Because those darn birds land in the fields and eat all the crops on their way to the south. And they poop in ponds and kill all the fish.
Migration is a big problem.
2007-03-08 03:59:42
answer #1
answered by Bush Invented the Google 6
A country's infrastructure can only support so many people. The planning for Towns and City's are based on projected numbers births and deaths. If unlimited migration is allowed all these numbers become meaningless,leaving third rate service's for all.
2007-03-08 04:56:38
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Because the same situation that happened in Kosovo with the Albanians pushing the indigenous Serbians out would repeat itself throughout America and Great Britain. This is a very serious problem for the future.
2007-03-08 04:08:17
answer #3
answered by katrinasfather 3
in order to protect the supply of talent in the land which they come from.
in order to protect wages and jobs in the land they are going to.
to protect people from both lands from unscrupuless usury by
men of greed.
to protect from phsycological warfare in immigrants the vote in order to keep britain dominated by europe, so the anti european vote can be defeated. in this way they can be used as a foreign army against the free british.
to protect us from being forced into race hatred because too many have been brought in, which re creates the same situation the germans had before the war, could force the british to act like they did.
2007-03-08 04:54:29
answer #4
answered by trucker 5
Migration to other countries by intelligent and qualified results in brain drain and is a national loss.As far inward migration,inward flow of migrants results in drain of local resorces and unemployment.
2007-03-08 15:20:34
answer #5
answered by leowin1948 7
Migration brings birds over the border illegally.
Illegal immigration is important because:
-65% of california prison inmates are illegal aliens
-Illegal aliens commit identity theft to work
-Illegals drain our welfare and other programs
2007-03-08 04:02:32
answer #6
answered by infobrokernate 6
Because if there were no controls, the entire third world would come here as financial refugees.
They would sign on and get full NHS and educational benefits.
The country would go bust and anarchy would result.
2007-03-08 04:03:33
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
read the book Flood Tide by Clive Cussler
2007-03-08 04:08:24
answer #8
answered by stefy_smiles 1
we don't want the bird flu mutating and causing a pendemic because the yanks would blame Iran for starting a biological war on the west and nuke the whole middle east...which we think they want to do anyway.
2007-03-08 04:15:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
because of disease, such as the bird flu
2007-03-12 03:48:39
answer #10
answered by Anonymous