I had to think about it, but one that comes to mind is the scene from "Steel Magnolias" after the funeral when Sally Field and the others are at the cemetary and she looks in the mirror and comments that Shelby was right about her hair looking like a brown football helmet. Then she has a total meltdown and talks about how a child is not supposed to die before a parent and how angry she is and how she wants to hit something. Then Clarie grabs Weezer and says "here, hit Weezer!" etc... that part of the movie always makes me cry no matter how many times I've seen it!
2007-03-08 10:33:35
answer #1
answered by blondee 5
I have three:
In Full Metal Jacket when Pvt Pyle shoots himself in the bathroom after losing his mind. It is just overall a very eerie scene as Vincent D'Nofrio does such a good job portraying someone snapping under the pressure of military stress.
In American History X where Derek Vinyard (played by Edward Norton) attacks would be car theifs outside his home and makes the one guy bite and keep his mouth the street curb and then stomps on the back of his head.
In The 25th Hour, Monty has a monologue scene where he looks into the bathroom mirror and begins to irate every person of every background/culture. It is sometimes know as the "F**K You" scene. Something about it just gives me the chills. I dont know if it's because of the hate and bigotry shown and knowing people like this exist in everyday life, or the fact that Monty has lost all faith in his life and everyone around him including his friends, family, and lover.
2007-03-08 04:26:48
answer #2
answered by meneed2tan 4
That is a great scene - I think it works so well because it is so savage, and it makes us pity even Nicky, who was such a vicious violent character.
Hmmm. I'm sure there are lots of scenes like that for me - that's the hallmark of a great movie, one that moves you emotionally every time.
The big reveal scene in "Tootsie" makes me laugh every time. ("Does Jeff know?") It also comes at the end of such a great sequence of the lie catching up with him - Sandy thinks he's gay, Julie thinks he's a lesbian, Les wants to marry him and John van Horn just wants straight sex. Whew!
And without revealing too much, the New Year's Eve scene with Matteo in a magnificent Italian film "The Best Of Youth" makes me lose it every time I've seen it. For, like, a good hour afterwards.
The end montage of kisses in "Cinema Paradiso" does the same thing, in a good way - but I definitely need the tissues out for that one.
And the end of "Back to the Future" - when the branch falls and Marty can't get the car started and everything else - I bite my nails in anticipation even though I've seen it enough times to know that, yeah, he makes it back to the future. But I'm still worried!
2007-03-08 04:22:30
answer #3
answered by Koko Nut 5
permit's lighten this up slightly! The funniest scene ever! It must be while Harry Met Sally! The scene the place they're in the diner, and he or she exhibits him how ordinary it particularly is to "pretend it." What particularly places it over the superb suited is while the older female watching tells the waitress, "i'm going to have what she's having!" OMG! i'm able to easily snicker till at last I cry everytime I see that! There are way too many unhappy and/or violent video clips to extra wholesome me. video clips are meant to be relaxing! For the checklist, in all probability the saddest ever grew to become into previous Yeller. I in basic terms blubbered like an fool over that one! this is a 2-tissue-container movie, a minimum of!
2016-09-30 09:37:19
answer #4
answered by gloyd 3
Yes, that Casino scene was very disturbing.
2 scenes that give me chills every time...2 that stick out in my mind anyway.
From the end of Rudy when they let him in the final game, he made the sack and they carried him off the field. Then you read that they've never done that to anyone since.
The end of Blackhawk Down: "Hoot": When I get home people 'll ask me, "Hey Hoot, why do you do it man? Why? You some war junkie?" You know what I'll say? I won't say a god*amn word. Why? They won't understand. They won't understand why we do it. They won't understand that it's about the men next to you, and that's it. That's all it is.
If you've served, that really hits home.
2007-03-08 04:25:36
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
The first time I saw My Girl, I cried during the funeral scene when Vada is talking to Thomas J.'s corpse. I was 11. The kids were 11 in the movie. Very sad.
2007-03-08 16:24:05
answer #6
answered by LF_Family 2
I love the coat hanger gag in the first Indiana Jones movie. The lead female has been captured by the Nazis, and tries to escape from their tent, where she bumps into the Asian guy. He starts to pull this strange wooden item out of his coat pocket, and menacingly starts folding it into something. You see that and think it's some kind of weapon, but then he folds it into a coat hanger, takes off his coat, and hangs it on a bar.
It's stuff like that which makes you remember that sometimes, when we're worried, the most simple or insignifacant thing can seem horrible, because we imagine something with stress or fear vision.
2007-03-08 05:38:46
answer #7
answered by Maxie D 4
for me it was a joe pesci movie too. It was goodfellas and the scene where heas was about to get made and instead he was shot in the back of the head.
2007-03-08 04:16:12
answer #8
answered by Alfredo T 2
Well.... I am basically not the romantic type, in fact romance is the last thing that interests me but after watching "The Notebook" , esp. the scene within the first half-hour of the movie where Ryan Gosling & the girl walk on the road at night.... It made feel kinda romantic.... stupid but I just could not help it.
Another one was from "Traffic", where Benicio del Toro felt helpless after his friend dies...knowing that he coulda stopped it from happening...Those kinda situations actually leave me thinking.
2007-03-08 04:25:42
answer #9
answered by skepty 3
In The Professional, when you think the little brother might live, but all of the sudden they realize he is hiding and kill him. That always gets me. In the beginning of The Last Samuri when they kill all the innocent native americans including the babies. That almost makes me physically ill.
2007-03-08 07:34:42
answer #10
answered by stephanie c 3