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Serbian President Boris Tadic said that whilst it is against indepence there is nothing he can do to stop it http://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics-article.php?yyyy=2007&mm=03&dd=03&nav_category=90&nav_id=39936

I agree I think that it is stupid to stop it when nearly 90% of the population are in favour of indepence.
And the best way to ensure human rights for Serbs there is to negotiate with the Albanians and sign the Artishari plan

What do you think should happen to Kosovo. Should Serbs (from outside Kosovo have a say)

2007-03-08 03:18:14 · 15 answers · asked by Kraljica Katica 7 in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

I don't know why becasuse I'm Muslim you think I Albanian?

I just believe that the people living in a region should have the right to choose for themselves how they are governed.

Nobody is complaining..that Serbians didn't get a vote on Montinegrin indepence?

I understand that this is a sensitive topic and maybe my question was a little blunt. I was against the nato bombing..but two wrongs don't make a right and I really can't see how forcing Kosovo to stay Serbian would be productive. We should be doing MORE to protect minority rights in Kosovo, and work with the policians there to ensure they do.

Thank you everybody for answering..I will leave this question open for a few more days to get more opinions before choosing best answer

2007-03-12 06:41:03 · update #1

15 answers

My fellow compatriot OOZZ has gone into depth and explained basically the Albanian view on the matter and the truth.

I hate to answer a question with a question but why should citizens of Serbia proper have a say in Kosovo's future?

UPDATED-Read the post below mine from Jelena. I too have saw your profile and determined that you are either Bosniak or some kind of Slav-speaking Muslims(there is a great number of them around the Sanjak area or Novi Pazar) and from your posts you portray yourself as a liberal with views of a multi-ethnic state judging by your previous questions and you probably truly believe that the NEW YUGOSLAVIA can survive and respect the rights of all it's minorities. But you are mistaken my dear do you see how they feel about your kind? Just read Jelena's post. Orthodox fanatism does not respect other religions. it was this mentality that caused mayhem in Bosnia and other republics. In Bosnia no1 would have ever imagined that the carnage would take place but it did. 10% were mixed Serbia and muslims and you had a lot of mixed marriages but they managed to slaughter the weaker group because it is in their nature to do that. This is why we will fight to death and never be ruled by Serbia! Hope this opens yours eyes on things.

2007-03-11 17:52:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 5

Seeing as the Albanians have basically taken over Kosovo , which was inherently mostly occupied by Serbians i see no reason why the Serbs should not have a say. I am British and i feel there is a great deal about this matter that has been ignored , for instance this area does not belong to the Albanians , the governments of the peace makers have made a great error in allowing the Albanians to occupy this territory by force, indeed are they not trying to do the same in Macedonia??
My heart goes out to the Serbs who have been displaced and little wonder they wish to protect and feel unable to sign the Artishari plan. The reasons for the war in the first place was Albanian incursion , theft of children , land , property etc.
Compare this situation with possible scenarios in the future, just because they now occupy 90% of the land does not entitle them to independance , under those conditions who will be next under Albanian rule. ? It is NOT stupid to stop it infact it is only right that it be stopped. Hitler had 90% of Europe , was that right ?

2007-03-08 03:54:01 · answer #2 · answered by katrinasfather 3 · 2 2

Well, of course that most of the people who live in kosovo now want independence. The Serbs had to leave and the Albanians stayed, so go figure.

Aside from Bosnia, this would be second Islamic country in Europe. What do you think about that?

Further, imagine if Mexicans in California or Texas or Muslims in Leeds asked for independence? Would people support it? I highly doubt it.

So my answer is that no one BUT Serbs should have a say in the matter.

2007-03-09 04:46:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

I think that you finally showed your real face. The www you have given; Tadic does not say such thing.

“Unfortunately, there is no doubt the final decision on Kosovo’s future status does not lie with Serbia and its institutions. The issue has been internationalized all the way to the UN Security Council level, and that is something every citizen must be aware of,”

What he is saying is that the forces which occupied Serbian territory of Kosovo, are overpowering international standards through political pressure, and that Serbs should prepare to expect the worste.

You use the word "stupid". You use it as if you are stupid. But, we know you are not stupid. You are just frenzy in the rush of your biasness over the issue. I do not blame you for supporting your people politically, but the way you are doing it is very low.

You say that a sovereign territory can be detached just by demographic explosion and terror over the factual minority. The problem with your perception is that we are not in the 10th century. In the meantime, certain international norms have been established, which tend to conserve peaceful ways of dealing political issues - not just brute force conquering territories and stabbing own flag. Of course, with the money coming from drugs and prostitution into lobbies in the west, you desire to see things from a different angle, but there is counterweigh on NATO in high playgrounds. In the actual constelation of international powers, the only thing that stops Kosovo from gaining independence is a piece of paper Serbs have to sign. Your problem is that we are a little above Milosevic today, and the political inquisition and satanization over Serbs is not trendy as it used to be. What happened? Not enough money?

You think we do not notice that you discard what the Serbs in Kosovo have to say. For you, they don't exist. You burried them already, as much as you burried the idea that the only solution that could satisfy both sides would be the Serb part of Kosovo to remain in Serbia, and you could go spa in the 15 tons of Depleted Uranium you threw your people into.

It is fact that the biggest mistake the Albanian side has made was not to have given protection and human rights to the handful of Serbs and other minorities that remain in Kosovo, back some years ago. Instead, the Serbs have been under constant terror. Now, you can't cover your real intentions with political smiley faces. Serbs fear for their lives there every single day, and you are paying the price of political stupidity.

How come you didn't advice your people back then to handle the Serbs are reliques? Your people, who run on heroine, prostitution and families in USA, are just too primitive to have sit down and thought about that. You would have had already one more country...


*I don't know why becasuse I'm Muslim you think I Albanian?

Allow us to be emotional and rhetorical, please. We are very hurt by the way everybody has been treating us the last fifteen years. We have suffered alot and are still suffering the consequences of being satanized by the manipulation of media, under total sanctions, inner tyranny, war, destruction, ignorance, political injustice, social and economic degradation of values, depleted uranium and the babies born with problems, bananization of our country, the fact that ordinary people can't travel to europe without visa... We are not political experts here and our strive for our side of truth to be heard is not perfect. Thus we too use labels and stereotypes, we too fall into tantrums, we too are affected by hatred and desire for vengance...

*I just believe that the people living in a region should have the right to choose for themselves how they are governed.

Yea, that is why there are numerous political models of coexistence in an existing constelation which guarantees no escalation of political tension into war. Extended authonomy for Albanians in Kosovo is perfect enough for the warp toward Europe. Albanians are offered the highest authonomy possible, with all European standards. No, they have sensed NATO behind them, and want independence with even the territory where Serbs live under their control. How bully.

*Nobody is complaining..that Serbians didn't get a vote on Montinegrin indepence?

Why should have we voted? Serbia and Montenegro was a loose confederation. The Montenegrins had the right to selfdeterminate. If you remember, neither the Macedonians had trouble with obtaining own country...

*I understand that this is a sensitive topic and maybe my question was a little blunt. I was against the nato bombing..but two wrongs don't make a right and I really can't see how forcing Kosovo to stay Serbian would be productive. We should be doing MORE to protect minority rights in Kosovo, and work with the policians there to ensure they do.

Proven impossible. The Serbs have suffered so much ever since NATO came. As I told you, Albanians did have a chance to show the world that they care for factual minorities, but they didn't give a dime... What else should happen for you to realize that the Albanians simply are not (what word shall I use now... hmm) "institutionally developed and socially mature" (democracy in Kosovo would be like communism in Mongolia, lol) to ensure that the Serbs in Kosovo would not undergo continual genocide to the last man standing.

2007-03-12 00:09:25 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

and the very soul of the Serbian people!

if you want to know the truth and historical and political facts about Kosovo check out this website. Serbia should not give up on Kosovo but Serbian politicians are not doing enough on saving it.

2007-03-12 10:26:43 · answer #5 · answered by mali_uzas 1 · 2 1

No they gained't replace into part of Albania. It replace into in certainty the argument of Serbs to frighten worldwide places around Albania so they does no longer comprehend Kosovo's independence. they're same people, yet Albanians of Albania do no longer in certainty like the assumption to unite with Kosovo, so it rather isn't actual. Kosovo has consistently been an Albanian land on situation that 3000 years interior the previous. The Serbs have been given right here down from the Caucasus area in certainty on the seventh century A.D. They spreaded to the south, in process the Balkans invading the Albanian lands. as nicely the undeniable certainty that Kosovo replace into consistently populated by skill of making use of Albanians. in certainty by skill of making use of ethnic cleansing the Serbs controlled to pass to Kosovo and function small settlements there (they make up in certainty 5-6% of the inhabitants in Kosovo) Kosovo has been under the Ottoman empire in basic terms as all diverse Balcan worldwide places have been, Serbs lined. till now the initiating up of WWI, in 1913, Balkans in basic terms have been given right here out of the Balcanic wars that have been performed with the intention to reshape the obstacles of Balcans after the autumn of the Ottoman Empire. the massive powers unjustly gave for the 1st time Kosovo to Serbia as a political deal (Serbia had the help of Russia as they're the two slavic worldwide places) in spite of the upraising of the Albanians aginst this unjust branch of the Albanian lands. historic documents left on my own, in case you like, the recent certainty shown that Serbs denigrated and governed Kosovo with shovinism and terror. diverse ethnic cleansing happened ever on situation that Kosovo has been under Serbia. a lot of people killed, Albanian lady raped with the intention to regulate the ethnic composition of the inhabitants in Kosovo. a plenty uglier and barbar type of Apartheid happened there. in case you be attentive to extra or less South Africa Apartheid... The indipendence of Kosovo is a merited answer, an unjust theft that Europe had in its ethical journey for the main suitable ninety years. And Albanians have celebrated it the day till now interior the popular-day with tears of excitement. finally, freedom...!

2016-11-23 15:18:32 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

The rule of self-determination is sticky. The UK went through it with Ireland. After WW I Europe went through a redrawing of borders, supposedly based on the votes of the people living in the affected areas, but actually more based on revenge. The German-speaking areas desire to be part of Germany was ignored to punish Germany, thus setting the stage for WW II. Large groups of Hungarians were ignored when redrawing borders. The peoples of the former Ottoman Empire were simply assigned to various mandated nations and their wishes were ignored by Europe, thus setting the stage for the pesent wars there. The Vietnamese voted with their feet and fled the Communist north, but they lost the war to be seperate. The Confederate States of America voted to be seperate, but lost the war. Kashmir is divided because the people are of two religions.

Ideally, the populations of every area should be able to decide by their own choice whether they will be part of a larger nation or independent. That means that everyone in Kosovo votes and that the border should be drawn according to the majority of votes in contigous areas. Serbia has no voice in it.

2007-03-09 17:12:37 · answer #7 · answered by Taganan 3 · 2 3

from a veteran of kosovos point of view no the only serbians who should vote are kosovan serbias plain and simple having spent 6 months out there after the serbian withdrawal i can honestly tell you it took quite a while to understand why serbian so called soldiers tortured children and women who were innocent all because they were a different race pathetic cowards and id quite happily say that to their faces because they only pick on or retaliate against women and children

2007-03-08 03:35:22 · answer #8 · answered by francis f 3 · 3 3

And what is this, albanian section, and who are you to ask about this? I saw your profile, guess Allah that you mention there inspired you to make Albanian propaganda here. LOL!
Fact that they usurped serbian territory and that they forced all Serbs that lived there out of Kosovo is not so much important?

2007-03-11 21:51:25 · answer #9 · answered by Jelena L. 4 · 4 3

Can you imagine Chinese people to ask and demand their own country in USA?
Can you imagine Pakistani people to ask and demand their own country in UK?

Kosovo was and is part of Serbia.All Serbian history and religion has roots in Kosovo.

What is Serbian has to stay in Serbia.

Serbs MUST have a say in the matter.

2007-03-10 04:30:43 · answer #10 · answered by vivet 7 · 3 3

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