Some people will never feel "safe enough."
You can tap their phones, monitor their email, subpoena their library lending records, and give them a bomb shelter with an RPG and unlimited ammo.
They'll still look for terrorists under their bunk.
They'd sell their soul for a false sense of freedom.
2007-03-10 12:57:22
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Again, it depends on the people. For people who prefer socialism and big government, safety is a more important. For people who prefer to live in a country like the USA and believe in the Republic and what it stands for, freedom is more important.
2007-03-08 03:52:03
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
If by freedom you mean the little inconveniences that go along with security, like taking off your shoes at the airport, than I say safety is more important.
To have freedom today, you must have safety and security, even if it means a little delay, added costs, searches and seizures, etc.
2007-03-08 03:50:51
answer #3
answered by briang731/ bvincent 6
Depends how many policemen are sitting on you and punching the living daylight out of you which case if your'e 5' 6" safety is more important than freedom.
2007-03-08 03:50:18
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
There has ALWAYS been a compromise between the two.
depends on the level of freedom which is being taken away, and the level of safety it will help to enforce.
2007-03-08 03:49:07
answer #5
answered by SeabourneFerriesLtd 7
Safety isn't even slightly more important than freedom. There is nothing more important than freedom, not even life.
2007-03-08 03:58:57
answer #6
answered by Bush Invented the Google 6
Ask another question, how safe are you without freedom.
Being safe without freedom is only safe as long as you go along with the 'safe keepers', and when they get out of hand, and they all do eventually, then they will attempt to crush you.
The fear propaganda in the West towards the East is to distract our attention away from the facts, and by filling us with fear, we hand over freedoms t the 'apparent hero', only to discover later that it was all a ruse to take power.
2007-03-09 04:00:38
answer #7
answered by manforallseasons 4
Of course not. But prudent use of law enforcement against foreign threats should be no impediment on freedom. Do foreign terrorists have the freedom to kill those they disagree with in our country? Is there such a thing as TOTAL freedom? Do you have the right to kill, steal, or rape? No.
2007-03-08 03:49:05
answer #8
answered by Eric K 5
Wow, all these posts and not one lefty has thrown up the Ben Franklin canard. I'm amazed.
My answer is the two have to be balanced. Safety and security is good until it starts infringing on the unalienable rights.
Things like calling terrorist supporters on your cell-phone do not fall in that category.
2007-03-08 03:53:06
answer #9
answered by thegubmint 7
yes , because if u dont have safety u wont have freedom u will be afraid to go out someone racist u or kill u or rape u .....but if u have safety u can build ur freedom
2007-03-08 03:57:27
answer #10
answered by Anonymous