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5-10-20-25 lbs?
No, it's not a medical condition
No, it's not from giving birth
( It's food, plain and simple)
No, I'm not fat.

How can I help her get past the denial that she overeats?

2007-03-08 02:27:19 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

17 answers

hey i am a big believer in i want you how i met you of course someone might gain a few pounds but twenty and thirty that's to dam much I'm sexxy now was sexxy when my bf met me and i stay that way i still where sexxy stuff around the house if you were to gain alot of weight she would have a fit i think you should get her a card and write what you wanna say so you dont mess up be aware of your wording

2007-03-08 02:33:41 · answer #1 · answered by dianashay 2 · 1 0

If you are eating the same things she is,you can't sa that's enough.If you do eat the same things and you really want to help her,you have to change the way you eat as well.Be bold enough to throw out fatty foods and replace then with healthy foods.Like,white bread,starchy food,soda,(all kinds),Bologna,sweets,candy,ice cream,oils,cookies,pork,beef,juices with sugar in it,sweet cereal,replace with whole grain,eat more fruits and vegetables,drink lots and lot of water,try and get her to go for a walk with you.At least three times a week.As far as the denial,you can mention it to her but it will be up to her to except the fact that she is eating to much.Along with these things,take the time to read Lady Hewitts comments.

2007-03-08 19:03:01 · answer #2 · answered by Willnotlietoyou 5 · 0 0

It's not a question of when to say enough it is how you make the statement and that you do it in a way that it totally non offense to her self-esteem or her ego. It is also helpful to offer setting up a workout schedule you and her might achieve together. Give these options a try and this might strengthen the commitment and bond between the two ofyou.

2007-03-08 10:36:02 · answer #3 · answered by kendrick j 1 · 0 0

Just love her where she is at and let it go for now. Offer to go on walks with her and to exercies with her at home or at a gym. Offer to pay for her to go on the South Beach diet and maybe you can go on the diet with her. Why does she feel she needs to eat so much? What is happening or has happened in her life to make her turn to food for comfort? I also recomment you go to http://www.drphil.com and email him for help in this matter. He may know of some ways to help and encourage your wife to start losing some weight and he will not be harsh and critical about it. Does obesity run in her family at all? It counel be genetic as well. Hope this helps some. Also try not to have fattening foods around the house so much. Try buying healthier foods like salads, fruits and things like that and cooking with less fat and both of you will benefit from eating healthier and learning how to do so together. Instead of having popcorn and candy for snacks try having carrot sticks and grapes for snacks. Still very tasty BUT very healthy and way less fattening. Instead of soda or sweet drinks. Try drinking low fat milk or v8 juice or even water or flavored water. Iced tea is good too and even orange juice. Changing eating habits and buying different kinds of food for the house can change alot of things in your home. Why dont the both of you go see a nutritionist together and be kind to your wife and do not ever be harsh or critical. Kindess and loving and accepting them where they are at makes a BIG difference in life and in a marriage trust me!

2007-03-08 10:51:27 · answer #4 · answered by Lady Hewitt 6 · 0 0

You cannot say, "honey your to fat" thats just going to add to her emotional problems causing the weight gain.
Try changing your own lifestyle, less eating out, less fastfood. Openly notice your portions. I know your not fat, you say that. But you need to make her bad eating habits stick out and she'll change. If you eat a salad after dinner and she eats ice cream, she may notice she is wrong. How about romantic walks? Spend more time together doing physical activities, she'll feel good about our relationship and your her personal trainer.
Your effort could save your marriage.

2007-03-08 10:42:16 · answer #5 · answered by handy G 1 · 0 0

It might be best not to say anything at all. That will just upset her and possibly cause her to eat more. Usually weight gains stem from other issues. Stress at work ? Family problems? Boredom? How about offering to exercise with her... something as simple as taking a short walk.

2007-03-08 10:34:30 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

first of all its NOT you who needs to say ENOUGH! if you feel shes gaining at an unhealthy pace then start by buying healthier food at home..(if you live together) or when going to dinner with her don't hit the fast food joints. ENCOURAGE her to maybe start a workout program with YOU get a membership with her...........if she even thinks that your being critical I PROMISE YOU she will keep putting on the weight... I am telling you this from my own life.... be supportive talk to her... find out whats going on with her in her head maybe shes eating to comfort herself.. if you love her or even care about her try some of this good luck........ OH AND ANY WEIGHT SHE PUTS ON DOES NOT CHANGE WHO SHE IS THE PERSON INSIDE!!!!!

2007-03-08 10:37:31 · answer #7 · answered by hottttmomma4 2 · 0 1

Well first off. Maybe she is feeling deep emotions. Has anything significant happened in her life? Is your relationship the same?
Maybe you should try sitting down and talking with her. But don't be overly blunt, whatever you do. That will worsen the problem. Simply tell her you are noticing some changes in her eating problems and that you are concerned for her health, ask if there is anything wrong or anything that you could do to help her.

2007-03-08 10:31:47 · answer #8 · answered by semiphez1 3 · 2 1

Just let her know that what she is eating and how much she is eating is unhealthy for her. Just tell her that you are concerned for her health and you don't want anything happening to her. Let her know that you will help her make better choices.

If that doesn't work you could tell her that you are interested in getting a gym membership to become healthier and ask her if she wants to come with you.

2007-03-08 10:36:41 · answer #9 · answered by stefanie100786 2 · 0 0

Talk to her. Plain and simple. It'll be harsh for her to hear but sometimes we do have to be harsh with people. But be there for her when she does start dieting, as it were. Cook her nice healthy meals and enjoy them together. And replace her need to eat by taking her mind off food (if you get my drift). Plan long romantic evenings, go for runs together...whatever works for you.

2007-03-08 10:32:00 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

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