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I thought about finally asking my lady of 10 years to marry me.. only one problem. My mother does NOT approve of her at all. I am 34 and live at home with my mom. My mom has always been supportive but told me if I ever married her, she would kick me out of her house. Basically I love my mom and need a place to stay so my girlfriend of 10 years has to go... mom knows best right?

Well I broke the news to my girlfriend and she's not taking it well at all, constantly crying and paranoid. Why is she acting like a big baby? Can't she find someone else?
Isn't long overdue she gets the boot to the street?

Sorry, gotta listen to my mom. Thats how it works, hope she understands.

2007-03-08 02:51:02 · 20 answers · asked by andrew a 1 in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

20 answers

Your just an @ss actually. Hope your mom gives good oral!

2007-03-08 02:54:29 · answer #1 · answered by Devdude 5 · 2 0

What are you doing? You are so a mama's boy! If you've been with this girl for 10 years without your mom's approval, why break it off now, especially when you want to take it to the next step of marriage. What guy is still living at home at age 34??? There may be some exceptions, but for the most part that's a major red flag for women.

If I were you I would have blown off my mom. Sure you need a place to stay, but if you really, truly love this woman, she would have taken you in, helped you try to get a place of your own, etc.

If I was that woman, I would be so glad to be rid of you at this point. I don't think she will understand, chosing your mom over your girlfriend after 10 years. If it had only been a year or two, I might say okay, your mom has reasons and they might be good ones, but you've stuck with the woman this long.

Anyway, the way you are acting, I hope this comes back to haunt you for years!!!!

2007-03-08 03:01:36 · answer #2 · answered by tinaroonie 2 · 0 0

First of all youre 34 at home with your mom then the woman u wanted to marry got booted because your mom knows best and u need somewhere to stay so i guess she would have moved in with your mom too i say she should have left u alone about 10 years ago when she found out u cant stand on your own two and that u still was home with mom

2007-03-08 03:01:28 · answer #3 · answered by Dee Dee 2 · 0 0

is this guy serious??? Grow up loser your 34!!!!!! Seriously are you really that stupid. No mom does not always know best. You probably lost the only girl who would actually be with you, but you let her go because mom said so. I hope she meets a really rich good looking guy and has an amazingly happy life while you turn in to an old bitter man living at his mom's house until the day you die you sad sad person.

2007-03-08 03:03:51 · answer #4 · answered by Rick 3 · 0 0

ok first of all at 34 yrs old you need to be living on your own, you have been with this girl 10 yrs and you expect her to just be ok after telling her " hey i wanna marry you but my mom said she would kick me out, so i guess we can just break up" and Hello if you married this girl i would hope you would have your own place and not living with your mom, really i don't know why the girl would waste 10 yrs of her life with a loser who can't get his own place, and just now considering marriage after 10 yrs? When she is done being upset i hope she finds a real man!

2007-03-08 03:00:31 · answer #5 · answered by Ms.DaSilva 3 · 1 0

Um...I think you & your mother need therapy. I don't blame the girl for being upset after WASTING 10 years on you. THAT'S 10 YEARS of her life down the drain...I would be livid too. The girl will be fine as soon as she realizes that you are...well...basically, an a$$. You are 34, live at home with a mom who refuses to accept that you are a man who deserves to have a life & family of his own, and you refuse to stop being mama's lil boy. GET THERAPY!!!

2007-03-08 03:15:45 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

look i use to be you a mama boy and man if i where you get out of the house married the girl of your dream and move on i did and thinks to my wife I'm so much more happier then when i live with my mom. oo and my mom did not like the girl i married ether but now they are friends . one more thing your mom need to let you go your 34.

2007-03-08 03:01:17 · answer #7 · answered by celticdragon 6 · 1 0

Your moms just pissed becuase shes going to lose her baby boy, helo yuo have been living with your mom, she's terrified that she won't have you by her side anymore.

Your could be losing your soulmate because your mom is selfish. Your mom won't be around forever you know. When your mom is gone and your sitting at home alone in her house without the girl you wanted to marry because your mom "didn't like her" your going go be having the biggest pitty party, and that girl? she's going to be long gone and will have moved on to someone else and be very happy

2007-03-08 02:56:16 · answer #8 · answered by tropicalg77 2 · 1 0

All i have to say is grow freaking up !!!!!!!!! u are gonna just end things with ur girl of 10 years just cuz mommy said so. u are honestly pathetic.... if u agree with ur mom that she is not rite for u well that is another thing but if u were willinmg to marry her that means u liked her so why just give everyhting up for mommy. are u a man or are u a litle boy.... make ur own choices and fight for what u want. And she is in her total right to be like that she was with u for 10 years and for what ? for u to just kick her out of ur life cuz mommy doesnt approve... u are honestly and ***......

2007-03-08 03:08:38 · answer #9 · answered by Blondie 2 · 0 0

Your Mother has her own life to attend with... Youve got a life to attend with also. You're not a mechanical object which can easily be controlled by someone ( e.g. Mom ). You must decide for yourself man, you're already 34... Loving your mom doesnt really mean that you have to follow all her decisions.

-Are you afraid of your mother?...

2007-03-08 03:06:01 · answer #10 · answered by Lrak D 1 · 0 0

Sounds like she is better off without you. A 34 year old man who lives at home and worships his mom is not that great a catch anyway. No woman finds a mommy's boy sexy.

2007-03-08 02:57:44 · answer #11 · answered by navy wife 1996 3 · 2 0

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