join many young single parent groups and met many more in your situation. I even knew a 23 year old with 5 kids and single!

My best advice is truly to stick with school. Do your very very best to keep your credit score good - if it's already marred then start paying it back and get it on track. This will allow you to get those things that allow more wiggle room, your own home rather than renting, to qualify for loans (particualrily student) and credit cards. That said I don't condone spending money you don't have. It's the only way I've made it, but I believe I have had it tougher and had things prolonged becasue I have not been able to qualify for credit. Best bet, I believe is to do some post-secondary schooling. ANYTHING! Medical Office Assistant, Care Aide, ECE, even. But make sure you get that extra boost of education becasue your wallet will thank you.

You already have one child, so have probably gone through all the financial figurings, but I'll throw out my advice as well. I never used papmpers. I only used cloth diapers. You'll need to do an extra couple of loads of laundry a week, but that's the worst of it. really! And you'll have no further diapering costs. I found many at second hand stores or on ebay from other moms (huge lots of baby clothes too!). I also breast fed and didn't buy premade baby food. You can mash up your own bananas and peas just fine! lol These 3 major things cut your babying costs dramatically.

Best of luck. You are a super woman for taking this on. When things get tough just think of all the millions of other mothers (sinlge moms too) who have gone through the same motions you are and lived!

2007-03-08 13:42:29 · answer #2 · answered by girlsincamelot 2 · 0 0

Ok-I'm only 18 and have graduated high school. My ex who I was with for quite a qhile had a 2 year old and a 4 year old. I dont have much experience with babies but for the future just remember to keep doing what YOU wna tto do but always keep your kids in mind and love them. As for the GED, my boyfriend got a high school diploma for $75 (Yes its accredited and everything) if you want to do that instead of a ged look up Cornerstone Christian College. You do a test on a few subjects (So easy) And write a short 200 word essay. Good luck!

2007-03-08 13:31:42 · answer #3 · answered by knottymichi 1 · 0 0

I`m sorta in the same boat as you, but I`m married and I`m 30...But my son is almost 8 months old and I`m 19 weeks pregnant..My due date is three weeks after my sons b-day!!! It was not a planed pregnancy..But birth control doesn`t always work.. I to thought how am I going to raise another baby...(I have an 11 year old daughter to) and having them so close...I felt like I had just got done being pregnant and now I have to do it all over again?? But you know what...as soon as I seen that little baby moving around and heard the heartbeat..I melted all over again and I don`t have a doubt in my mind now that everything will be okay!! Don`t listen to people that say your older baby will be jealous and horrible because of this..Just make sure you take time out for him/her and have your b/f watch the new baby...It sounds like your heading in the right direction and know what you want to do and how to do it...I wish you all the best and congrats to you!!

Btw...Find out some of your local agency's to help you out if you haven`t already...Wic..etc..

2007-03-08 14:11:30 · answer #4 · answered by bad kitty 4 · 0 0

You can expect no sleep on some nights, lots and lots of changing pampers, staying up with sick babies and more. But the awsome thing is that you get to hear two babies say their first words, take their first steps, and many other amazing firsts babies do. You also have the opportunity to make sure that two babies have a great life with opportunities to be loved, educated, and well looked after. Good luck and remember be a good mom is not easy but it is so worth it!

2007-03-08 13:27:45 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i JUST turned 18 and i have a 3 year old and almost another one coming out. (35 weeks pregnant) i got my GED and ill tell u, this wont be easy, but U CAN DO IT. just keep ur mind set on ur dreams, but always put ur kids first. thats how im doing it. i stilll have my plan of goign to college, possibly this year or beginning of next year. i dont know how it wil be with two in diapers but i know its not going to be easy. while this one is teething, the other will be colicky and fussy. ALL THE TIME. maybe not though. it just depends on the babies. but they will have fun growing up so close in age as long as they arent jealous of each other. anyway, congrats and good luck.

2007-03-08 14:13:27 · answer #6 · answered by Lil mzz green eyez 3 · 0 0

i am not going to paint a rosy picture for you. it is nice to get encouragement for the other answerers, and i hope everything works out for you.

here's the reality, expect , at least, 5 years of being flat broke and sitting at home taking care of the children. you will figure out that your "best ever" boyfriend is not so awesome, after all. when your boyfriend starts straying and seeing less and less of you and the kids, nobody else who is worth a dam, is going to want a serious relationship with a young mother with 2 kids. when the kids get into school, you can take your GED and get a job at WalMart or something along those lines. when you get about 40, and the children are grown, you can start over.

sorry to tell you this, but in about 5 years, look at all of the answers, and see which one turned out to be right.

maybe you can be the exception to the rule. i hope that you will. but most likely get ready for the toughest (and in many ways, most rewarding) 20 years of your life.

prove me to be wrong. you can do it if you really work. good luck.

2007-03-08 13:53:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Can I recommend a book?


I'm not saying you are or will be on welfare or working at McDonalds. But it does have some good stories on what happens to people with a kid or two at a young age -- and what happens to them with and without an education is pretty different.

(Though there're also stories about people doing quite well despite not so much as a high school education. If you're not going to go back to school -- and a GED is of minimal value; please think about college -- at least take a job that has a lot of potential for promotion.)

The overall lesson was, difficult as it might sound, that it's worth it to be broke and stressed for a few years if that's what it takes to get somewhere education/job-wise. Really, worth reading for somebody in your situation.

And, get married. Not for moral reasons, but for legal ones.

2007-03-08 13:46:22 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You're gonna be a very busy mommy. I applaud you on continuing to get your GED that is great! You are going to have to have a lot of patience. I would recommend taking some parenting classes if you have any in your area. I think it will help alot with dealing with the 2 babies and keeping calm under control.

2007-03-08 13:24:39 · answer #9 · answered by nunya 2 · 4 0

You have a rough road ahead of you, all you can do is make the best of it. You need to make good medical care a priority. You also need to make birth-control a priority. Look into IUD's or other reliable forms.
If you are interested in earning free diapers, check out 1800DIAPERS.com Register with referral code REMA8993 and you will get an extra $2 off. This site will allow you to earn free diapers, wipes and more. For me it was a huge money saver. I have two in diapers, and one on formula.
Best of luck to you. Make sure that you make the best of the resources that are around you.
Check out social services, WIC and any other programs that can help you with food, rent, and daycare so that you can get your education. If you do not stay in school you will not be able to provide for your family and you will not be happy and sucessful in raising a family.

2007-03-08 13:26:06 · answer #10 · answered by Rocka 3 · 1 1

Well, I'm proud of your for getting your GED and accepting responsibility for you actions. I live in base housing and a lot of military wives end up getting pregnant back to back b/c their husband are deployed and when they return...well they get reacquainted! Anyway it is more expensive but a lot of them are thankful that their children will be close in age and watching them grow together is funny and interesting. I wish u and your b/f luck and a healthy baby!

2007-03-08 13:27:23 · answer #11 · answered by marinewife 3 · 0 0

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