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I called at 9:30 this morning to ask if an allergy and asthma med is ok to take. I got a blood test done yesturday to see if I was pregnant. I was not calling to get the results back. I am one week late and have had eight positive at home preg test and zero neg, and I have already gone up from a d cup to an f cup bra size. Yeah I know huge already. So I know that I am. The girl who answered the phone got annoyed with me maybe she thought I was calling for the result and did not want to find out about the meds. I am feeling horriable. So she finally took my number down after I asked if there a list of ok meds to take just in case I am. I don't think I can wait till 3:30 until the results are in.A nurse called me back ten min ago and was like what are your symptoms and I told her allergy and asthma. I explained that I stopped taking my asthma med a month ago when I had started taking the Clomid, and I told her I had bad sneezing and itchy eyes.She has to talk to the OB. I feel embaressed

2007-03-08 03:44:53 · 33 answers · asked by jess 2 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

33 answers

You are being a good mother! period!
I never call the doctor about myself (unless something is bleeding or about to fall off!).. but now that I'm pregnant ... every little bump, ache, cramp .. twitch .. I'm calling the doctor! I basically have them on speed-dial!
That is what your doctor is there for! Don't ever feel embarrassed for calling him! you are being a good mother and that is the most important thing in the world! :)

better safe than sorry .. your baby will thank you :)

good luck! God bless!

2007-03-08 03:52:26 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Don't let some teenager on the phone make you feel bad! The wrong Allergy and Asthma meds while pregnant can be bad for the baby! You're dealing with the nurse anyway and taking calls and answering questions is part of her job. Forget the girl at the front desk, she's not the one pregnant right now! The girl at the front at my OB/GYN's also needs some people-skills....I always feel like I'm inconveniencing her when I call for an appointment! Let's just say "forget them" together shall we? LOL!

2007-03-08 04:14:17 · answer #2 · answered by emrobs 5 · 0 0

It's a perfectly natural question and it's perfectly okay to ask a professional if the medication you are thinking about taking is safe to take when you are pregnant. Sometimes the nurses at the hospitals and clinics are so busy that they need to call you back and alot of times the person that answers the phone will not have all the answers for you so they can only do so much. Good luck.

2007-03-08 03:54:21 · answer #3 · answered by John Q 1 · 0 0

You have no reason to feel embarrassed, this is the life of your unborn child you are worrying about. The only one who should be embarrassed is the nurse who made you feel uncomfortable for asking. Believe me chick you are pregnant, 8 tests don't lie and goodness gracious that's a large cup increase so early. Wanting to ensure the health of your unborn baby is nothing to take lightly especially considering this trimester is by far the most dangerous one with the rates of miscarriage being so high. Don't feel upset for calling it's their JOB, and if you feel uncomfortable with your doctor or their staff let them know, you may need to find an office with better bedside manner as in the next 9 months you will be seeing them often. Congratulations, Good Luck, and God Bless!

2007-03-08 03:51:22 · answer #4 · answered by tylw85 4 · 0 0

Do not feel embarassed! You are asking about medicine that you need and how it will affect your unborn child. Who cares what they think??? I would call again and tell them you are pregnant (you clearly are since you took 8 tests) and that you NEED to take your allergy and asthma medication and must know what is safe for the baby...asthma is not something to take lightly. Call until you get an answer!

If they are repeatedly rude then find another doctor!! They should not get annoyed with you for asking such an important question.

2007-03-08 03:50:08 · answer #5 · answered by LittleRoo 4 · 1 0

Ok I am confused by your question (which isn't strange for me, particularly before I have coffee).

Anyway I think you are asking if certain medications are safe to take during pregnancy. And from your question I think it is best to assume that you are pregnant (in fact I am sure that you are)

Your first resource should always be your pharmacist, even for non-prescription drugs, they *tend to* know more than most doctors. Afterall drugs are all they do and they go through years of training.

Another excellent resource is Motherisk.org all they do is study and compile information related to the safety of pregnant and nursing mothers. If you dial a 10-10 number it will cost less than $2

Motherisk's Home Line - (416) 813-6780 - for information about the risk or safety of prescription and over-the-counter drugs, herbal products, chemicals, x-rays, chronic disease and infections during pregnancy. [This is a toll call to our call centre. Callers may have to wait up to 10 minutes to speak to a counsellor.]

Another resource is this list, which is actually for nursing mothers but it lists the pregnancy risk categories again. Now this is a very short list so don't assume it includes everything:

Loratadine (Claritin) is the safest antihistamine listed for pregnancy.

Take care, and congrats ;)

2007-03-08 03:51:59 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

First of all don't feel stupid or embarassed for calling your doctor about a medication if you might be pregnant. Their job is to answer your medical questions and doubley so if you are pregnant. Poo on them for acting like that.

I'm also surprised at how long it's taking for the doctor to get your pregancy test results back. I found out about my last pregnancy because I went to my doctor thinking I had the flu. I just mentioned as a side note to the nurse that my period was late. The nurse had me pee in a cup for a preganacy test even before talking to the doctor. 5 mintues later my doctor comes into the exam room humming and singing and show me a lab report that had the word "positive" next to pregnancy.

If you are weeks late on your period I'd call your OB/GYN right away to get started on your prenatal care and then I would look into changing your primary care doctor he/she sounds like a real jerk.

When it comes to pregnancy there is absolutely no such thing as a stupid question.
To put your mind at ease about anything you might have done or taken here's one more story. About a week before I found out I was I went for my first motorcycle ride and got drunk at a party. I then found out I was pregnant. I felt so guilty and worried for most of my pregnancy. But last April I gave birth to a health baby boy. All my stupid decisions from before I found out I was pregnant didn't hurt him a bit.

Congratulation and good luck on you little one.

BTW I don't drink anymore at all. I completely lost my taste for the stuff.

2007-03-08 04:08:18 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


They make TONS and TONS of money and that is what they are there for.

I called my doctor constantly when I was pregnant...YOU"RE ALLOWED!!

Now it's the pediatricians turn...lol

And those crabby bats behind the counter at the doctors office always have an attitude...don't worry about them...if you are pregnant and it sounds like you are...they better watch out cause they're playing with fire...one day, when your hormones are all crazy and raging...there's a very good chance that you'll rip one of their heads off if they give you too much attitude, espcially when all you're doing is looking out for your baby (which is absolutely within your rights!)

Every pregnant woman I have ever known has hauled off on someone at least once during the course of her pregnancy...

No worries mamma...ring their phones off the hook if you have to ...whatever it takes to keep you and baby healthy!

Oh ya...and Congratulations!!

2007-03-08 03:52:24 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Don't feel stupid at all!!! Some drugs are really dangerous to take during pregnancy and I'm like you, I'd rather be safe than sorry! If they keep giving you an attitude, I might even consider changing OB's. If this one isn't going to be helpful, I'd find one who was. I had a bad head cold and waited for a week till my next appt to be certain what I could take.

2007-03-08 03:51:26 · answer #9 · answered by Kat 3 · 0 0

Dont Feel Stupid Its Your Body You Have The Right To Ask As Many Questions As You Like

2007-03-08 03:48:33 · answer #10 · answered by ♥Lin 6 · 0 0

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